Cate Brinson, Ph.D.
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Sharon C. and Harold L. Yoh, III Distinguished Professor

Research Themes
Biomechanics & Biomaterials, Computation & Artificial Intelligence, Soft Matter & Nanoscale Materials
- B.S. Virginia Polytech Institute and State University, 1985
- M.S. California Institute of Technology, 1986
- Ph.D. California Institute of Technology, 1990
- Sharon C. and Harold L. Yoh, III Distinguished Professor
- Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- A.C. Eringen Medal. Society of Engineering Science (SES). 2022
- Fellow. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 2020
- Nadai Medal. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 2014
- Fellow. American Academy of Mechanics. 2013
- Fellow. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2009
- Fellow. Society for Engineering Science. 2007
- Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. 2006
- Thomas JR Hughes Young Investigator Award. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2003
- National Science Foundation CAREER Awards - Multiple Sciences. National Science Foundation (NSF). 1995
Courses Taught
- ME 758S: Curricular Practical Training
- ME 592: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- ME 591: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- ME 582: Applications in Data and Materials Science
- ME 555: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 492: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 491: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 392: Undergraduate Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 391: Undergraduate Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- COMPSCI 583: Applications in Data and Materials Science
- CEE 521: Elasticity (GE, BB)
- BME 526: Elasticity (GE, BB)
- Saito I, Sheridan RJ, Zauscher S, Brinson LC. Pushing AFM to the Boundaries: Interphase Mechanical Property Measurements near a Rigid Body. Macromolecules. 2025 Jan 28;58(2):980u20138.
- Zhang H, Mahabadi RK, Rudin C, Guilleminot J, Brinson LC. Uncertainty quantification of acoustic metamaterial bandgaps with stochastic material properties and geometric defects. Computers and Structures. 2024 Dec 1;305.
- Sheridan RJ, Zauscher S, Brinson LC. BOTTS: broadband optimized time-temperature superposition for vastly accelerated viscoelastic data acquisition. Soft matter. 2024 Oct;20(39):7811u201320.
- Circi D, Khalighinejad G, Chen A, Dhingra B, Brinson LC. How Well Do Large Language Models Understand Tables in Materials Science? Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. 2024 Sep 1;13(3):669u201387.
- Hu B, Lin A, Brinson LC. Tackling Structured Knowledge Extraction from Polymer Nanocomposite Literature as an NER/RE Task with seq2seq. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. 2024 Sep 1;13(3):656u201368.
- Slates AM, L McAlexander S, Nolan J, de Pablo J, Chen J, Johnson HT, et al. Partnerships and collaboration drive innovative graduate training in materials informatics. Science advances. 2024 May;10(18):eadp7446.
- Brinson LC, Bartolo LM, Blaiszik B, Elbert D, Foster I, Strachan A, et al. Community action on FAIR data will fuel a revolution in materials research. MRS bulletin. 2024 Jan;49(1):12u20136.
- Jablonka KM, Ai Q, Al-Feghali A, Badhwar S, Bocarsly JD, Bran AM, et al. 14 examples of how LLMs can transform materials science and chemistry: a reflection on a large language model hackathon. Digital discovery. 2023 Oct;2(5):1233u201350.
- Peloquin J, Kirillova A, Rudin C, Brinson LC, Gall K. Prediction of tensile performance for 3D printed photopolymer gyroid lattices using structural porosity, base material properties, and machine learning. Materials and Design. 2023 Aug 1;232.
- Peloquin J, Kirillova A, Mathey E, Rudin C, Brinson LC, Gall K. Tensile performance data of 3D printed photopolymer gyroid lattices. Data in brief. 2023 Aug;49:109396.
- Prabhune P, Comlek Y, Shandilya A, Sundararaman R, Schadler LS, Brinson LC, et al. Design of Polymer Nanodielectrics for Capacitive Energy Storage. Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland). 2023 Aug;13(17):2394.
- McDonald SM, Augustine EK, Lanners Q, Rudin C, Catherine Brinson L, Becker ML. Applied machine learning as a driver for polymeric biomaterials design. Nature communications. 2023 Aug;14(1):4838.
- Huerta EA, Blaiszik B, Brinson LC, Bouchard KE, Diaz D, Doglioni C, et al. FAIR for AI: An interdisciplinary and international community building perspective. Scientific data. 2023 Jul;10(1):487.
- Ma B, Finan NJ, Jany D, Deagen ME, Schadler LS, Brinson LC. Machine-Learning-Assisted Understanding of Polymer Nanocomposites Composition-Property Relationship: A Case Study of NanoMine Database. Macromolecules. 2023 Jun;56(11):3945u201353.
- Burkhart C, Jiang B, Papakonstantopoulos G, Polinska P, Xu H, Sheridan RJ, et al. Data-Driven Multiscale Science for Tread Compounding. Tire Science And Technology. 2023 Apr 1;51(2):114u201331.
- Nepal D, Kang S, Adstedt KM, Kanhaiya K, Bockstaller MR, Brinson LC, et al. Hierarchically structured bioinspired nanocomposites. Nature materials. 2023 Jan;22(1):18u201335.
- Chen Z, Ogren A, Daraio C, Brinson LC, Rudin C. How to see hidden patterns in metamaterials with interpretable machine learning. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2022 Nov 1;57.
- Huerta EA, Blaiszik B, Brinson LC, Bouchard KE, Diaz D, Doglioni C, et al. FAIR for AI: An interdisciplinary and international community buildingn perspective. 2022.
- Deagen ME, McCusker JP, Fateye T, Stouffer S, Brinson LC, McGuinness DL, et al. FAIR and Interactive Data Graphics from a Scientific Knowledge Graph. Scientific data. 2022 May;9(1):239.
- Brinson LC, Bartolo LM, Blaiszik B, Elbert D, Foster I, Strachan A, et al. Community Action on FAIR Data will Fuel a Revolution in Materialsn Research. 2022.
- Collinson DW, von Windheim N, Gall K, Brinson LC. Direct evidence of interfacial crystallization preventing weld formation during fused filament fabrication of poly(ether ether ketone). Additive Manufacturing. 2022 Mar 1;51.
- Schadler LS, Chen W, Brinson LC, Sundararaman R, Prabhune P, Iyer A. Combining Machine Learning, DFT, EFM, and Modeling to Design Nanodielectric Behavior. In: ECS Transactions. 2022. p. 51u201360.
- Deagen ME, Brinson LC, Vaia RA, Schadler LS. The materials tetrahedron has a "digital twin". MRS bulletin. 2022 Jan;47(4):379u201388.
- Li X, Ma B, Dai J, Sui C, Pande D, Smith DR, et al. Metalized polyamide heterostructure as a moisture-responsive actuator for multimodal adaptive personal heat management. Science advances. 2021 Dec;7(51):eabj7906.
- Collinson DW, Sheridan RJ, Palmeri MJ, Brinson LC. Best practices and recommendations for accurate nanomechanical characterization of heterogeneous polymer systems with atomic force microscopy. Progress in Polymer Science. 2021 Aug 1;119.
- Collinson DW, Kolluru PV, Von Windheim N, Brinson LC. Distribution of rubber particles in the weld zone of fused filament fabricated acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and the impact on weld strength. Additive Manufacturing. 2021 May 1;41.
- Eaton MD, Brinson LC, Shull KR. Temperature dependent fracture behavior in model epoxy networks with nanoscale heterogeneity. Polymer. 2021 Apr 14;221.
- Hu B, Lin A, Brinson LC. ChemProps: A RESTful API enabled database for composite polymer name standardization. Journal of cheminformatics. 2021 Mar;13(1):22.
- Collinson DW, Emnett HM, Ning J, Hartmann MJZ, Brinson LC. Tapered Polymer Whiskers to Enable Three-Dimensional Tactile Feature Extraction. Soft robotics. 2021 Feb;8(1):44u201358.
- von Windheim N, Collinson DW, Lau T, Brinson LC, Gall K. The influence of porosity, crystallinity and interlayer adhesion on the tensile strength of 3D printed polylactic acid (PLA). Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2021 Jan 1;27(7):1327u201336.
- Xu H, Sheridan RJ, Catherine Brinson L, Chen W, Jiang B, Papakonstantopoulos G, et al. Data-Driven Multiscale Science for Tire Compounding: Methods and Future Directions. In: Springer Series in Materials Science. 2021. p. 281u2013312.
- Iyer A, Zhang Y, Prasad A, Gupta P, Tao S, Wang Y, et al. Data centric nanocomposites design: Via mixed-variable Bayesian optimization. Molecular Systems Design and Engineering. 2020 Oct 1;5(8):1376u201390.
- Prasad AS, Wang Y, Li X, Iyer A, Chen W, Brinson LC, et al. Investigating the effect of surface modification on the dispersion process of polymer nanocomposites. Nanocomposites. 2020 Aug 27;6(3):111u201324.
- Schadler LS, Chen W, Brinson LC, Sundararaman R, Gupta P, Prabhune P, et al. A perspective on the data-driven design of polymer nanodielectrics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2020 Aug 12;53(33).
- Paul PP, Paranjape HM, Amin-Ahmadi B, Pagan DC, Chumlyakov YI, Brinson LC. Heterogeneity and inelasticity of deformation in a notched martensitic NiTi shape memory alloy specimen. Acta Materialia. 2020 Aug 1;194:49u201359.
- Brinson LC, Deagen M, Chen W, McCusker J, McGuinness DL, Schadler LS, et al. Polymer Nanocomposite Data: Curation, Frameworks, Access, and Potential for Discovery and Design. ACS macro letters. 2020 Aug;9(8):1086u201394.
- Sheridan RJ, Collinson DW, Brinson LC. Vanishing Cantilever Calibration Error with Magic Ratio Atomic Force Microscopy. Advanced Theory and Simulations. 2020 Aug 1;3(8).
- Wang Y, Zhang M, Lin A, Iyer A, Prasad AS, Li X, et al. Mining structure-property relationships in polymer nanocomposites using data driven finite element analysis and multi-task convolutional neural networks. Molecular Systems Design and Engineering. 2020 Jun 1;5(5):962u201375.
- Woodcock JW, Sheridan RJ, Beams R, Stranick SJ, Mitchell WF, Brinson LC, et al. Damage sensing using a mechanophore crosslinked epoxy resin in single-fiber composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2020 May;192:108074u2013108074.
- Paul PP, Paranjape HM, Tamura N, Chumlyakov YI, Brinson LC. In-situ, microscale characterization of heterogeneous deformation around notch in martensitic Shape Memory Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2020 Jan 13;771.
- McCusker JP, Keshan N, Rashid S, Deagen M, Brinson C, McGuinness DL. NanoMine: A Knowledge Graph for Nanocomposite Materials Science. In 2020. p. 144u201359.
- Paul PP, Kabirifar P, Sun Q, Brinson LC. Structure-microstructure interactions in compression deformation of NiTi shape memory alloy micropillars. Materials Letters. 2019 Dec 15;257.
- Brinson L, Stebner A. Microstructure Anisotropy Effects on Fracture and Fatigue Mechanisms in Shape Memory Alloy Martensites. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI); 2019 Dec.
- Collinson DW, Eaton MD, Shull KR, Brinson LC. Deconvolution of Stress Interaction Effects from Atomic Force Spectroscopy Data across Polymer-Particle Interfaces. Macromolecules. 2019 Nov 26;52(22):8940u201355.
- Li X, Zhang M, Wang Y, Prasad A, Chen W, Schadler L, et al. Rethinking interphase representations for modeling viscoelastic properties for polymer nanocomposites. Materialia. 2019 Jun 1;6.
- Song J, Kahraman R, Collinson DW, Xia W, Brinson LC, Keten S. Temperature effects on the nanoindentation characterization of stiffness gradients in confined polymers. Soft matter. 2019 Jan;15(3):359u201370.
- Iyer A, Zhang Y, Prasad A, Tao S, Wang Y, Schadler L, et al. Data-centric mixed-variable Bayesian optimization for materials design. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. 2019.
- Zhang M, Cui Z, Catherine Brinson L. Mechanical properties of hardu2013soft block copolymers calculated from coarse-grained molecular dynamics models. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 2018 Dec 1;56(23):1552u201366.
- Fisher CR, Henderson HB, Kesler MS, Zhu P, Bean GE, Wright MC, et al. Repairing large cracks and reversing fatigue damage in structural metals. Applied Materials Today. 2018 Dec;13:64u20138.
- Kolluru PV, Eaton MD, Collinson DW, Cheng X, Delgado DE, Shull KR, et al. AFM-based Dynamic Scanning Indentation (DSI) Method for Fast, High-resolution Spatial Mapping of Local Viscoelastic Properties in Soft Materials. Macromolecules. 2018 Nov 13;51(21):8964u201378.
- Yang Z, Li X, Brinson LC, Choudhary AN, Chen W, Agrawal A. Microstructural materials design via deep adversarial learning methodology. Journal of Mechanical Design. 2018 Nov 1;140(11).
- Zhao H, Wang Y, Lin A, Hu B, Yan R, McCusker J, et al. NanoMine schema: An extensible data representation for polymer nanocomposites. APL Materials. 2018 Nov 1;6(11).
- Zhang M, Li Y, Kolluru PV, Brinson LC. Determination of Mechanical Properties of Polymer Interphase Using Combined Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Experiments and Finite Element Simulations. Macromolecules. 2018 Oct 23;51(20):8229u201340.
- Li X, Zhang Y, Zhao H, Burkhart C, Brinson LC, Chen W. A Transfer Learning Approach for Microstructure Reconstruction and Structure-property Predictions. Scientific reports. 2018 Sep;8(1):13461.
- Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao H, Li X, Huang Y, Schadler LS, et al. Identifying interphase properties in polymer nanocomposites using adaptive optimization. Composites Science and Technology. 2018 Jul 7;162:146u201355.
- Paul PP, Fortman M, Paranjape HM, Anderson PM, Stebner AP, Brinson LC. Influence of Structure and Microstructure on Deformation Localization and Crack Growth in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 2018 Jun 1;4(2):285u201393.
- Hu A, Li X, Ajdari A, Jiang B, Burkhart C, Chen W, et al. Computational analysis of particle reinforced viscoelastic polymer nanocomposites u2013 statistical study of representative volume element. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2018 May;114:55u201374.
- Nandy K, Collinson DW, Scheftic CM, Brinson LC. Open-source micro-tensile testers via additive manufacturing for the mechanical characterization of thin films and papers. PloS one. 2018 Jan;13(5):e0197999.
- Li X, Yang Z, Catherine Brinson L, Choudhary A, Agrawal A, Chen W. A deep adversarial learning methodology for designing microstructural material systems. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. 2018.
- Paul PP, Paranjape HM, Amin-Ahmadi B, Stebner AP, Dunand DC, Brinson LC. Effect of machined feature size relative to the microstructural size on the superelastic performance in polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2017 Oct;706:227u201335.
- Huang Y, Zhao H, Wang Y, Ratcliff T, Breneman C, Catherine Brinson L, et al. Predicting the breakdown strength and lifetime of nanocomposites using a multi-scale modeling approach. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017 Aug 14;122(6).
- Martens Y, Ehrmann A. Composites of 3D-Printed Polymers and Textile Fabrics*. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017 Aug;225:012292u2013012292.
- Zhang M, Askar S, Torkelson JM, Brinson LC. Stiffness Gradients in Glassy Polymer Model Nanocomposites: Comparisons of Quantitative Characterization by Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. Macromolecules. 2017 Jul 25;50(14):5447u201358.
- Bessa MA, Bostanabad R, Liu Z, Hu A, Apley DW, Brinson C, et al. A framework for data-driven analysis of materials under uncertainty: Countering the curse of dimensionality. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2017 Jun;320:633u201367.
- Paranjape HM, Paul PP, Sharma H, Kenesei P, Park J-S, Duerig TW, et al. Influences of granular constraints and surface effects on the heterogeneity of elastic, superelastic, and plastic responses of polycrystalline shape memory alloys. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2017 May;102:46u201366.
- Zhu P, Cui Z, Kesler MS, Newman JA, Manuel MV, Wright MC, et al. Characterization and modeling of three-dimensional self-healing shape memory alloy-reinforced metal-matrix composites. Mechanics of Materials. 2016 Dec;103:1u201310.
- Bewerse C, Brinson LC, Dunand DC. Porous shape-memory NiTi-Nb with microchannel arrays. Acta Materialia. 2016 Aug;115:83u201393.
- Pivalizza EG, Gautam NK, Sridhar S, Gumbert SD, Williams GW. Is the u201cTriple Lowu201d Association with Death Statistically Valid or Reflective of Clinical Practice? Anesthesiology. 2016 Jun;124(6):1410u20131410.
- Zhao H, Li X, Zhang Y, Schadler LS, Chen W, Brinson LC. Perspective: NanoMine: A material genome approach for polymer nanocomposites analysis and design. APL Materials. 2016 May 1;4(5).
- Hassinger I, Li X, Zhao H, Xu H, Huang Y, Prasad A, et al. Toward the development of a quantitative tool for predicting dispersion of nanocomposites under non-equilibrium processing conditions. Journal of Materials Science. 2016 May;51(9):4238u201349.
- Wood CD, Ajdari A, Burkhart CW, Putz KW, Brinson LC. Understanding competing mechanisms for glass transition changes in filled elastomers. Composites Science and Technology. 2016 Apr;127:88u201394.
- Oswald J, Arya G, Cui Z, Brinson LC. Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Coarse Grain Simulation of High Strain-Rate Elastomeric Polymers (HSREP): Molecular and Coarse-Grained Methods for Microstructure-Property Relations in HSREP. In: Barsoum R, editor. Elastomeric Polymers with High Rate Sensitivity Applications in Blast, Shockwave, and Penetration Mechanics. William Andrew; 2015.
- Bewerse C, Brinson LC, Dunand DC. Microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast quasibinary NiTiu2013Nb eutectic alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2015 Mar;627:360u20138.
- Cheng X, Putz KW, Wood CD, Brinson LC. Characterization of local elastic modulus in confined polymer films via AFM indentation. Macromolecular rapid communications. 2015 Feb;36(4):391u20137.
- Wood CD, Vijayvergia M, Miller FH, Carroll T, Fasanati C, Shea LD, et al. Multi-modal magnetic resonance elastography for noninvasive assessment of ovarian tissue rigidity in vivo. Acta biomaterialia. 2015 Feb;13:295u2013300.
- Zhu P, Stebner AP, Catherine Brinson L. Plastic and transformation interactions of pores in shape memory alloy plates. Smart Materials and Structures. 2014 Oct 1;23(10):104008u2013104008.
- Bewerse C, Brinson LC, Dunand DC. NiTi with 3D-interconnected microchannels produced by liquid phase sintering and electrochemical dissolution of steel tubes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2014 Sep;214(9):1895u20139.
- Breneman CM, Brinson LC, Schadler LS, Natarajan B, Krein M, Wu K, et al. Stalking the Materials Genome: A Data-Driven Approach to the Virtual Design of Nanostructured Polymers. Advanced functional materials. 2013 Dec;23(46):5746u201352.
- Stebner AP, Vogel SC, Noebe RD, Sisneros TA, Clausen B, Brown DW, et al. Micromechanical quantification of elastic, twinning, and slip strain partitioning exhibited by polycrystalline, monoclinic nickelu2013titanium during large uniaxial deformations measured via in-situ neutron diffraction. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2013 Nov;61(11):2302u201330.
- Zhu P, Brinson LC, Peraza-Hernandez E, Hartl D, Stebner A. Comparison of Three-Dimensional Shape Memory Alloy Constitutive Models: Finite Element Analysis of Actuation and Superelastic Responses of a Shape Memory Alloy Tube. In: Volume 2: Mechanics and Behavior of Active Materials; Structural Health Monitoring; Bioinspired Smart Materials and Systems; Energy Harvesting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2013.
- Zhu P, Stebner AP, Brinson LC. A numerical study of the coupling of elastic and transformation fields in pore arrays in shape memory alloy plates to advance porous structure design and optimization. Smart Materials and Structures. 2013 Sep 1;22(9):094009u2013094009.
- Cui Z, Brinson LC. Thermomechanical properties and deformation of coarse-grained models of hard-soft block copolymers. Physical review E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 2013 Aug;88(2):022602.
- Wood CD, Palmeri MJ, Putz KW, An Z, Nguyen ST, Catherine Brinson L. Hierarchical Structure and Properties of Graphene Oxide Papers. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2013 Jul 1;80(4).
- Stebner AP, Brown DW, Brinson LC. Measurement of elastic constants of monoclinic nickel-titanium and validation of first principles calculations. Applied Physics Letters. 2013 May 27;102(21).
- Deymier-Black AC, Singhal A, Yuan F, Almer JD, Brinson LC, Dunand DC. Effect of high-energy X-ray irradiation on creep mechanisms in bone and dentin. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 2013 May;21:17u201331.
- Bewerse C, Gall KR, McFarland GJ, Zhu P, Brinson LC. Local and global strains and strain ratios in shape memory alloys using digital imagecorrelation. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2013 Apr 15;568:134u201342.
- Natarajan B, Li Y, Deng H, Brinson LC, Schadler LS. Effect of Interfacial Energetics on Dispersion and Glass Transition Temperature in Polymer Nanocomposites. Macromolecules. 2013 Apr 9;46(7):2833u201341.
- Stebner AP, Brown DW, Brinson LC. Youngu2019s modulus evolution and texture-based elasticu2013inelastic strain partitioning during large uniaxial deformations of monoclinic nickelu2013titanium. Acta Materialia. 2013 Apr;61(6):1944u201356.
- Stebner AP, Brinson LC. Explicit finite element implementation of an improved three dimensional constitutive model for shape memory alloys. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2013 Apr;257:17u201335.
- Singhal A, Yuan F, Stock SR, Almer JD, Brinson LC, Dunand DC. Evolution of Phase Strains During Tensile Loading of Bovine Cortical Bone. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2013 Apr;15(4):238u201349.
- Deng H, Liu Y, Gai D, Dikin DA, Putz KW, Chen W, et al. Utilizing real and statistically reconstructed microstructures for the viscoelastic modeling of polymer nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology. 2012 Sep;72(14):1725u201332.
- Wood CD, Palmeri MJ, Putz KW, Ho G, Barto R, Catherine Brinson L. Nanoscale structure and local mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composites containing MWCNT-grafted hybrid glass fibers. Composites Science and Technology. 2012 Sep;72(14):1705u201310.
- Compton OC, An Z, Putz KW, Hong BJ, Hauser BG, Catherine Brinson L, et al. Additive-free hydrogelation of graphene oxide by ultrasonication. Carbon. 2012 Aug;50(10):3399u2013406.
- Maillard D, Kumar SK, Fragneaud B, Kysar JW, Rungta A, Benicewicz BC, et al. Mechanical properties of thin glassy polymer films filled with spherical polymer-grafted nanoparticles. Nano letters. 2012 Aug;12(8):3909u201314.
- Ramanathan T, Stankovich S, Dikin DA, Liu H, Shen H, Nguyen ST, et al. Erratum: Graphitic nanofillers in PMMA nanocompositesu2014an investigation of particle size and dispersion and their influence on nanocomposite properties. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2012 Apr 15;50(8):589u2013589.
- Compton OC, Abouimrane A, An Z, Palmeri MJ, Brinson LC, Amine K, et al. Exfoliation and reassembly of cobalt oxide nanosheets into a reversible lithium-ion battery cathode. Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 2012 Apr;8(7):1110u20136.
- Putz KW, Compton OC, Palmeri MJ, An Z, Nguyen ST, Brinson LC. Formation mechanism of graphene oxide paper. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2012.
- Compton OC, Cranford SW, Putz KW, An Z, Brinson LC, Buehler MJ, et al. Tuning the mechanical properties of graphene oxide paper and its associated polymer nanocomposites by controlling cooperative intersheet hydrogen bonding. ACS nano. 2012 Mar;6(3):2008u201319.
- Deymier-Black AC, Yuan F, Singhal A, Almer JD, Brinson LC, Dunand DC. Evolution of load transfer between hydroxyapatite and collagen during creep deformation of bone. Acta biomaterialia. 2012 Jan;8(1):253u201361.
- An Z, Compton OC, Putz KW, Brinson LC, Nguyen ST. Bio-inspired borate cross-linking in ultra-stiff graphene oxide thin films. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2011 Sep;23(33):3842u20136.
- Chen X, Beyerlein IJ, Brinson LC. Bridged crack models for the toughness of composites reinforced with curved nanotubes. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2011 Sep;59(9):1938u201352.
- Gao X, Stebner A, Brown DW, Brinson LC. Neutron diffraction studies and multivariant simulations of shape memory alloys: Concurrent verification of texture development and mechanical response predictions. Acta Materialia. 2011 Sep;59(15):5924u201337.
- Putz KW, Compton OC, Segar C, An Z, Nguyen ST, Brinson LC. Evolution of order during vacuum-assisted self-assembly of graphene oxide paper and associated polymer nanocomposites. ACS nano. 2011 Aug;5(8):6601u20139.
- Shen H, Brinson LC. A numerical investigation of porous titanium as orthopedic implant material. Mechanics of Materials. 2011 Aug;43(8):420u201330.
- Qiao R, Gao X, Brinson LC. Model and Simulation of an SMA Enhanced Lip Seal. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2011 Jul;20(4u20135):570u20138.
- Qiao R, Deng H, Putz KW, Brinson LC. Effect of particle agglomeration and interphase on the glass transition temperature of polymer nanocomposites. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2011 May 15;49(10):740u20138.
- Watcharotone S, Wood CD, Friedrich R, Chen X, Qiao R, Putz K, et al. Interfacial and Substrate Effects on Local Elastic Properties of Polymers Using Coupled Experiments and Modeling of Nanoindentation. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2011 May;13(5):400u20134.
- Yuan F, Stock SR, Haeffner DR, Almer JD, Dunand DC, Brinson LC. A new model to simulate the elastic properties of mineralized collagen fibril. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 2011 Apr;10(2):147u201360.
- Stebner A, Gao X, Brown DW, Brinson LC. Neutron diffraction studies and multivariant simulations of shape memory alloys: Empirical texture developmentu2013mechanical response relations of martensitic nickelu2013titanium. Acta Materialia. 2011 Apr;59(7):2841u20139.
- Stock SR, Yuan F, Brinson LC, Almer JD. Internal strain gradients quantified in bone under load using high-energy X-ray scattering. Journal of biomechanics. 2011 Jan;44(2):291u20136.
- Stebner A, Krueger J, Neurohr AJ, Dunand DC, Brinson LC, Mabe JH, et al. Light-Weight, Fast-Cycling, Shape-Memory Actuation Structures. In: ASME 2011 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Volume 1. ASMEDC; 2011. p. 333u20139.
- Palmeri MJ, Putz KW, Ramanathan T, Brinson LC. Multi-scale reinforcement of CFRPs using carbon nanofibers. Composites Science and Technology. 2011 Jan;71(2):79u201386.
- Needleman A, Borders TL, Brinson LC, Flores VM, Schadler LS. Effect of an interphase region on debonding of a CNT reinforced polymer composite. Composites Science and Technology. 2010 Dec;70(15):2207u201315.
- Pujari S, Ramanathan T, Kasimatis K, Masuda J, Andrews R, Torkelson JM, et al. Erratum: Preparation and characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotube dispersions in polypropylene: Melt mixing versus solidu2010state shear pulverization. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2010 Nov;48(21):2296u20132296.
- Putz KW, Compton OC, Palmeri MJ, Nguyen ST, Brinson LC. Highu2010Nanofilleru2010Content Graphene Oxideu2013Polymer Nanocomposites via Vacuumu2010Assisted Selfu2010Assembly. Advanced Functional Materials. 2010 Oct 8;20(19):3322u20139.
- Panico M, Narayanan S, Brinson LC. Simulations of tensile failure in glassy polymers: effect of cross-link density. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2010 Jul 1;18(5):055005u2013055005.
- Palmeri MJ, Putz KW, Brinson LC. Sacrificial bonds in stacked-cup carbon nanofibers: biomimetic toughening mechanisms for composite systems. ACS nano. 2010 Jul;4(7):4256u201364.
- Flory AL, Ramanathan T, Brinson LC. Physical Aging of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposites: Effect of Functionalization of the Nanotube on the Enthalpy Relaxation. Macromolecules. 2010 May 11;43(9):4247u201352.
- Duncan RK, Chen XG, Bult JB, Brinson LC, Schadler LS. Measurement of the critical aspect ratio and interfacial shear strength in MWNT/polymer composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2010 Apr;70(4):599u2013605.
- Compton OC, Dikin DA, Putz KW, Brinson LC, Nguyen ST. Electrically conductive "alkylated" graphene paper via chemical reduction of amine-functionalized graphene oxide paper. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2010 Feb;22(8):892u20136.
- Hamming LM, Qiao R, Messersmith PB, Brinson LC. Effects of dispersion and interfacial modification on the macroscale properties of TiO(2) polymer matrix nanocomposites. Composites science and technology. 2009 Sep;69(11u201312):1880u20136.
- Pujari S, Ramanathan T, Kasimatis K, Masuda J, Andrews R, Torkelson JM, et al. Preparation and characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotube dispersions in polypropylene: Melt mixing versus solidu2010state shear pulverization. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2009 Jul 15;47(14):1426u201336.
- Brinson LC, Schadler LS, Breneman CM, Sukumar N, Kreim M, Qiao R. Intelligent design of nanocomposites via informatics. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2009.
- Brinson LC, Hamming LM, Ramanathan T. Biofunctionalized and graphene based polymer nanocomposites: The role of the interphase. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2009.
- Chen X, Beyerlein IJ, Brinson LC. Curved-fiber pull-out model for nanocomposites. Part 2: Interfacial debonding and sliding. Mechanics of Materials. 2009 Mar;41(3):293u2013307.
- Chen X, Beyerlein IJ, Brinson LC. Curved-fiber pull-out model for nanocomposites. Part 1: Bonded stage formulation. Mechanics of Materials. 2009 Mar;41(3):279u201392.
- Bai T, Bradshaw RD, Ramanathan T, Nunalee FN, Shull KR, Mason TO, et al. Planar aqueous electrode technique for polymer impedance spectroscopy. Polymer Engineering & Science. 2009 Mar;49(3):441u201353.
- Qiao R, Catherine Brinson L. Simulation of interphase percolation and gradients in polymer nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology. 2009 Mar;69(3u20134):491u20139.
- Guo Y, Wang N, Bradshaw RD, Brinson LC. Modeling mechanical aging shift factors in glassy polymers during nonisothermal physical aging. I. Experiments and KAHRu2010ate model prediction. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2009 Feb;47(3):340u201352.
- Brinson LC, Panico M. Comments to the paper u201cDifferential and integrated form consistency in 1-D phenomenological models for shape memory alloy constitutive behavioru201d by V.R. Buravalla and A. Khandelwal [Int. J. Solids and Struct. 44 (2007) 4369u20134381]. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2009 Jan;46(1):217u201320.
- Qiao R, Brinson LC. Gradient Interphases in Polymer Nanocomposites. In: Volume 12: Micro and Nano Systems, Parts A and B. ASMEDC; 2009. p. 883u20134.
- Panico M, Brinson LC. Computational modeling of porous shape memory alloys. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2008 Oct;45(21):5613u201326.
- Putz KW, Palmeri MJ, Cohn RB, Andrews R, Brinson LC. Effect of Cross-Link Density on Interphase Creation in Polymer Nanocomposites. Macromolecules. 2008 Sep 23;41(18):6752u20136.
- Qiao R, Brinson LC. Comment on: A Correction to the Brinson's Evolution Kinetics for Shape Memory Alloys. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2008 Sep;19(9):1113u20131113.
- Shen H, Li H, Brinson LC. Effect of microstructural configurations on the mechanical responses of porous titanium: A numerical design of experiment analysis for orthopedic applications. Mechanics of Materials. 2008 Sep;40(9):708u201320.
- Hamming LM, Fan XW, Messersmith PB, Brinson LC. Mimicking mussel adhesion to improve interfacial properties in composites. Composites science and technology. 2008 Jul;68(9):2042u20138.
- Schoch AB, Shull KR, Brinson LC. Junction-Controlled Elasticity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Dispersions in Acrylic Copolymer Gels and Solutions. Macromolecules. 2008 Jun 1;41(12):4340u20136.
- Ramanathan T, Abdala AA, Stankovich S, Dikin DA, Herrera-Alonso M, Piner RD, et al. Functionalized graphene sheets for polymer nanocomposites. Nature nanotechnology. 2008 Jun;3(6):327u201331.
- Liu H, Brinson LC. Reinforcing efficiency of nanoparticles: A simple comparison for polymer nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology. 2008 May;68(6):1502u201312.
- Rittigstein P, Ramanathan T, Brinson LC, Torkelson JM. PMSE 127-Effects of covalent bonding of polymer chains to nanoparticles on polymer glass transition temperature, physical aging, and related dynamics. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2008.
- Wakabayashi K, Pierre C, Dikin DA, Ruoff RS, Ramanathan T, Brinson LC, et al. Polymeru2212Graphite Nanocomposites:u2009 Effective Dispersion and Major Property Enhancement via Solid-State Shear Pulverization. Macromolecules. 2008 Mar 1;41(6):1905u20138.
- Spoerke ED, Murray NGD, Li H, Brinson LC, Dunand DC, Stupp SI. Titanium with aligned, elongated pores for orthopedic tissue engineering applications. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2008 Feb;84(2):402u201312.
- Gao X, Qiao R, Catherine Brinson L. Phase diagram kinetics for shape memory alloys: a robust finite element implementation. Smart Materials and Structures. 2007 Dec 1;16(6):2102u201315.
- Panico M, Brinson LC. A three-dimensional phenomenological model for martensite reorientation in shape memory alloys. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2007 Nov;55(11):2491u2013511.
- Ramanathan T, Stankovich S, Dikin DA, Liu H, Shen H, Nguyen ST, et al. Graphitic nanofillers in PMMA nanocompositesu2014An investigation of particle size and dispersion and their influence on nanocomposite properties. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2007 Aug;45(15):2097u2013112.
- Meade LK, Fan X, Messersmith PB, Brinson LC. Improved interfacial adhesion between metal and polymer utilizing a biomimetic initiator. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2007.
- Putz KW, Brinson LC, Thillaiyan R, Jamison L. Effect of carbon nanoparticle geometry on the interphase in PMMA nanocomposites. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2007.
- Schadler LS, Brinson LC, Sawyer WG. Polymer nanocomposites: A small part of the story. JOM. 2007 Mar;59(3):53u201360.
- Shen H, Brinson LC. Finite element modeling of porous titanium. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2007 Jan;44(1):320u201335.
- Shen H, Brinson LC. A numerical investigation of the effect of boundary conditions and representative volume element size for porous titanium. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2006 Nov 1;1(7):1179u2013204.
- Liu H, Brinson LC. A Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Method for Modeling the Viscoelastic Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2006 Sep 1;73(5):758u201368.
- Shen H, Oppenheimer SM, Dunand DC, Brinson LC. Numerical modeling of pore size and distribution in foamed titanium. Mechanics of Materials. 2006 Aug;38(8u201310):933u201344.
- Eitan A, Fisher FT, Andrews R, Brinson LC, Schadler LS. Reinforcement mechanisms in MWCNT-filled polycarbonate. Composites Science and Technology. 2006 Jul;66(9):1162u201373.
- McVeigh C, Vernerey F, Liu WK, Cate Brinson L. Multiresolution analysis for material design. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2006 Jul;195(37u201340):5053u201376.
- Burton DS, Gao X, Brinson LC. Finite element simulation of a self-healing shape memory alloy composite. Mechanics of Materials. 2006 May;38(5u20136):525u201337.
- Patoor E, Lagoudas DC, Entchev PB, Brinson LC, Gao X. Shape memory alloys, Part I: General properties and modeling of single crystals. Mechanics of Materials. 2006 May;38(5u20136):391u2013429.
- Lagoudas DC, Entchev PB, Popov P, Patoor E, Brinson LC, Gao X. Shape memory alloys, Part II: Modeling of polycrystals. Mechanics of Materials. 2006 May;38(5u20136):430u201362.
- Ramanathan T, Liu H, Brinson LC. Functionalized SWNT/polymer nanocomposites for dramatic property improvement. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2006 Jan 15;44(2):470u2013470.
- He Z, Gall KR, Brinson LC. Use of electrical resistance testing to redefine the transformation kinetics and phase diagram for shape-memory alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 2006 Jan 1;37(3):579u201387.
- Gao X, Burton D, Turner TL, Brinson LC. Finite Element Analysis of Adaptive-Stiffening and Shape-Control SMA Hybrid Composites. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 2006;128(3):285u2013285.
- Ramanathan T, Liu H, Brinson LC. Functionalized SWNT/polymer nanocomposites for dramatic property improvement. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2005 Sep;43(17):2269u201379.
- Spoerke ED, Murray NG, Li H, Brinson LC, Dunand DC, Stupp SI. A bioactive titanium foam scaffold for bone repair. Acta biomaterialia. 2005 Sep;1(5):523u201333.
- Gao X, Brown DW, Brinson LC. SMA texture and reorientation: simulations and neutron diffraction studies. In: Flatau AB, editor. SPIE Proceedings. SPIE; 2005. p. 715u2013715.
- Gao X, Turner TL, Burton D, Brinson LC. Finite element analysis of adaptive-stiffening and shape-control SMA hybrid composites. In: Armstrong WD, editor. SPIE Proceedings. SPIE; 2005. p. 406u2013406.
- Kasimatis KG, Nowell JA, Dykes LM, Burghardt WR, Thillaiyan R, Brinson LC, et al. Polymer nanocomposites for the real world: Achievement of well dispersed nanofiller sheets, nanotubes, and nanoparticles by solid-state shear pulverization. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2005. p. U1127u2013U1127.
- Ramanathan T, Fisher FT, Ruoff RS, Brinson LC. Amino-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Binding to Polymers and Biological Systems. Chemistry of Materials. 2005 Mar 1;17(6):1290u20135.
- Kassner ME, Nemat-Nasser S, Suo Z, Bao G, Barbour JC, Brinson LC, et al. New directions in mechanics. Mechanics of Materials. 2005 Feb;37(2u20133):231u201359.
- BRINSON L. Stress-induced transformation behavior of a polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy: micro and macromechanical investigations via in situ optical microscopy. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2004 Jul;52(7):1549u201371.
- BRINSON L. Stress-induced transformation behavior of a polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy: micro and macromechanical investigations via in situ optical microscopy. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2004 Jul;52(7):1549u201371.
- Thelen S, Barthelat F, Brinson LC. Mechanics considerations for microporous titanium as an orthopedic implant material. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2004 Jun;69(4):601u201310.
- Fisher FT, Eitan A, Andrews R, Schadler LS, Brinson LC. Spectral Response and Effective Viscoelastic Properties of Mwnt-Reinforced Polycarbonate. Advanced Composites Letters. 2004 Mar;13(2).
- Li H, Oppenheimer SM, Stupp SI, Dunand DC, Brinson LC. Effects of Pore Morphology and Bone Ingrowth on Mechanical Properties of Microporous Titanium as an Orthopaedic Implant Material. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2004;45(4):1124u201331.
- Ding W, Eitan A, Fisher FT, Chen X, Dikin DA, Andrews R, et al. Direct Observation of Polymer Sheathing in Carbon Nanotubeu2212Polycarbonate Composites. Nano Letters. 2003 Nov 1;3(11):1593u20137.
- Schmidt I, Brinson LC, Lammering R. Micro and macromechanical observation of polycrystalline NiTi using inu00a0situ optical microscopy. In: Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings). EDP Sciences; 2003. p. 655u20138.
- Fisher F. Fiber waviness in nanotube-reinforced polymer compositesu2014I: Modulus predictions using effective nanotube properties. Composites Science and Technology. 2003 Aug;63(11):1689u2013703.
- Xu TT, Fisher FT, Brinson LC, Ruoff RS. Bone-Shaped Nanomaterials for Nanocomposite Applications. Nano Letters. 2003 Aug 1;3(8):1135u20139.
- Bradshaw R. Fiber waviness in nanotube-reinforced polymer compositesu2014II: modeling via numerical approximation of the dilute strain concentration tensor. Composites Science and Technology. 2003 Aug;63(11):1705u201322.
- Addessio FL, Zuo QH, Mason TA, Brinson LC. Model for high-strain-rate deformation of uraniumu2013niobium alloys. Journal of Applied Physics. 2003 Jun 15;93(12):9644u201354.
- Brinson LC, Govindjee S, Lagoudas DC. Special Issue: Physics, Mechanics and Modeling Phase Transformations. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2002 Dec;13(12):759u2013759.
- Gao X, Brinson LC. A Simplified Multivariant SMA Model Based on Invariant Plane Nature of Martensitic Transformation. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2002 Dec;13(12):795u2013810.
- Brinson LC, Schmidt I, Lammering R. Micro and Macromechanical Investigations of CuAlNi Single Crystal and CuAlMnZn Polycrystalline Shape Memory Alloys. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2002 Dec;13(12):761u201372.
- Fisher FT, Bradshaw RD, Brinson LC. Effects of nanotube waviness on the modulus of nanotube-reinforced polymers. Applied Physics Letters. 2002 Jun 17;80(24):4647u20139.
- Brocca M, Brinson LC, Bau017eant ZP. Three-dimensional constitutive model for shape memory alloys based on microplane model. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2002 May;50(5):1051u201377.
- Fisher FT, Brinson LC. Viscoelastic interphases in polymeru2013matrix composites: theoretical models and finite-element analysis. Composites Science and Technology. 2001 Apr;61(5):731u201348.
- Armanios EA, Bucinell RB, Wilson DW, Akshantala NV, Brinson LC. A Damage Evolution Model for Viscoelastic Composite Laminates. Journal of Composites Technology and Research. 2001;23(1):3u20133.
- Zhang XY, Brinson LC, Sun QP. The variant selection criteria in single-crystal CuAlNi shape memory alloys. Smart Materials and Structures. 2000 Oct 1;9(5):571u201381.
- Gao X, Brinson LC. <title>SMA single-crystal experiments and micromechanical modeling for complex thermomechanical loading</title>. In: Lynch CS, editor. SPIE Proceedings. SPIE; 2000. p. 516u201323.
- Gao X, Huang M, Brinson LC. A multivariant micromechanical model for SMAs Part 1. Crystallographic issues for single crystal model. International Journal of Plasticity. 2000 Jan;16(10u201311):1345u201369.
- Gates TS, Brinson LC, Whitley KS, Bai T. Aging During Elevated Temperature Stress Relaxation of IM7/K3B Composite. In ASTM International100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; 2000. p. 141u201359.
- Huang M, Gao X, Brinson LC. A multivariant micromechanical model for SMAs Part 2. Polycrystal model. International Journal of Plasticity. 2000 Jan;16(10u201311):1371u201390.
- Bradshaw RD, Brinson LC. Mechanical response of linear viscoelastic composite laminates incorporating non-isothermal physical aging effects. Composites Science and Technology. 1999 Jul;59(9):1411u201327.
- Benoit WL, Brinson SL. Queen Elizabeth's image repair discourse: Insensitive royal or compassionate queen? Public Relations Review. 1999 Jun;25(2):145u201356.
- Bradshaw RD, Brinson LC. A continuous test data method to determine a reference curve and shift rate for isothermal physical aging. Polymer Engineering & Science. 1999 Feb;39(2):211u201335.
- Liao K, Schultheisz CR, Hunston DL, Brinson LC. Long-term durability of fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composite materials for infrastructure applications: A review. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MATERIALS. 1998 Oct 1;30(4):3u201340.
- Huang M, Brinson LC. A Multivariant model for single crystal shape memory alloy behavior. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 1998 Aug;46(8):1379u2013409.
- Bekker A, Brinson LC. Phase diagram based description of the hysteresis behavior of shape memory alloys. Acta Materialia. 1998 Jun;46(10):3649u201365.
- Bekker A, Brinson LC, Issen K. Localized and Diffuse Thermoinduced Phase Transformation in 1-D Shape Memory Alloys. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 1998 May;9(5):355u201365.
- Brinson LC, Lin WS. Comparison of micromechanics methods for effective properties of multiphase viscoelastic composites. Composite Structures. 1998 Mar;41(3u20134):353u201367.
- Liao K, Schultheisz CR, Hunston DL, Brinson LC. Environmental Fatigue of Pultruded Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Composites. In ASTM International100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; 1998. p. 217u201334.
- Liao K, Schultheisz CR, Hunston DL, Brinson LC. The effect of water on the fatigue behavior for a pultruded glass-reinforced composite. In: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AT ANTEC u201998: PLASTICS ON MY MIND, VOLS I-3. SOC PLASTICS ENGINEERS; 1998. p. 2245u20139.
- Gates TS, Veazie DR, Brinson LC. Creep and Physical Aging in a Polymeric Composite: Comparison of Tension and Compression. Journal of Composite Materials. 1997 Dec;31(24):2478u2013505.
- Bradshaw RD, Brinson LC. Recovering Nonisothermal Physical Aging Shift Factors Via Continuous Test Data: Theory and Experimental Results. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 1997 Jul 1;119(3):233u201341.
- Arruda EM, Brinson LC. Special Issue on Characterization and Modeling of Polymeric Material Systems. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 1997 Jul 1;119(3):197u2013197.
- Bekker A, Brinson LC. Temperature-induced phase transformation in a shape memory alloy: Phase diagram based kinetics approach. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 1997 Jun;45(6):949u201388.
- Liao K, Altkorn RI, Milkovich SM, Fildes JM, Gomez J, Schultheisz CR, et al. Long-term durability of glass-fiber reinforced composites in infrastructure applications. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MATERIALS. 1997 Apr 1;28(3):54u201363.
- Bradshaw RD, Brinson LC. Physical aging in polymers and polymer composites: An analysis and method for timeu2010aging time superposition. Polymer Engineering & Science. 1997 Jan;37(1):31u201344.
- Brinson LC, Huang MS, Boller C, Brand W. Analysis of Controlled Beam Deflections Using SMA Wires. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 1997 Jan;8(1):12u201325.
- Brinson LC, Bekker A, Hwang S. Deformation of Shape Memory Alloys Due to Thermo-Induced Transformation. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 1996 Jan;7(1):97u2013107.
- Brinson LC, Huang MS. Simplifications and Comparisons of Shape Memory Alloy Constitutive Models. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 1996 Jan;7(1):108u201314.
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- Brinson LC, Gates TS. Effects of physical aging on long term creep of polymers and polymer matrix composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 1995 Mar;32(6u20137):827u201346.
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- Monaghan MR, Brinson LC, Bradshaw RD. Analysis of variable stress history on polymeric composite materials with physical aging. Composites Engineering. 1994 Jan;4(10):1023u201332.
- Brinson LC, Lammering R. Finite element analysis of the behavior of shape memory alloys and their applications. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 1993;30(23):3261u201380.
- Brinson LC, Knauss WG. Finite Element Analysis of Multiphase Viscoelastic Solids. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 1992 Dec 1;59(4):730u20137.
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- Peloquin J, Kirillova A, Rudin C, Brinson LC, Gall K. Prediction of 3d Printed Photopolymer Lattice Mechanical Performance Using Structural Porosity, Base Material Properties, and Machine Learning.
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