Laurens E. Howle
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science

Research Themes
Biomechanics & Biomaterials, Computation & Artificial Intelligence, Energy Systems & Materials
Research Interests
Hydroelastic modeling of deformable structures, transport in thermal and chemical systems, experimental and computational fluid dynamics, nonlinear and complex systems, heat and mass transport in biological systems, stability of fluid motions, machine learning, data mining, econophysics, reduced order modeling, modeling of decompression sickness, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, mechanical design, manufacturing engineering, wind power.
Professor Howle's research interests span the disciplines of thermal science, fluid dynamics, and nonlinear dynamics. His present research projects - visualization of convective fluid patterns, stabilization of the no-motion state in free convection and bifurcation in imperfect or distributed parameter systems - are split evenly between experimental and computational methods.
A key problem facing researchers studying convection in fluid-saturated porous media is the lack of a general, non-invasive method for pattern visualization and wave number measurement. Professor Howle designed innovative porous media which allow optical techniques to be used for the first time as a pattern visualization tool in the study of porous media convection.
Computational spectral methods are efficient methods of simulation of small aspect ratio convection systems. For large problems, these methods can become too expensive to be practical. Professor Howle developed a reduced Galerkin method which decreases the execution time by orders of magnitude for large problems. This extends the range of problems for which certain spectral methods may be used. He is currently studying porous free convection in systems with distributed properties and binary convection using the reduced Galerkin method.
- Ph.D. Duke University, 1993
- Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science
- Associate Professor in the Division of Marine Science and Conservation
- Associate Professor of Radiology
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Fellows. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2012
Courses Taught
- ME 639: Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
- ME 321L: Mechanical Engineering Analysis for Design
- Yoder TL, Taber KA, Howle LE, Moon RE. Pushing Scuba to New Heights: Approach, Decompression, and Logistical Considerations for High-Altitude Diving. High Alt Med Biol. 2024 Oct 8;
- Wu CY, Nowacek DP, Nousek-McGregor AE, McGregor R, Howle LE. Computational fluid dynamics of flow regime and hydrodynamic forces generated by a gliding North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Marine Mammal Science. 2021 Jul 1;37(3):826u201342.
- Schwartz FR, Lewis DS, King AE, Murphy FG, Howle LE, Kim CY, et al. Hemodialysis catheter integrity during mechanical power injection of iodinated contrast medium for computed tomography angiography. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2021 Jun;46(6):2961u20137.
- King AE, Andriano NR, Howle LE. Trinomial decompression sickness model using full, marginal, and non-event outcomes. Computers in biology and medicine. 2020 Mar;118:103640.
- King AE, Howle LE. Tetranomial decompression sickness model using serious, mild, marginal, and non-event outcomes. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 2020 Jan 1;20.
- Di Muro G, Murphy FG, Vann RD, Howle LE. Are interconnected compartmental models more effective at predicting decompression sickness risk? Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 2020 Jan 1;20.
- Dunford RG, Denoble PD, Forbes R, Pieper CF, Howle LE, Vann RD. A study of decompression sickness using recorded depth-time profiles. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2020;47(1):75u201391.
- Howle LE, Kraus SD, Werner TB, Nowacek DP. Simulation of the entanglement of a North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) with fixed fishing gear. Marine Mammal Science. 2019 Jul 1;35(3):760u201378.
- Murphy FG, Swingler AJ, Gerth WA, Howle LE. Iso-risk air no decompression limits after scoring marginal decompression sickness cases as non-events. Computers in biology and medicine. 2018 Jan;92:110u20137.
- Murphy FG, Hada EA, Doolette DJ, Howle LE. Probabilistic pharmacokinetic models of decompression sickness in humans: Part 2, coupled perfusion-diffusion models. Computers in biology and medicine. 2018 Jan;92:90u20137.
- King AE, Murphy FG, Howle LE. Bimodal decompression sickness onset times are not related to dive type or event severity. Computers in biology and medicine. 2017 Dec;91:59u201368.
- Murphy FG, Hada EA, Doolette DJ, Howle LE. Probabilistic pharmacokinetic models of decompression sickness in humans, part 1: Coupled perfusion-limited compartments. Computers in biology and medicine. 2017 Jul;86:55u201364.
- Howle LE, Weber PW, Nichols JM. Bayesian approach to decompression sickness model parameter estimation. Computers in biology and medicine. 2017 Mar;82:3u201311.
- Fiore G, Anderson E, Garborg CS, Murray M, Johnson M, Moore MJ, et al. From the track to the ocean: Using flow control to improve marine bio-logging tags for cetaceans. PloS one. 2017 Jan;12(2):e0170962.
- Howle LE, Weber PW, Hada EA, Vann RD, Denoble PJ. The probability and severity of decompression sickness. PLoS One. 2017;12(3):e0172665.
- Alex Shorter K, Murray MM, Johnson M, Moore M, Howle LE. Drag of suction cup tags on swimming animals: Modeling and measurement. Marine Mammal Science. 2014 Jan 1;30(2):726u201346.
- Balmer BC, Wells RS, Howle LE, Barleycorn AA, McLellan WA, Ann Pabst D, et al. Advances in cetacean telemetry: A review of single-pin transmitter attachment techniques on small cetaceans and development of a new satellite-linked transmitter design. Marine Mammal Science. 2014 Jan 1;30(2):656u201373.
- Weber PW, Howle LE, Murray MM, Reidenberg JS, Fish FE. Hydrodynamic performance of the flippers of large-bodied cetaceans in relation to locomotor ecology. Marine Mammal Science. 2014 Jan 1;30(2):413u201332.
- Howle LE. Analytic gain in probabilistic decompression sickness models. Computers in biology and medicine. 2013 Nov;43(11):1739u201347.
- Alex Shorter K, Murray MM, Johnson M, Moore M, Howle LE. Drag of suction cup tags on swimming animals: Modeling and measurement. Marine Mammal Science. 2013;
- Balmer BC, Wells RS, Howle LE, Barleycorn AA, Mcclellan WA, Ann Pabst D, et al. Advances in cetacean telemetry: A review of single-pin transmitter attachment techniques on small cetaceans and development of a new satellite-linked transmitter design. Marine Mammal Science. 2013;
- Weber PW, Howle LE, Murray MM, Reidenberg JS, Fish FE. Hydrodynamic performance of the flippers of large-bodied cetaceans in relation to locomotor ecology. Marine Mammal Science. 2013;
- Bashir MR, Weber PW, Husarik DB, Howle LE, Nelson RC. Improved aortic enhancement in CT angiography using slope-based triggering with table speed optimization: a pilot study. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Aug;28(6):1533u201343.
- Husarik DB, Bashir MR, Weber PW, Nichols EB, Howle LE, Merkle EM, et al. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography: first-pass arterial enhancement as a function of gadolinium-chelate concentration, and the saline chaser volume and injection rate. Invest Radiol. 2012 Feb;47(2):121u20137.
- Fish FE, Weber PW, Murray MM, Howle LE. The tubercles on humpback whales' flippers: application of bio-inspired technology. Integrative and comparative biology. 2011 Jul;51(1):203u201313.
- Fish FE, Weber PW, Murray MM, Howle LE. Marine applications of the biomimetic humpback whale flipper. Marine Technology Society Journal. 2011 Jul 1;45(4):198u2013207.
- Weber PW, Howle LE, Murray MM, Corless JM. A simplified mass-transfer model for visual pigments in amphibian retinal-cone outer segments. Biophys J. 2011 Feb 2;100(3):525u201334.
- Fish FE, Weber PW, Howle LE, Murray MM, Reidenberg JS. Hydrodynamic performance of the flippers of large-bodied cetaceans. Secondary Adaptation of Tetrapods to Life in Water. 2011;
- Weber PW, Howle LE, Murray MM, Miklosovic DS. Computational evaluation of the performance of lifting surfaces with leading-edge protuberances. Journal of Aircraft. 2011 Jan 1;48(2):591u2013600.
- Macha DB, Nelson RC, Howle LE, Hollingsworth JW, Schindera ST. Response. Radiology. 2010 May 1;255(2):662.
- Weber PW, Howle LE, Murray MM. Lift, drag, and cavitation onset on rudders with leading-edge tubercles. Marine Technology. 2010 Jan 1;47(1):27u201336.
- Macha DB, Nelson RC, Howle LE, Hollingsworth JW, Schindera ST. Central venous catheter integrity during mechanical power injection of iodinated contrast medium. Radiology. 2009 Dec;253(3):870u20138.
- Weber PW, Murray MM, Howle LE, Fish FE. Comparison of real and idealized cetacean flippers. Bioinspiration & biomimetics. 2009 Dec;4(4):046001.
- Coursey CA, Nelson RC, Weber PW, Howle LE, Nichols EB, Marin D, et al. Contrast material administration protocols for 64-MDCT angiography: altering volume and rate and use of a saline chaser to better match the imaging window--physiologic phantom study. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Dec;193(6):1568u201375.
- Howle LE, Weber PW, Vann RD. A computationally advantageous system for fitting probabilistic decompression models to empirical data. Computers in biology and medicine. 2009 Dec;39(12):1117u201329.
- Howle LE, Weber PW, Vann RD, Campbell MC. Marginal DCS events: their relation to decompression and use in DCS models. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Mdu202f: 1985). 2009 Nov;107(5):1539u201347.
- Weber PW, Coursey CA, Howle LE, Nelson RC, Nichols EB, Schindera ST. Modifying peripheral IV catheters with side holes and side slits results in favorable changes in fluid dynamic properties during the injection of iodinated contrast material. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Oct;193(4):970u20137.
- Weber PW, Howle LE, Murray MM, Fish FE. Lift and drag performance of odontocete cetacean flippers. The Journal of experimental biology. 2009 Jul;212(Pt 14):2149u201358.
- Vann RD, Denoble PJ, Howle LE, Weber PW, Freiberger JJ, Pieper CF. Resolution and severity in decompression illness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2009 May;80(5):466u201371.
- Fish FE, Timm LL, Murray MM, Howle LE. Ecological morphology of the flippers of cetaceans based on two-dimensional geometry. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. 2009 Feb 1;49:E229u2013E229.
- Fish FE, Howle LE, Murray MM. Hydrodynamic flow control in marine mammals. Integrative and comparative biology. 2008 Dec;48(6):788u2013800.
- Schindera ST, Nelson RC, Howle L, Nichols E, DeLong DM, Merkle EM. Effect of varying injection rates of a saline chaser on aortic enhancement in CT angiography: phantom study. Eur Radiol. 2008 Aug;18(8):1683u20139.
- Miklosovic DS, Murray MM, Howle LE. Experimental evaluation of sinusoidal leading edges. Journal of Aircraft. 2007 Jan 1;44(4):1404u20138.
- Miklosovic DS, Murray MM, Howle LE, Fish FE. Leading-edge tubercles delay stall on humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) flippers. Physics of Fluids. 2004 Jan 1;16(5).
- Fish FE, Miklosovic DS, Murray MM, Howle LE. Delayed stall due to leading edge tubercles of the humpback whale flipper. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. 2003 Dec 1;43(6):903u2013903.
- Wagner BA, Bertozzi AL, Howle LE. Positive feedback control of Rayleigh-Bu00e9nard convection. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B. 2003 Nov 1;3(4):619u201342.
- Murray MM, Howle LE. Spring stiffness influence on an oscillating propulsor. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2003 Jan 1;17(7):915u201326.
- Hasik MJ, Kim DH, Howle LE, Needham D, Prush DP. Evaluation of synthetic phospholipid ultrasound contrast agents. Ultrasonics. 2002 Nov;40(9):973u201382.
- Howle LE. The effect of boundary properties on controlled Rayleigh-Benard convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2000 May 25;411:39u201358.
- Chen D, Wang HO, Howle LE. Bifurcation control of Rayleigh-Benard convection. IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings. 1999 Dec 1;1:377u201382.
- Gustafson MR, Howle LE. Effects of anisotropy and boundary plates on the critical values of a porous medium heated from below. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1999 Sep 1;42(18):3419u201330.
- Craciunescu OI, Howle LE, Clegg ST. Experimental evaluation of the thermal properties of two tissue equivalent phantom materials. Int J Hyperthermia. 1999;15(6):509u201318.
- Chen D, Wang HO, Howle LE, Gustafson MR, Meressi T. Amplitude control of bifurcations and application to Rayleigh-Benard convection. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 1998 Dec 1;2:1951u20136.
- Howle L, Schaeffer DG, Shearer M, Zhong P. Lithotripsy: The treatment of kidney stones with shock waves. SIAM Review. 1998 Jan 1;40(2):356u201371.
- Howle LE, Behringer RP, Georgiadis JG. Convection and flow in porous media. Part 2. Visualization by shadowgraph. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1997 Feb 10;332:247u201362.
- Howle LE. Control of Rayleigh-Bu00e9nard convection in a small aspect ratio container. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1997 Jan 1;40(4):817u201322.
- Howle LE. Linear stability analysis of controlled Rayleigh-Bu00e9nard convection using shadowgraphic measurement. Physics of Fluids. 1997 Jan 1;9(11):3111u20133.
- Howle LE. Active control of Rayleigh-Bu00e9nard convection. Physics of Fluids. 1997 Jan 1;9(7):1861u20133.
- Murray MM, Tong HL, Howle LE, Zhong P. Response to a lithotripter shock wave of a cavitation bubble surrounded by a viscoelastic membrane. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 1997 Jan 1;21.
- Howle LE. A comparison of the reduced Galerkin and pseudo-spectral methods for simulation of steady Rayleigh-Bu00e9nard convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1996 Jan 1;39(12):2401u20137.
- Gustafson MR, Howle LE. Control of Rayleigh-Benard convection in small aspect ratio containers. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 1995 Dec 1;216:77u201381.
- Howle LE, Georgiadis JG. Natural convection in porous media with anisotropic dispersive thermal conductivity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;37(7):1081u201394.
- Howle LE. Efficient implementation of a finite-difference/galerkin method for simulation of large aspect ratio convection. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 1994 Jan 1;26(1):105u201314.
- Howle LE, Behringer RP, Georgiadis JG. Visualization of natural convection in ordered and disordered porous layers. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 1993 Dec 1;172:387u201395.
- Howle LE, Behringer RP, Georgiadis JG. Visualization of convective fluid flow in a porous medium. Nature. 1993;362(7):230u20132.
- Howle L, Behringer RP, Georgiadis J. Visualization of convective fluid flow in a porous medium. Nature. 1993 Jan 1;362(6417):230u20132.