Sylvie Lorente
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Adjunct Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Lorente's research interests encompass vascularized materials, constructal theory, porous media, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer.
- Ph.D. INSA Toulouse (France), 1996
- Adjunct Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Design with Constructal Theory. 2008 Sep 9;
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal tree-shaped flow structures. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2007 Mar 1;27(4):755u201361.
- Lorente S, Voinitchi D, Bu00e9guu00e9-Escaffit P, Bourbon X. The single-valued diffusion coefficient for ionic diffusion through porous media. Journal of Applied Physics. 2007 Jan 15;101(2).
- Nguyen TS, Lorente S, Carcasses M. The influence of temperature levels on chloride diffusion through mortar. Advances in Cement Research. 2007 Jan;19(1):17u201324.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Heterogeneous porous media as multiscale structures for maximum flow access. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Dec 1;100(11).
- Nguyen TS, Lorente S, Carcasses M. Influence of the temperature on the chloride transport through cementitious materials. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings). 2006 Nov;136:63u201370.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized materials: Tree-shaped flow architectures matched canopy to canopy. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Oct 9;100(6).
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal theory of generation of configuration in nature and engineering. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Sep 11;100(4).
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped flow structures with local junction losses. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Aug 1;49(17u201318):2957u201364.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Conduction tree networks with loops for cooling a heat generating volume. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Jul 1;49(15u201316):2626u201335.
- Wang KM, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized networks with two optimized channel sizes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2006;39(14):3086u201396.
- Da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale structures for maximal heat transfer density. Energy. 2006 Jan 1;31(5):620u201335.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Wang KM, Bejan A. Vascularized materials: Grids of channels and trees matched canopy to canopy. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2006;
- Ollivier JP, Lorente S. Scale Analysis of Electrodiffusion Through Porous Media. Journal of Porous Media. 2006;9(4):307u201320.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Wang KM. Networks of channels for self-healing composite materials. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006;100(3):033528.
- Begue P, Lorente S. Migration versus diffusion through porous media:: Time-dependent scale analysis. JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA. 2006;9(7):637u201350.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Sveltness, freedom to morph, and the constructal design of multi-scale flow structures. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2005 Dec 1;45:271u20137.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Svelteness, freedom to morph, and constructal multi-scale flow structures. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2005 Dec 1;44(12):1123u201330.
- Khitab A, Lorente S, Ollivier JP. Predictive model for chloride penetration through concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2005 Nov;57(9):511u201320.
- Wechsatol W, Bejan A, Lorente S. Tree-shaped flow architectures: Strategies for increasing optimization speed and accuracy. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 2005 Nov 1;48(8):731u201344.
- Frizon F, Lorente S, Auzuech C. Nuclear decontamination of cementitious materials by electrokinetics: An experimental study. Cement and Concrete Research. 2005 Oct;35(10):2018u201325.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal multi-scale and multi-objective structures. International Journal of Energy Research. 2005 Jun 10;29(7):689u2013710.
- Da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale structures with asymmetric heat sources of finite thickness. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Jun 1;48(13):2662u201372.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped networks with loops. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Jan 1;48(3u20134):573u201383.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructual theory of energy-system and flow configurations. Int J Exergy (Switzerland). 2005;2(4):335u201347.
- Da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale tree-shaped heat exchangers. Journal of Applied Physics. 2004 Aug 1;96(3):1709u201318.
- Gosselin L, Bejan A, Lorente S. Combined 'heat flow and strength' optimization of geometry: Mechanical structures most resistant to thermal attack. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jul 1;47(14u201316):3477u201389.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The constructal law and the thermodynamics of flow systems with configuration. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jul 1;47(14u201316):3203u201314.
- Da Silva AK, Bejan A, Lorente S. Maximal heat transfer density in vertical morphing channels with natural convection. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 2004 Jan 16;45(2):135u201352.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Equilibrium and nonequilibrium flow system architectures. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2004 Jan 1;22(1):85u201392.
- da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Optimal distribution of discrete heat sources on a wall with natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jan 1;47(2):203u201314.
- Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Tree-shaped flow structures for human-scale and small-scales applications. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2004 Jan 1;22(1):15u201325.
- Frizon F, Lorente S, Ollivier JP, Thouvenot P. Modeling the Decontamination by Electromigration of a Porous Medium. Journal of Porous Media. 2004;7(3):213u201326.
- da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Optimal distribution of discrete heat sources on a plate with laminar forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jan 1;47(10u201311):2139u201348.
- Lorente S, Carcassu00e8 M, Ollivier JP. Penetration of ionic species into saturated porous media: the case of concrete. International Journal of Energy Research. 2003 Aug;27(10):907u201317.
- Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Optimization of tree-shaped flow distribution structures over a disc-shaped area. International Journal of Energy Research. 2003 Jun 25;27(8):715u201323.
- Frizon F, Lorente S, Ollivier JP, Thouvenot P. Transport model for the nuclear decontamination of cementitious materials. Computational Materials Science. 2003 Jun;27(4):507u201316.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Thermodynamic formulation of the constructal law. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2003 Jan 1;43:163u201372.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Dendritic heat convection on a disc. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2003 Jan 1;46(23):4381u201391.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Optimal tree-shaped networks for fluid flow in a disc-shaped body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 Dec 1;45(25):4911u201324.
- Lorente S, Lartigue B. MAXIMIZATION OF HEAT FLOW THROUGH A CAVITY WITH NATURAL CONVECTION AND DEFORMABLE BOUNDARIES. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 Jul;29(5):633u201342.
- Lorente S. Heat losses through building walls with closed, open and deformable cavities. International Journal of Energy Research. 2002 Jun 10;26(7):611u201332.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Combined 'flow and strength' geometric optimization: Internal structure in a vertical insulating wall with air cavities and prescribed strength. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 May 27;45(16):3313u201320.
- Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Tree-shaped flow structures designed by minimizing path lengths. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 May 27;45(16):3299u2013312.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal design for cooling a disc-shaped area by conduction. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 Feb 18;45(8):1643u201352.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Thermodynamic optimization of flow architecture: Dendritic structures and optimal sizes of components. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2002 Jan 1;83u201391.
- Lorente S, Lacarriere B, Lartigue B. Influence of the geometry on heat transfer by natural convection in a rectangular cavity. Heat and Technology. 2002;20(2):75u201380.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Development of tree-shaped flows by adding new users to existing networks of hot water pipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001 Dec 18;45(4):723u201333.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped insulated designs for the uniform distribution of hot water over an area. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001 Jun 19;44(16):3111u201323.
- Lartigue B, Lorente S, Bourret B, Escudie R. PIV investigation of multicellular laminar natural flow in vertical bent cavities. Exp Heat Transf (UK). 2001;14(2):89u2013106.
- Lartigue B, Lorente S, Bourret B. Multicellular laminar natural convection in vertical bent cavities. Heat and Technology. 2001;19(1):51u201360.
- Lartigue B, Lorente S, Bourret B. Multicellular natural convection in a high aspect ratio cavity: experimental and numerical results. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2000 Sep;43(17):3157u201370.
- Vasile C, Lorente S, Perrin B. Study of convective phenomena inside cavities coupled with heat and mass transfers through porous mediau2014application to vertical hollow bricksu2014a first approach. Energy and Buildings. 1998 Nov;28(3):229u201335.
- Lorente S, Petit M, Javelas R. The effects of temperature conditions on the thermal resistance of walls made with different shapes vertical hollow bricks. Energy and Buildings. 1998 Nov;28(3):237u201340.
- Vasile C, Lorente S, Perrin B. Study of convective phenomena inside cavities coupled with heat and mass transfers through porous mediau2014application to vertical hollow bricksu2014a first approach. Electric Power Systems Research. 1998 Jun;45(3):163u201371.
- Lorente S, Petit M, Javelas R. Simplified analytical model for thermal transfer in vertical hollow brick. Energy and Buildings. 1996 Jul;24(2):95u2013103.