Teh Yu Tan
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Professor Tan is conducting fundamental research in materials science and processes related to electronic materials. He and his colleagues have originated the study of the subject of intrinsic gettering which is now widely used to improve yield in integrated circuit fabrications using Czochralski silicon. Primarily because of this work, the semiconductor industry granted him the SEMMY Award in the materials category in 1987. SEMMY is one of the highest awards the industry gives.
He has also studied the basic aspects of the following topics in silicon: precipitation, kinetic process of defect evolution, impurity diffusion mechanisms and point defects. These studies have led to greater understanding of the structure and properties of defects in silicon. Since 1986, his research interests have also included III-V compound semiconducting materials. He is a recipient of the 1994 Alexander Von Humboldt Prize.
- B.S. National Taiwan University (Taiwan), 1962
- M.S. Tulane University, 1965
- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1971
- Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Tan TY. Point Defects and Diffusion in Semiconductors. In: Handbook of Solid State Diffusion. 2017. p. 239u2013319.
- Sopori B, Basnyat P, Devayajanam S, Tan T, Upadhyaya A, Tate K, et al. Dissolution of Oxygen Precipitate Nuclei in n-Type CZ-Si Wafers to Improve Their Material Quality: Experimental Results. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 2017 Jan 1;7(1):97u2013103.
- Sopori B, Devayajanam S, Basnyat P, Tan T, Upadhyaya A, Rohatgi A, et al. Notice of Removal: Dissolution of oxygen precipitate nuclei in N-type CZ Si wafers to improve their material quality: Experimental results. In: 2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2017. 2017. p. 1u20133.
- Tan TY. Point Defects and Diffusion in Semiconductors. In: Handbook of Solid State Diffusion: Diffusion Fundamentals and Techniques: Volume 1. 2017. p. 239u2013319.
- Li N, Li W, Liu L, Tan TY. A nucleation-growth model of nanowires produced by the vapor-liquid-solid process. Journal of Applied Physics. 2013 Aug 14;114(6).
- Sopori B, Tan T, Rupnowski P. Photovoltaic materials and devices. International Journal of Photoenergy. 2012 Jan 1;2012.
- Curtaroloa S, Awasthia N, Setyawana W, Lia N, Jianga A, Tan TY, et al. Thermodynamics of carbon in iron nanoparticles at low temperature: Reduced solubility and size-induced nucleation of cementite. Physics Procedia. 2010 Jan 1;6:16u201326.
- Li N, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Transition region width of nanowire hetero- and pn-junctions grown using vapor-liquid-solid processes. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2008 Mar 1;90(4):591u20136.
- Zhao L, Li N, Langner A, Steinhart M, Tan TY, Pippel E, et al. Crystallization of amorphous SiO
2 microtubes catalyzed by lithium. Advanced Functional Materials. 2007 Aug 13;17(12):1952u20137. - Li N, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Chemical tension and global equilibrium in VLS nanostructure growth process: From nanohillocks to nanowires. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2007 Mar 1;86(4):433u201340.
- Li N, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Chemical tension in VLS nanostructure growth process: From nanohillocks to nanowires. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2007 Jan 1;1017:20u20135.
- Li H, Li N, Joshi SM, Tan TY. Predominance of alternate diffusion mechanisms for the interstitial- substitutional impurity gold in silicon. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2007 Jan 1;994:45u201350.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Diffusion in semiconductors. 2005 Dec 1;165u2013208.
- Schubert L, Werner P, Zakharov ND, Gerth G, Kolb FM, Long L, et al. Silicon nanowhiskers grown on u3008111u3009Si substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2004 Jun 14;84(24):4968u201370.
- Tan TY, Li N, Gu00f6sele U. On the thermodynamic size limit of nanowires grown by the vapor-liquid-solid process. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2004 Mar 1;78(4):519u201326.
- Negoita MD, Tan TY. Metallic precipitate contribution to carrier generation in metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors due to the Schottky effect. Journal of Applied Physics. 2004 Jan 1;95(1):191u20138.
- Negoita MD, Tan TY. Metallic precipitate contribution to generation and recombination currents in p-n junction devices due to the Schottky effect. Journal of Applied Physics. 2003 Oct 15;94(8):5064u201370.
- Tan TY, Li N, Gu00f6sele U. Is there a thermodynamic size limit of nanowires grown by the vapor-liquid-solid process? Applied Physics Letters. 2003 Aug 11;83(6):1199u2013201.
- Plekhanov PS, Negoita MD, Tan TY. Erratum: Effect of Al-induced gettering and back surface field on the efficiency of Si solar cells (Journal of Applied Physics (2001) 90 (5388)). Journal of Applied Physics. 2002 Apr 15;91(8):5508.
- Tan TY, Lee ST, Gosele U. A model for growth directional features in silicon nanowires. Appl Phys A, Mater Sci Process (Germany). 2002;A74(3):423u201332.
- Tan TY. Recent progresses in understanding gettering in silicon. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 2002 Jan 1;719:89u2013100.
- Tan TY, Lee ST, Gu00f6sele U. Modeling growth directional features of silicon nanowires obtained using SiO. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 2002 Jan 1;719:235u201340.
- Joshi SM, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Extended high temperature Al gettering for improvement and homogenization of minority carrier diffusion lengths in multicrystalline Si. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2001 Dec 15;70(2):231u20138.
- Plekhanov PS, Negoita MD, Tan TY. Effect of Al-induced gettering and back surface field on the efficiency of Si solar cells. Journal of Applied Physics. 2001 Nov 15;90(10):5388u201394.
- Tan TY, Plekhanov PS. A quantitative model of the electrical activity of metal silicide precipitates in silicon based on the Schottky effect. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 2001 Jan 1;669.
- Tan TY, Cheng TH, Bose SK, Chai TY. Adaptive resource negotiation based control for real time applications. Comput Commun (Netherlands). 2001;24(13):1283u201398.
- Plekhanov PS, Tan TY. Schottky effect model of electrical activity of metallic precipitates in silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 2000 Jun 19;76(25):3777u20139.
- Chen CHO, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Fermi-level effect and junction carrier concentration effect on p-type dopant distribution in III-V compound superlattices. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1999 Dec 1;535:219u201324.
- Chen CHO, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Fermi-level effect and junction carrier concentration effect on boron distribution in Ge^Si^/Si heterostructures. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1999 Dec 1;535:275u201380.
- Chen CH, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Dopant diffusion and segregation in semiconductor heterostructures: Part III, Diffusion of Si into GaAs. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 1999 Sep 1;69(3):313u201321.
- Scholz RF, Werner P, Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. The contribution of vacancies to carbon out-diffusion in silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 1999 Jan 18;74(3):392u20134.
- Plekhanov PS, Gafiteanu R, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Modeling of gettering of precipitated impurities from Si for carrier lifetime improvement in solar cell applications. Journal of Applied Physics. 1999 Jan 1;86(5):2453u20138.
- Chen C-H, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Thermal equilibrium concentrations of the amphoteric dopant Si and the associated carrier concentrations in GaAs. J Appl Phys (USA). 1999;86(10):5376u201384.
- Chen CH, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Dopant diffusion and segregation in semiconductor heterostructures. Pt. 1. Zn and Be in III-V compound superlattices. Appl Phys A, Mater Sci Process (Germany). 1999;68(1):9u201318.
- Chen CH, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Dopant diffusion and segregation in semiconductor heterostructures. Pt. 2. B in GexSi1-x/Si structures. Appl Phys A, Mater Sci Process (Germany). 1999;68(1):19u201324.
- Chen CH, Gosele U, Tan TY. Fermi-level effect on group III atom interdiffusion in III-V compounds: bandgap heterogeneity and low silicon-doping. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1998 Dec 1;490:105u201310.
- Plekhanov PS, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Nucleation and growth of voids in silicon. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1998 Dec 1;490:77u201382.
- Chen CH, Gosele U, Tan TY. Simulation of under- and supersaturation of gallium vacancies in gallium arsenide during silicon in- and outdiffusion. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1998 Dec 1;490:99u2013104.
- Joshi SM, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Gold diffusion in silicon during gettering by an aluminum layer. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1998 Dec 1;490:117u201322.
- Scholz R, Gu00f6sele U, Huh JY, Tan TY. Carbon-induced undersaturation of silicon self-interstitials. Applied Physics Letters. 1998 Dec 1;72(2):200u20132.
- Tong QY, Scholz R, Gu00f6sele U, Lee TH, Huang LJ, Chao YL, et al. A "smarter-cut" approach to low temperature silicon layer transfer. Applied Physics Letters. 1998 Dec 1;72(1):49u201351.
- Tan TY. Mass transport equations unifying descriptions of isothermal diffusion, thermomigration, segregation, and position-dependent diffusivity. Applied Physics Letters. 1998 Dec 1;73(18):2678u201380.
- Plekhanov PS, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Modeling of nucleation and growth of voids in silicon. Journal of Applied Physics. 1998 Jul 15;84(2):718u201326.
- Schultz M, Egger U, Scholz R, Breitenstein O, Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. Experimental and computer simulation studies of diffusion mechanisms on the arsenic sublattice of gallium arsenide. Journal of Applied Physics. 1998 May 15;83(10):5295u2013301.
- Sopori BL, Chen W, Alleman J, Matson R, Ravindra NM, Tan TY. Grain enhancement of polycrystalline silicon films aided by optical excitation. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1998 Jan 1;485:95u2013100.
- Scholz RF, Gu00f6sele U, Breitenstein O, Egger U, Tan TY. Cathodoluminescence investigation of diffusion studies on the arsenic sublattice in galium arsenide. Solid State Phenomena. 1998 Jan 1;63u201364:183u201390.
- Ku00e4stner G, Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. A model of strain relaxation in hetero-epitaxial films on compliant substrates. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 1998 Jan 1;66(1):13u201322.
- Goesele U, Conrad D, Werner P, Tong QY, Gafiteanu R, Tan TY. Point defects, diffusion and gettering in silicon. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1997 Dec 1;469:13u201324.
- Egger U, Schultz M, Werner P, Breitenstein O, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U, et al. Interdiffusion studies in GaAsP/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs superlattices under various arsenic vapor pressures. Journal of Applied Physics. 1997 May 1;81(9):6056u201361.
- Tan TY, Plekhanov P, Gu00f6sele UM. Nucleation barrier of voids and dislocation loops in silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 1997 Mar 31;70(13):1715u20137.
- Schroer E, Hopfe S, Werner P, Gu00f6sele U, Duscher G, Ru00fchle M, et al. Oxide precipitation at silicon grain boundaries. Applied Physics Letters. 1997 Jan 20;70(3):327u20139.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Twist wafer bonded "fixed-film" versus "compliant" substrates: Correlated misfit dislocation generation and contaminant gettering. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 1997 Jan 1;64(6):631u20133.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Twist wafer bonded "fixed-film" versus "compliant" substrates: Correlated misfit dislocation generation and contaminant gettering. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 1997;64(6):631u20133.
- Sopori BL, Alleman J, Chen W, Tan TY, Ravindra NM. Grain enhancement of thin silicon layers using optical processing. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1997 Jan 1;470:419u201324.
- Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY, Schultz M, Egger U, Werner P, Scholz R, et al. Diffusion in GaAs and related compounds: Recent developments. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 1997 Jan 1;143u2013147:1079u201394.
- Sopori BL, Jastrzebski L, Tan T. Comparison of gettering in single- and multicrystalline silicon for solar cells. Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 1996 Dec 1;625u20138.
- Tong QY, Lee TH, Kim WJ, Tan TY, Goesele U, You HM, et al. Feasibility study of VLSI device layer transfer by CMP PETEOS direct bonding. IEEE International SOI Conference. 1996 Dec 1;36u20137.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele UM. Effects of p-type dopants on enhancing AlAs/GaAs superlattice disordering. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 1996 Jan 1;44(1):45u201350.
- Tong QY, Kidao G, Tan TY, Gosele U. Wafer bonding of Si with dissimilar materials. International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology Proceedings. 1995 Dec 1;524u20136.
- Joshi SM, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Improvement of minority carrier diffusion length in Si by Al gettering. Journal of Applied Physics. 1995 Dec 1;77(8):3858u201363.
- Uematsu M, Werner P, Schultz M, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele UM. Sulfur diffusion and the interstitial contribution to arsenic self-diffusion in GaAs. Applied Physics Letters. 1995 Dec 1;67:2863.
- Huh JY, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Model of partitioning of point defect species during precipitation of a misfitting compound in Czochralski silicon. Journal of Applied Physics. 1995 Dec 1;77(11):5563u201371.
- Chen CH, Tan TY. On the validity of the amphoteric-defect model in gallium arsenide and a criterion for Fermi-level pinning by defects. Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing. 1995 Oct 1;61(4):397u2013405.
- Chen CH, Tan TY. On the validity of the amphoteric-defect model in gallium arsenide and a criterion for Fermi-level pinning by defects. Appl Phys A, Mater Sci Process (Germany). 1995;A61(4):397u2013405.
- Tan TY. Point defects and diffusion mechanisms pertinent to the Ga sublattice of GaAs. Materials Chemistry & Physics. 1995 Jan 1;40(4):245u201352.
- Huh JY, Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. Coprecipitation of oxygen and carbon in Czochralski silicon: A growth kinetic approach. Journal of Applied Physics. 1995 Jan 1;78(10):5926u201335.
- Gafiteanu R, Gosele U, Tan TY. Phosphorus and aluminum gettering of gold in silicon: simulation and optimization considerations. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1995 Jan 1;378:297u2013302.
- Tong QY, Kaido G, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. A Simple Chemical Treatment for Preventing Thermal Bubbles in Silicon Wafer Bonding. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 1995 Jan 1;142(10):201u20133.
- Joshi SM, Goesele UM, Tan TY. Minority carrier diffusion length improvement in Czochralski silicon by aluminum gettering. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1995 Jan 1;378:279u201384.
- Hsia SL, McGuire GE, Tan TY, Smith PL, Lynch WT. High resistivity Co and Ti silicide formation on silicon-on-insulator substrates. Thin Solid Films. 1994 Dec 15;253(1u20132):462u20136.
- Hsia SL, Tan TY, Smith PL, McGuire GE. Assured epitaxial CoSi
2 phase formation on (001) Si-on-insulator substrates using CoSi/Ti bimetallic source materials. Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology. 1994 Dec 1;123u20134. - Tan TY, Taylor WJ. Chapter 9 Mechanisms of Oxygen Precipitation: Some Quantitative Aspects. Semiconductors and Semimetals. 1994 Jan 1;42(C):353u201390.
- Hsia SL, Tan TY, Smith PL, McGuire GE. CoSi and CoSi
2 phase formation on bulk and SOI Si substrates. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1994 Jan 1;320:373u20138. - Gafiteanu R, You HM, Goesele U, Tan TY. Diffusion-segregation equation for simulation in heterostructures. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1994 Jan 1;318:31u20137.
- Tan TY. Thermal equilibrium concentrations of point defects in gallium arsenide. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 1994 Jan 1;55(10):917u201329.
- Hsia SL, Tan TY, Smith PL, McGuire GE. Arsenic diffusion and segregation behavior at the interface of epitaxial CoSi
2 film and Si substrate. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1994 Jan 1;320:409u201314. - Taylor WJ, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Precipitate strain relief via point defect interaction: models for SiO
2 in silicon. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 1994 Jan 1;36(3u20134):389. - You HM, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. A study of Si outdiffusion from predoped GaAs. Journal of Applied Physics. 1993 Dec 1;73(11):7207u201316.
- Hsia SL, Tan TY, Smith PL, McGuire GE. Formation mechanism of epitaxial CoSi
2 films on (001) Si using Ti-Co bimetallic layer source materials. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1993 Dec 1;280:603u20138. - Ju00e4ger W, Rucki A, Urban K, Hettwer HG, Stolwijk NA, Mehrer H, et al. Formation of void/Ga-precipitate pairs during Zn diffusion into GaAs: The competition of two thermodynamic driving forces. Journal of Applied Physics. 1993 Dec 1;74(7):4409u201322.
- Zimmermann H, Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. Diffusion of Fe in InP via the kick-out mechanism. Applied Physics Letters. 1993 Dec 1;62(1):75u20137.
- Taylor WJ, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Carbon precipitation in silicon: Why is it so difficult. Applied Physics Letters. 1993 Dec 1;62(25):3336u20138.
- Zimmermann H, Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. Modeling of zinc-indiffusion-induced disordering of GaAs/AlAs superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics. 1993 Dec 1;73(1):150u20137.
- You HM, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Simulation of the transient indiffusion-segregation process of triply negatively charged Ga vacancies in GaAs and AlAs/GaAs superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics. 1993 Dec 1;74(4):2461u201370.
- Tan TY, You HM, Gu00f6sele UM. Thermal equilibrium concentrations and effects of negatively charged Ga vacancies in n-type GaAs. Applied Physics A Solids and Surfaces. 1993 Mar 1;56(3):249u201358.
- Taylor WJ, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Co-precipitation of carbon and oxygen in silicon: The dominant flux criterion. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 1993 Jan 1;32(11 R):4857u201362.
- Taylor WJ, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Co-precipitation of carbon and oxygen in silicon: The dominant flux criterion. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers. 1993;32(11 A):4857u201362.
- You HM, Tan TY, Gosele UM, Hofler GE, Hsieh KC, Holonyak N. Layer disordering and carrier concentration in heavily carbon-doped AlGaAs/GaAs superlattices. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1993 Jan 1;300:409u201314.
- Tan TY, You HM, Gosele UM. Thermal equilibrium concentrations and effects of Ga vacancies in n-type GaAs. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1993 Jan 1;300:377u201390.
- You HM, Gosele UM, Tan TY. Crystal surface stoichiometry and the Fermi level effects on outdiffusion of Si in GaAs. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1993 Jan 1;282:151u20136.
- Tan TY, You HM, Gosele UM. Thermal equilibrium concentrations and effects of negatively charged Ga vacancies in n-type GaAs. Appl Phys A, Solids Surf (Germany). 1993;A56(3):249u201358.
- You HM, Tan TY, Gosele UM, Lee S-T, Hofler GE, Hsieh KC, et al. Al-Ga interdiffusion, carbon acceptor diffusion, and hole reduction in carbon-doped Al0.4Ga0.6As/GaAs superlattices: the As4 pressure effect. J Appl Phys (USA). 1993;74(4):2450u201360.
- Taylor WJ, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. Precipitate strain relief via point defect interaction: models for SiO
2 in silicon. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 1993 Jan 1;34(2):166u201374. - Taylor WJ, Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. SiO
2 precipitate strain relief in Czochralski Si: Self-interstitial emission versus prismatic dislocation loop punching. Journal of Applied Physics. 1992 Dec 1;72(6):2192u20136. - Hsia SL, Tan TY, Smith P, McGuire GE. Resistance and structural stabilities of epitaxial CoSi
2 films on (001) Si substrates. Journal of Applied Physics. 1992 Dec 1;72(5):1864u201373. - Li J, Yang W-S, Tan TY, Chevacharoenkul S, Chapman R. Liquid silicide formation of the Si wafer free structure during Ni diffusion at 1200°C. J Appl Phys (USA). 1992;71(1):196u2013203.
- Tan TY, You HM, Yu S, Gosele UM, Jager W, Boeringer DW, et al. Disordering in 69GaAs/71GaAs isotope superlattice structures. J Appl Phys (USA). 1992;72(11):5206u201312.
- Li J, Yang W-S, Tan TY. Enhancement of gold solubility in silicon wafers. J Appl Phys (USA). 1992;71(1):527u20139.
- Yu S, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Diffusion mechanism of zinc and beryllium in gallium arsenide. Journal of Applied Physics. 1991 Dec 1;69(6):3547u201365.
- Tan TY, Yu S, Gu00f6sele U. Determination of vacancy and self-interstitial contributions to gallium self-diffusion in GaAs. Journal of Applied Physics. 1991 Dec 1;70(9):4823u20136.
- Taylor WJ, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele UM. Oxygen precipitation in silicon: The role of strain and self-interstitials. Applied Physics Letters. 1991 Dec 1;59(16):2007u20139.
- Chen S, Lee ST, Braunstein G, Ko KY, Tan TY. Distribution mechanism of voids in Si-implanted GaAs. Journal of Applied Physics. 1991 Dec 1;70(2):656u201360.
- Yu S, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Diffusion mechanism of chromium in GaAs. Journal of Applied Physics. 1991 Dec 1;70(9):4827u201336.
- Hsia SL, Tan TY, Smith P, McGuire GE. Formation of epitaxial CoSi
2 films on (001) silicon using Ti-Co alloy and bimetal source materials. Journal of Applied Physics. 1991 Dec 1;70(12):7579u201387. - Tan TY. Point defect thermal equilibria in GaAs. Materials Science and Engineering B. 1991 Nov 30;10(3):227u201339.
- Kim Y, Tan TY, Massoud HZ, Fair RB. Modeling the enhanced diffusion of implanted boron in silicon. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society. 1991 Jan 1;91(4):304u201320.
- Yu S, Tan TY, Goesele U. Physical modeling of zinc and beryllium diffusion in gallium arsenide. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society. 1991 Jan 1;91(4):345u201362.
- Tan TY. Point defect thermal equilibria in GaAs. Materials Science and Engineering B. 1991;10(3):227u201339.
- Lee S-T, Chen S, Braunstein G, Ko K-Y, Tan TY. Anomalous electrical activation in Si-implanted GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices. Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res B, Beam Interact Mater At (Netherlands). 1991;59u201360:999u20131002.
- Tan TY, Gu00d6sele U, Yu S. Point defects, diffusion mechanisms, and superlattice disordering in gallium arsenide-based materials. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences. 1991 Jan 1;17(1):47u2013106.
- Tan TY, Goesele U, Yu S. Point defects, diffusion mechanisms, and superlattice disordering in GaAs-based materials. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society. 1991 Jan 1;91(4):195u2013226.
- Tan TY, Yu S, Gu00f6sele U. Atomistic mechanisms of dopant-induced multiple quantum well mixing and related phenomena. Optical and Quantum Electronics. 1991 Jan 1;23(7).
- Ahn KY, Stengl R, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U, Smith P. Growth, shrinkage, and stability of interfacial oxide layers between directly bonded silicon wafers. Applied Physics A Solids and Surfaces. 1990 Jan 1;50(1):85u201394.
- Yang WS, Ahn KY, Lia J, Smith P, Tan TY, Goesele U. Gettering phenomena in directly bonded silicon wafers. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society. 1990;90(7):628u201338.
- Lee S-T, Chen S, Braunstein G, Ko K-Y, Ott ML, Tan TY. Void formation, electrical activation, and layer intermixing in Si-implanted GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices. Appl Phys Lett (USA). 1990;57(4):389u201391.
- Ahn KY, Stengl R, Tan TY, Gosele U, Smith P. Growth, shrinkage, and stability of interfacial oxide layers between directly bonded silicon wafers. Appl Phys A, Solids Surf (West Germany). 1990;A50(1):85u201394.
- Chen S, Lee ST, Braunstein G, Ko KY, Zheng LR, Tan TY. Void formation and its effect on dopant diffusion and carrier activation in Si-implanted GaAs. Jpn J Appl Phys 2, Lett (Japan). 1990;29(11):1950u20133.
- Rogers WB, Massoud HZ, Fair RB, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY, Rozgonyi GA. The role of silicon self-interstitial supersaturation in the retardation of oxygen precipitation in Czochralski silicon. Journal of Applied Physics. 1989 Dec 1;65(11):4215u20139.
- Chen S, Lee ST, Braunstein G, Tan TY. Void formation and inhibition of layer intermixing in ion-impIanted GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices. Applied Physics Letters. 1989 Dec 1;55(12):1194u20136.
- Marioton BPR, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Influence of dislocations on diffusion-induced nonequilibrium point defects in III-V compounds. Applied Physics Letters. 1989 Dec 1;54(9):849u201351.
- Kola RR, Rozgonyi GA, Li J, Rogers WB, Tan TY, Bean KE, et al. Transition metal silicide precipitation in silicon induced by rapid thermal processing and free-surface gettering. Applied Physics Letters. 1989 Dec 1;55(20):2108u201310.
- Ahn KY, Stengl R, Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U, Smith P. Stability of interfacial oxide layers during silicon wafer bonding. Journal of Applied Physics. 1989 Dec 1;65(2):561u20133.
- Gu00f6sele U, Ahn KY, Marioton BPR, Tan TY, Lee ST. Do oxygen molecules contribute to oxygen diffusion and thermal donor formation in silicon? Applied Physics A Solids and Surfaces. 1989 Mar 1;48(3):219u201328.
- Stengl R, Tan T, Gu00f6sele U. A model for the silicon wafer bonding process. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 1989 Jan 1;28(10 R):1735u201341.
- Yu S, Gu00f6sele UM, Tan TY. A model of Si diffusion in GaAs based on the effect of the Fermi level. Journal of Applied Physics. 1989 Jan 1;66(7):2952u201361.
- Gosele U, Ahn KY, Marioton BPR, Tan TY, Lee ST. Do oxygen molecules contribute to oxygen diffusion and thermal donor formation in silicon? Appl Phys A, Solids Surf (West Germany). 1989;A48(3):219u201328.
- Taylor W, Marioton BPR, Tan TY, Gosele U. The diffusivity of silicon self-interstitials. Radiat Eff Defects Solids (UK). 1989;111u2013112(1u20132):131u201350.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Mechanisms of doping-enhanced superlattice disordering and of gallium self-diffusion in GaAs. Applied Physics Letters. 1988 Dec 1;52(15):1240u20132.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Diffusion mechanisms and superlattice disordering in GaAs. Materials Science and Engineering B. 1988;1(1):47u201365.
- Gosele U, Tan TY. Point defects and diffusion in silicon and gallium arsenide. Diffus Defect Data, Solid State Data A, Defect Diffus Forum (Liechtenstein). 1988;A59:1u201316.
- Hill AJ, Cocks FH, Goesele UM, Jones PL, Tan TY, Kingon AI. Investigation of Y-Ba-Cu-O superconducting materials by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. High-Temperature Superconducting Materials Preparations, Properties, and Processing. 1988;305u201311.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Diffusion mechanisms and superlattice disordering in GaAs. Materials Science and Engineering B. 1988 Jan 1;1(1):47u201365.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Destruction mechanism of III-V compound quantum well structures due to impurity diffusion. Journal of Applied Physics. 1987 Jan 1;61(5):1841u20135.
- Ochrlein GS, Tan TY, Kleinhenz RL, Lindstrom JL. ON THE QUESTION OF OXYGEN DIFFUSION DURING OXYGEN RELATED THERMAL DONOR FORMATION IN SILICON. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings. 1986 Dec 1;71:65u20137.
- Tan TY, Kung CY. Oxygen precipitation retardation and recovery phenomena in Czochralski silicon: Experimental observations, nuclei dissolution model, and relevancy with nucleation issues. Journal of Applied Physics. 1986 Dec 1;59(3):917u201331.
- Tan TY, Kleinhenz R, Schneider CP. On the kinetics of oxygen clustering and thermal donor formation in Czochralski silicon. Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Crystalline Silicon. 1986;195u2013204.
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- Tan TY, Yang KH, Schneider CP. Observation of a doping-dependent orientation effect of the depletion of silicon self-interstitials during oxidation. Journal of Applied Physics. 1985 Dec 1;57(6):1812u20135.
- Goesele U, Tan TY. INFLUENCE OF POINT DEFECTS ON DIFFUSION AND GETTERING IN SILICON. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings. 1985 Dec 1;36:105u201316.
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- Tan TY. Characterization of semiconductor silicon by transmission electron microscopy. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1984 May 10;452:170u20136.
- Clabes JG, Rubloff GW, Tan TY. Chemical reaction and Schottky-barrier formation at V/Si interfaces. Physical Review B. 1984 Jan 1;29(4):1540u201350.
- Butz R, Rubloff GW, Tan TY, Ho PS. Chemical and structural aspects of reaction at the Ti/Si interface. Physical Review B. 1984 Jan 1;30(10):5421u20139.
- Tan TY, Ginsberg BJ. Observation of oxidation-enhanced and oxidation-retarded diffusion of antimony in silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 1983 Dec 1;42(5):448u201350.
- Smith DA, Tan TY. GRAIN GROWTH AND GRAIN-BOUNDARY DISLOCATIONS IN POLYSILICON. Advances in Ceramics. 1983 Dec 1;6:184u201391.
- Goesele U, Tan TY. ROLE OF VACANCIES AND SELF-INTERSTITIALS IN DIFFUSION AND AGGLOMERATION PHENOMENA IN SILICON. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society. 1983 Dec 1;83u20134:17u201336.
- Tan TY, Morehead F, Gosele U. DETERMINATION OF VACANCY AND SELF-INTERSTITIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE Si SELF-DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT. Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts. 1983 Dec 1;83u20131:432u20133.
- Tan TY, Morehead F, Gosele U. EXAMINATION OF VACANCY AND SELF-INTERSTITIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO SILICON SELF-DIFFUSION AND SWIRL DEFECT FORMATION. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society. 1983 Dec 1;83u20139:325u201336.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U, Morehead FF. On the nature of point defects and the effect of oxidation on substitutional dopant diffusion in silicon. Applied Physics A Solids and Surfaces. 1983 Jun 1;31(2):97u2013108.
- Goesele U, Tan TY. THERMAL DONOR FORMATION BY THE AGGLOMERATION OF OXYGEN IN SILICON. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings. 1983 Jan 1;14:153u20137.
- Goesele U, Tan TY. NATURE OF POINT DEFECTS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON DIFFUSION PROCESSES IN SILICON AT HIGH TEMPERATURES. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings. 1983 Jan 1;14:45u201359.
- Schmid PE, Ho PS, Fu00f6ll H, Tan TY. Effects of variations of silicide characteristics on the Schottky-barrier height of silicide-silicon interfaces. Physical Review B. 1983 Jan 1;28(8):4593u2013601.
- Tan TY, Gosele U, Morehead FF. On the nature of point defects and the effect of oxidation on substitutional dopant diffusion in silicon. Appl Phys A, Solids Surf (West Germany). 1983;A31(2):97u2013108.
- Tan TY, Ginsberg BJ. OBSERVATION OF OXIDATION-ENHANCED AND -RETARDED DIFFUSION OF ANTIMONY IN SILICON: THE BEHAVIOR OF (111) WAFERS. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings. 1983 Jan 1;14:141u20135.
- Smith DA, Tan TY. EFFECT OF DOPING AND OXIDATION ON GRAIN GROWTH IN POLYSILICON. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings. 1982 Dec 1;5:65u201370.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Kinetics of silicon stacking fault growth/shrinkage in an oxidizing ambient containing a chlorine compound. Journal of Applied Physics. 1982 Dec 1;53(7):4767u201378.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Oxidation-enhanced or retarded diffusion and the growth or shrinkage of oxidation-induced stacking faults in silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 1982 Dec 1;40(7):616u20139.
- Gu00f6sele U, Tan TY. Oxygen diffusion and thermal donor formation in silicon. Applied Physics A Solids and Surfaces. 1982 Jun 1;28(2):79u201392.
- Schmid PE, Ho PS, Tan TY. Correlation between Schottky barrier height and phase stoichiometry/structure of silicide-silicon interfaces. J Vac Sci Technol (USA). 1982;20(3):688u20139.
- Gosele U, Tan TY. Oxygen diffusion and thermal donor formation in silicon. Appl Phys A, Solids Surf (West Germany). 1982;A28(2):79u201392.
- Tan TY, Foell H, Mader S, Krakow W. A TENTATIVE IDENTIFICATION OF THE NATURE OF left brace 113 right brace STACKING FAULTS IN Si- MODEL AND EXPERIMENT. Mat Res Soc Symp Proc. 1981 Dec 1;2:179u201384.
- Foell H, Tan TY, Krakow W. UNDISSOCIATED DISLOCATIONS AND INTERMEDIATE DEFECTS IN As** plus ION DAMAGED SILICON. Mat Res Soc Symp Proc. 1981 Dec 1;2:173u20137.
- Tan TY, Gu00f6sele U. Growth kinetics of oxidation-induced stacking faults in silicon: A new concept. Applied Physics Letters. 1981 Dec 1;39(1):86u20138.
- Tice WK, Tan TY. PRECIPITATION OF OXYGEN AND INTRINSIC GETTERING IN SILICON. Mat Res Soc Symp Proc. 1981 Dec 1;2:367u201380.
- Corbett JW, Karins JP, Tan TY. Ion-induced defects in semiconductors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods. 1981;182u2013183(PART 1):457u201376.
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- Tan TY. Atomic modelling of homogeneous nucleation of dislocations from condensation of point defects in silicon. Philos Mag A, Phys Condens Matter Defects Mech Prop (UK). 1981;44(1):101u201325.
- Tan TY, Foll H, Hu SM. On the diamond-cubic to hexagonal phase transformation in silicon. Philos Mag A, Phys Condens Matter Defects Mech Prop (UK). 1981;44(1):127u201340.
- Tan TY, Fu00f6ll H, Krakow W. Detection of extended interstitial chains in ion-damaged silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 1980 Dec 1;37(12):1102u20134.
- Rimini E, Chu WK, Baglin JEE, Tan TY, Hodgson RT. Laser annealing of silicon implanted with both argon and arsenic. Applied Physics Letters. 1980 Dec 1;37(1):81u20133.
- Ho PS, Tan TY. Submicron mask alignment by coherent light sources. IBM Tech Discl Bull (USA). 1980;23(1):360u20131.
- Tan TY. Residual stacking-fault-type contrast in silicon after apparent unfaulting reactions. Applied Physics Letters. 1979 Jan 1;34(10):714u20136.
- Ho PS, Tan TY, Lewis JE, Rubloff GW. CHEMICAL AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF THE Pd/Si INTERFACE DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF SILICIDE FORMATION. Journal of vacuum science & technology. 1979 Jan 1;16(5):1120u20134.
- Tsu R, Hodgson RT, Tan TY, Baglin JE. Order-disorder transition in single-crystal silicon induced by pulsed uv laser irradiation. Physical Review Letters. 1979 Jan 1;42(20):1356u20138.
- Goodhew PJ, Tan TY, Balluffi RW. Low energy planes for tilt grain boundaries in gold. Acta Metallurgica. 1978 Jan 1;26(4):557u201367.
- Tan TY, Gardner EE, Tice WK. Intrinsic gettering by oxide precipitate induced dislocations in Czochralski Si. Applied Physics Letters. 1977 Dec 1;30(4):175u20136.
- Tan TY, Wu LL, Tice WK. Nucleation of stacking faults at oxide precipitate-dislocation complexes in silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 1976 Dec 1;29(12):765u20137.
- Tice WK, Tan TY. Nucleation of CuSi precipitate colonies in oxygen-rich silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 1976 Dec 1;28(9):564u20135.
- Tan TY, Hwang JCM, Goodhew PJ, Balluffi RW. Preparation and applications of thin film specimens containing grain boundaries of controlled geometry. Thin Solid Films. 1976 Mar 15;33(1):1u201311.
- Tan TY, Tice WK. Oxygen precipitation and the generation of dislocations in silicon. Philosophical Magazine. 1976 Jan 1;34(4):615u201331.
- Tan TY, Sass SL, Balluffi RW. The detection of the periodic structure of high-angle twist boundaries II. High resolution electron microscopy study. Philosophical Magazine. 1975 Jan 1;31(3):575u201385.
- Sass SL, Tan TY, Batjjtffi RW. The detection of the periodic structure of high-angle twist boundaries I.Electron diffraction study. Philosophical Magazine. 1975 Jan 1;31(3):559u201373.
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- Geipel HJ, Shasteen RB, Tan TY, Tice WK. Control of stacking fault generation in recessed oxide processing. IBM Tech Discl Bull (USA). 21(4):1373.