Sara Haravifard
William M. Fairbank Associate Professor of Physics

Research Themes
Energy Systems & Materials
Research Interests
Exploring novel collective phenomena in quantum materials by means of neutron and x-ray scattering techniques; Investigating quantum critical phenomena at extreme environmental conditions of ultra-low temperature, high magnetic field, and high pressure; Materials by Design: synthesis, single crystal growth and characterization of correlated electron systems, quantum magnets, topological systems, metal-organic frameworks, and high-temperature superconductors.
Experimental Condensed Matter / Quantum Materials
- B.S. McMaster University (Canada), 2003
- M.S. McMaster University (Canada), 2005
- Ph.D. McMaster University (Canada), 2010
- William M. Fairbank Associate Professor of Physics
- Associate Professor of Physics
- Assistant Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. ORAU. 2017
Courses Taught
- PHYSICS 670: Experimental Methods in Condensed Matter Physics
- PHYSICS 516: Quantum Materials: Introduction to Solid State Physics
- PHYSICS 495: Thesis Independent Study
- PHYSICS 493: Research Independent Study
- PHYSICS 362D: Electricity and Magnetism
- ME 591: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- Ennis M, Bag R, Liu C, Dissanayake SE, Kolesnikov AI, Balents L, et al. Realization of two-sublattice exchange physics in the triangular lattice compound Ba
3 Er(BO3 )3 . Communications Physics. 2024 Dec 1;7(1). - Bag R, Xu S, Sherman NE, Yadav L, Kolesnikov AI, Podlesnyak AA, et al. Evidence of Dirac Quantum Spin Liquid in YbZn_{2}GaO_{5}. Physical review letters. 2024 Dec;133(26):266703.
- Yadav L, Bag R, Dhakal R, Winter SM, Rau JG, Dissanayake SE, et al. Synthesis and characterization of the novel breathing pyrochlore compound Ba3Tm2Zn5 O11. Physical Review Materials. 2024 Dec 1;8(12).
- Yadav L, Bag R, Dhakal R, Winter SM, Rau JG, Dissanayake SE, et al. Synthesis and characterization of the novel breathing pyrochloren compound Ba3Tm2Zn5O11. 2024.
- Zhang S, Yang X, Wooten BL, Bag R, Yadav L, Moore CE, et al. Two-Dimensional Cobalt(II) Benzoquinone Frameworks for Putative Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid Candidates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2024 Jun;146(22):15061u20139.
- Yadav L, Rufino A, Bag R, Cruz CD, Kolesnikov AI, Garlea VO, et al. Observation of unprecedented fractional magnetization plateaus in a newn Shastry-Sutherland Ising compound. 2024.
- Dissanayake SE, Matsuda M, Yoshimi K, Kasamatsu S, Ye F, Chi S, et al. Helical magnetic state in the vicinity of the pressure-induced superconducting phase in MnP. Physical Review Research. 2023 Oct 1;5(4).
- Ennis M, Bag R, Liu C, Dissanayake SE, Kolesnikov AI, Balents L, et al. Realization of two-sublattice exchange physics in the triangular latticen compound Ba3Er(BO3)3. 2023.
- Bag R, Xu S, Sherman NE, Yadav L, Kolesnikov AI, Podlesnyak AA, et al. Evidence of Dirac Quantum Spin Liquid in YbZn2GaO5. 2023.
- Bag R, Dissanayake SE, Yan H, Shi Z, Graf D, Choi ES, et al. Beyond single tetrahedron physics of the breathing pyrochlore compound Ba3Yb2Zn5 O11. Physical Review B. 2023 Apr 1;107(14).
- Pratt FL, Lang F, Blundell SJ, Steinhardt W, Haravifard S, Mau00f1as-Valero S, et al. Studying spin diffusion and quantum entanglement with LF- u03bcsR. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023.
- Dissanayake S, Shi Z, Rau JG, Bag R, Steinhardt W, Butch NP, et al. Towards understanding the magnetic properties of the breathing pyrochlore compound Ba
3 Yb2 Zn5 O11 through single-crystal studies. npj Quantum Materials. 2022 Dec 1;7(1). - Bag R, Dissanayake SE, Yan H, Shi Z, Graf D, Choi ES, et al. Beyond Single Tetrahedron Physics of Breathing Pyrochlore Compoundn Ba3Yb2Zn5O11. 2022.
- Pratt FL, Lang F, Steinhardt W, Haravifard S, Blundell SJ. Spin dynamics, entanglement, and the nature of the spin liquid state in YbZnGaO4. Physical Review B. 2022 Aug 1;106(6).
- Haravifard S. Pressure and field: the keys to unlock exotic states in quantum materials. In: Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr); 2022. p. a208u2013a208.
- Shi Z, Dissanayake S, Corboz P, Steinhardt W, Graf D, Silevitch DM, et al. Discovery of quantum phases in the Shastry-Sutherland compound SrCu2(BO3)2 under extreme conditions of field and pressure. Nature communications. 2022 Apr;13(1):2301.
- Steinhardt W, Maksimov PA, Dissanayake S, Shi Z, Butch NP, Graf D, et al. Phase diagram of YbZnGaO
4 in applied magnetic field. npj Quantum Materials. 2021 Dec 1;6(1). - Bag R, Ennis M, Liu C, Dissanayake SE, Shi Z, Liu J, et al. Realization of quantum dipoles in triangular lattice crystal Ba3Yb(B O3)3. Physical Review B. 2021 Dec 1;104(22).
- Dissanayake S, Shi Z, Rau JG, Bag R, Steinhardt W, Butch NP, et al. Towards understanding the magnetic properties of the breathingn pyrochlore compound Ba3Yb2Zn5O11: A single crystal study. npj Quantum Materials. 2021 Nov 11;7:77.
- Haravifard S. Understanding quantum materials under extreme sample environments. In: Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr); 2021. p. a149u2013a149.
- Shi Z, Dissanayake S, Corboz P, Steinhardt W, Graf D, Silevitch DM, et al. Phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland Compound SrCu2(BO3)2 undern extreme combined conditions of field and pressure. 2021 Jul 6;
- Shi Z, Kuhn SJ, Flicker F, Helm T, Lee J, Steinhardt W, et al. Incommensurate two-dimensional checkerboard charge density wave in the low-dimensional superconductor Ta4Pd3Te16. Physical Review Research. 2020 Dec 16;2(4).
- Shi Z, Steinhardt W, Graf D, Corboz P, Weickert F, Harrison N, et al. Emergent bound states and impurity pairs in chemically doped Shastry-Sutherland system. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2019 Jun 4;10.
- Steinhardt WM, Shi Z, Samarakoon A, Dissanayake S, Graf D, Liu Y, et al. Constraining the Parameter Space of a Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate inn Applied Field with Iterative Optimization. Phys Rev Research. 2019 Feb 20;3:033050.
- Rutherford M, Mauws C, Haravifard S, Marjerrison C, Luke G, Beare J, et al. Dy2ScNbO7: an unconventional spin ice? In: Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr); 2018. p. a172u2013a172.
- Haravifard S, Graf D, Feiguin AE, Batista CD, Lang JC, Silevitch DM, et al. Crystallization of spin superlattices with pressure and field in the layered magnet SrCu2(BO3)2. Nature communications. 2016 Jun;7:11956.
- Haravifard S, Banerjee A, van Wezel J, Silevitch DM, dos Santos AM, Lang JC, et al. Reply to Zayed: Interplay of magnetism and structure in the Shastry-Sutherland model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015 Feb;112(5):E383u20134.
- Haravifard S, Yamani Z, Gaulin BD. Quantum Phase Transitions. In: Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences. 2015. p. 43u2013144.
- Haravifard S, Banerjee A, van Wezel J, Silevitch DM, dos Santos AM, Lang JC, et al. Emergence of long-range order in sheets of magnetic dimers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014 Oct;111(40):14372u20137.
- Feng Y, Wang J, Jaramillo R, van Wezel J, Haravifard S, Srajer G, et al. Order parameter fluctuations at a buried quantum critical point. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 May;109(19):7224u20139.
- Haravifard S, Gaulin BD, Yamani Z, Dunsiger SR, Dabkowska HA. Neutron scattering from the static and dynamic lattice of SrCu
2 (BO3 )2 in its Shastry-Sutherland singlet ground state. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2012 Apr 12;85(13). - Haravifard S, Banerjee A, Lang JC, Srajer G, Silevitch DM, Gaulin BD, et al. Continuous and discontinuous quantum phase transitions in a model two-dimensional magnet. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Feb;109(7):2286u20139.
- Asano T, Nishimura T, Ichimura S, Inagaki Y, Kawae T, Fukui T, et al. Erratum: Magnetic ordering and tunable structural phase transition in the chromic compound CuMoO
4 (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (2011) 80 093708)). Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011 Nov 1;80(11). - Haravifard S, Fritsch K, Asano T, Clancy JP, Yamani Z, Ehlers G, et al. Coexistence of singlet and ordered S=12 moments in the ground state of the triclinic quantum magnet CuMoO
4 . Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011 Sep 22;84(9). - Asano T, Nishimura T, Ichimura S, Inagaki Y, Kawae T, Fukui T, et al. Magnetic ordering and tunable structural phase transition in the chromic compound CuMoO
4 . Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011 Sep 1;80(9). - Haravifard S, Rule KC, Dabkowska HA, Gaulin BD, Yamani Z, Buyers WJL. Neutron and x-ray scattering studies of the lightly doped spin-Peierls system Cu
1-x Cdx GeO3 . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2007 Oct 31;19(43). - Dabkowska HA, Dabkowski AB, Luke GM, Dunsiger SR, Haravifard S, Cecchinel M, et al. Crystal growth and magnetic behaviour of pure and doped SrCu
2 (11BO3 )2 . Journal of Crystal Growth. 2007 Aug 1;306(1):123u20138. - Haravifard S, Dunsiger SR, El Shawish S, Gaulin BD, Dabkowska HA, Telling MTF, et al. In-gap spin excitations and finite triplet lifetimes in the dilute singlet ground state system SrCu(2-x)Mgx(BO3)2. Physical review letters. 2006 Dec;97(24):247206.
- Gaulin BD, Lee SH, Haravifard S, Castellan JP, Berlinsky AJ, Dabkowska HA, et al. High-resolution study of spin excitations in the singlet ground state of SrCu2(BO3)2. Physical review letters. 2004 Dec;93(26 Pt 1):267202.
In The News
- What Cooking Shows and Physics Labs Have in Common (Sep 8, 2023 | PBS North Carolina)
- Cooking Up Frustrated Magnets in Search of Superconductivity (Jun 12, 2017 | Duke Research Blog)
- From Frustration to Discovery (Feb 17, 2017 | Fields Magazine, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Sara Haravifard: Physicist Learning About Magnetic Moments (Oct 8, 2015 | )