Donald Wright
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Associate Professor Emeritus of the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Professor Wright is experienced in the application of artificial intelligence methods for the analysis of failed mechanical elements. After completion of two demonstration systems (FAXS I and FAXS II), a full-scale system (FALCON) has been implemented. The expert system produces as a final product a technical report which includes a diagnosis of both the mechanism of the fracture and the cause of failure. Categorization with Bayesian probabilities has proven more efficient than the commonly employed production rule approach. Additionally, the report includes a list of past case studies most similar to the current study.
A number of extensions to FALCON are now anticipated. The ability of the system to compare and to quantify the similarity between case studies has led us to believe that a method of learning without direct contact with experts is feasible. Further, adding the task of recommending design changes will require significant program development. In brief, the research brings together the disciplines of materials science, mechanical design and artificial intelligence.
- B.S.M.E. Clarkson University, 1960
- M.S.M.E. Duke University, 1962
- Ph.D. Purdue University, 1968
- Associate Professor Emeritus of the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Morrill JP, Wright D. A model of categorization for use in automated failure analysis. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME. 1988 Jan 1;110(4):559–63.
- Morrill JP, Wright D. A knowledge-based program for diagnosing metallurgical failures. Computers and Structures. 1986 Jan 1;24(2):305–11.
- Hebrank J, Wright D. The effect of stimulus intensity upon the localization of sound sources on the median plane. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 1975 Feb 22;38(4):498–500.
- Wright, D, White, P K, Jr. Control concepts for pneumatic-tube vehicles. Trans ASME, G, J Dyn Syst Meas Control (USA). 1974;96(2):229–35.
- Hebrank JH, MacDuff JN, Wright D. Improvements to a small free-field listening room. J Sound Vib (UK). 1974;35(1):139–42.
- Hebrank J, Wright D. Spectral cues used in the location of sound sources on the median plane. J Acoust Soc Am (USA). 1974;5(6):1829–34.