Kenneth C Hall
NAE MemberThomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Julian Francis Abele Distinguished Professor

Research Themes
Aerodynamics & Aeroelasticity, Computation & Artificial Intelligence
Research Interests
Unsteady aerodynamics, structural dynamics, and aeroelasticity of turbomachinery and aerospace vehicles. Novel approaches to modeling complex physical phenomena using computational fluid dynamics. Optimization and sensitivity analysis. Fluid dynamics of animal propulsion.
Research Interests: Unsteady aerodynamics, structural dynamics, and aeroelasticity of turbomachinery and aerospace vehicles. Novel approaches to modelling complex physical phenomena using computational fluid dynamics. Optimization and sensitivity analysis. Optimal aerodynamics of flight vehicles and animal propulsion.
- S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981
- Sc.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983
- Sc.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987
- Julian Francis Abele Distinguished Professor
- Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Member. National Academy of Engineering. 2020
- Fellow. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 2011
- Fellow. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2000
Courses Taught
- MENG 552: Master of Engineering Supplemental Internship
- MENG 551: Master of Engineering Internship/Project Assessment
- MENG 550: Master of Engineering Internship/Project
- ME 672: Unsteady Aerodynamics
- ME 671: Advanced Aerodynamics
- ME 492: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 491: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 490: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 472: Aircraft Performance
- Hall KC, Hall SR. Identification of the Aeromechanical Parameters of a Compressor Rotor from Blade Tip Timing Data. In: Journal of Turbomachinery. 2024.
- Hollenbach R, Kielb R, Hall K. A Fluid-Structure Interaction Tool Using a Van der Pol-Based Reduced-Order Model for Buffet and Nonsynchronous Vibrations. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2023 Jan 1;145(1).
- Hollenbach R, Kielb R, Hall K. Extending a Van Der Pol-Based Reduced-Order Model for Fluid-Structure Interaction Applied to Non-Synchronous Vibrations in Turbomachinery. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2022 Mar 1;144(3).
- Hollenbach R, Kielb R, Hall K. Unsteady Pressure Analysis of an Oscillating Cylinder Exhibiting Non-Synchronous Vibrations. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. 2022.
- Hall K. Modern Analysis for Complex and Nonlinear Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery. In: Solid Mechanics and its Applications. 2022. p. 591u2013616.
- Dowell EH, Hall K. Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction. In: Solid Mechanics and its Applications. 2022. p. 439u201378.
- Hollenbach R, Kielb R, Hall K. Unsteady Pressures Analysis of an Oscillating Airfoil Exhibiting Nonsynchronous Vibrations as Applied to Turbomachinery. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. 2022.
- Tedesco MB, Hall KC. Blade Vibration and Its Effect on the Optimal Performance of Helicopter Rotors. Journal of Aircraft. 2022 Jan 1;59(1):184u201395.
- Hollenbach R, Kielb R, Hall K. Extending a van der pol based reduced-order model for fluid-structure interaction applied to non-synchronous vibrations in turbomachinery. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2021.
- He L, Hall KC. ISUAAAT15 Special Issue. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2019 Oct 1;141(10).
- Hall KC, Coutier-Delgosha O. Special issue on the 17th ISROMAC conference. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2019 Feb 1;141(2).
- Giovanetti EB, Hall KC. Minimum loss load, twist, and chord distributions for coaxial helicopters in hover. In: Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 2017.
- Giovanetti EB, Hall KC. Axisymmetric potential flow model of single or coaxial actuator disks. In: Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2016. p. 747u201357.
- Hall KC, Marpu RP, Custer CH, Venkataramanan S, Weiss JM. Comparison of Numerical Methods for the Prediction of Time-Averaged Flow Quantities in a Cooled Multistage Turbine. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. ASME; 2015. p. V02CT44A028-V02CT44A028.
- Giovanetti EB, Hall KC. A variational approach to multipoint aerodynamic optimization of conventional and coaxial helicopter rotors. In: Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2015. p. 752u201364.
- Giovanetti EB, Hall KC. Optimum design of compound helicopters that use higher harmonic control. Journal of Aircraft. 2015 Jan 1;52(5):1444u201353.
- Giovanetti EB, Hall KC. Minimum loss load, twist and chord distributions for coaxial helicopters in Hover. In: Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2015. p. 648u201357.
- Giovanetti EB, Hall KC. Optimum design of compound helicopters using higher harmonic control. In: Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2014. p. 2607u201318.
- Hall KC, Giovanetti EB. Minimum power requirements and optimal rotor design for conventional and compound helicopters using higher harmonic control. In: Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2013. p. 1867u201383.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Discrete adjoint method for nonlinear aeroelastic sensitivities for compressible and viscous flows. In: 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2013.
- Thomas JP, Custer CH, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Corre C. Compact implementation strategy for a harmonic balance method within implicit flow solvers. AIAA Journal. 2013 Jun 1;51(6):1374u201381.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Huang H, Thomas JP. Stabilization of explicit flow solvers using a proper-orthogonal- decomposition technique. In: AIAA Journal. 2013. p. 1095u2013104.
- Hall KC, Ekici K, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Harmonic balance methods applied to computational fluid dynamics problems. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2013 Feb 1;27(2):52u201367.
- Lipp GM, Hall KC, Mann BP. Effect of rider position on bicycle stability. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2013.
- Clark ST, Kielb RE, Hall KC. A van der pol based reduced-order model for non-synchronous vibration (NSV) in turbomachinery. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2013.
- Ekici K, Kielb RE, Hall KC. The effect of aerodynamic asymmetries on turbomachinery flutter. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2013 Jan 1;36:1u201317.
- Subramanian V, Custer CH, Weiss JM, Hall KC. Unsteady simulation of a two-stage cooled high pressure turbine using an efficient non-linear harmonic balance method. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2013.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Huang H. Stabilization of explicit flow solvers using a proper orthogonal decomposition technique. In: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2012.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. An automatic differentiation based nonlinear reduced order modeling technique for unsteady separated flows. In: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2012.
- Custer CH, Weiss JM, Subramanian V, Clark WS, Hall KC. Unsteady simulation of a 1.5 stage turbine using an implicitly coupled nonlinear harmonic balance method. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2012. p. 2303u201317.
- Clark ST, Kielb RE, Hall KC. Developing a reduced-order model to understand nonsynchronous vibration (NSV) in turbomachinery. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2012. p. 1373u201382.
- Weiss JM, Subramanian V, Hall KC. Simulation of unsteady turbomachinery flows using an implicitly coupled nonlinear harmonic balance method. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2011. p. 1405u201312.
- Ekici K, Hall KC. Harmonic balance analysis of limit cycle oscillations in turbomachinery. AIAA Journal. 2011 Jul 1;49(7):1478u201387.
- Thomas JP, Custer CH, Dowell EH, Hall KC. F-16 fighter aeroelastic computations using a harmonic balance implementation of the OVERFLOW 2 flow solver. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2010.
- Hall KC, Hall SR. A variational method for computing the optimal aerodynamic performance of conventional and compound helicopters. Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2010 Dec 1;3:2767u201384.
- Ekici K, Hall KC. Harmonic balance analysis of limit cycle oscillations in turbomachinery. In: 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit. 2010.
- Hall KC, Hall SR. A variational method for computing the optimal aerodynamic performance of conventional and compound helicopters. In: Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2010. p. 577u201394.
- Hall KC, Hall SR. A variational method for computing the optimal aerodynamic performance of conventional and compound helicopters. Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 2010 Oct 1;55(4):0420061u201304200616.
- Hall KC, Hall SR. A variational method for computing the optimal aerodynamic performance of conventional and compound helicopters. In: Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International. 2010. p. 2767u201384.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Kielb RE. Harmonic balance analysis of blade row interactions in a transonic compressor. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 2010 Jan 1;26(2):335u201343.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Using automatic differentiation to create a nonlinear reduced-order-model aerodynamic solver. AIAA Journal. 2010 Jan 1;48(1):19u201324.
- Ekici K, Kielb RE, Hall KC. Forced response analysis of aerodynamically asymmetric cascades. In: 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit. 2010.
- Miyakozawa T, Kielb RE, Hall KC. The Effects of aerodynamic asymmetric perturbations on forced response of bladed disks. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2009 Oct 1;131(4):1u20138.
- Schwarz JB, Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC, Rausch RD, Bartels RE. Improved flutter boundary prediction for an isolated two-degree-of-freedom airfoil. Journal of Aircraft. 2009 Jan 1;46(6):2069u201376.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Theoretical predictions of F-16 fighter limit cycle oscillations for flight flutter testing. Journal of Aircraft. 2009 Jan 1;46(5):1667u201372.
- Thomas JP, Custer CH, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Unsteady flow computation using a harmonic balance approach implemented about the OVERFLOW 2 flow solver. In: 19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 2009.
- Spiker MA, Kielb RE, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Application of enforced motion to study 2-D cascade lock-in effect. In: 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2009.
- Ekici K, Kielb RE, Hall KC. The effect of aerodynamic asymmetries on turbomachinery flutter. In: 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2009.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Kielb RE. Harmonic balance analysis of forced response in a transonic compressor. In: 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2009.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Spiker MA, Li A, et al. Reduced order models in unsteady aerodynamic models, aeroelasticity and molecular dynamics. In: ICAS Secretariat - 26th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2008, ICAS 2008. 2008. p. 4002u201314.
- Ekici K, Kielb RE, Hall KC. Aerodynamic asymmetry analysis of unsteady flows in turbomachinery. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2008. p. 821u201334.
- Spiker MA, Kielb RE, Hall KC, Thomas JP. Efficient design method for non-synchronous vibrations using enforced motion. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2008. p. 735u201347.
- Miyakozawa T, Kielb RE, Hall KC. The effects of aerodynamic asymmetric perturbations on forced response of bladed disks. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2008. p. 779u201390.
- Ekici K, Hall KC. Nonlinear Frequency-Domain Analysis of Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery with Multiple Excitation Frequencies. AIAA Journal. 2008 Aug;46(8):1912u201320.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Dowell EH. Computationally Fast Harmonic Balance Methods for Unsteady Aerodynamic Predictions of Helicopter Rotors. Journal of Computational Physics. 2008 Jun;227(12):6206u201325.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Dowell EH. Computationally fast harmonic balance methods for unsteady aerodynamic predictions of helicopter rotors. In: Journal of Computational Physics. 2008. p. 6206u201325.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Spiker MA, Denegri CM. A new solution method for unsteady flows around oscillating bluff bodies. Solid Mechanics and its Applications. 2008 Jan 1;8:37u201344.
- Ekici K, Kielb RE, Hall KC. Aerodynamic Asymmetry Analysis of Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery (Accepted). Journal of Turbomachinery. 2008;
- Thomas JP, Dowels EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Virtual aeroelastic flight testing for the F-16 fighter with stores. In: Collection of Technical Papers - US Air Force T and E Days, 2007(Test and Evaluation. 2007. p. 339u201346.
- Ekici K, Hall KC. Nonlinear analysis of unsteady flows in multistage turbomachines using harmonic balance. AIAA Journal. 2007 May 1;45(5):1047u201357.
- Liu LP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A novel harmonic balance analysis for the Van Der Pol oscillator. International Journal Of Non-linear Mechanics. 2007 Jan;42(1):2u201312.
- Gopinath AK, Van Der Weide E, Alonso JJ, Jameson A, Ekici K, Hall KC. Three-dimensional unsteady multi-stage turbomachinery simulations using the harmonic balance technique. In: Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 2007. p. 10753u201372.
- Kielb RE, Hall KC, Miyakozawa T. The effect of unsteady aerodynamic asymmetric perturbations on flutter. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2007. p. 649u201354.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. An investigation of the sensitivity of F-16 fighter flutter onset and limit cycle oscillations to uncertainties. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2006. p. 3137u201344.
- Hall KC. Message from the conference chair. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2006.
- Spiker MA, Thomas JP, Hall KC, Kielb RE, Dowell EH. Modeling cylinder flow vortex shedding with enforced motion using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2006. p. 4549u201358.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Using automatic differentiation to create a nonlinear reduced order model of a computational fluid dynamic solver. In: Collection of Technical Papers - 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. 2006. p. 2437u201349.
- Kielb RE, Hall KC, Hong E, Pai SS. Probabilistic flutter analysis of a mistuned bladed disk. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2006. p. 1145u201350.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Static/dynamic correction approach for reduced-order modeling of unsteady aerodynamics. Journal of Aircraft. 2006;43(4):865u201378.
- Ekici K, Hall KC. Nonlinear frequency-domain analysis of unsteady flows in turbomachinery with multiple excitation frequencies. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2006. p. 623u201336.
- Ekici K, Hall KC. Nonlinear analysis of unsteady flows in multistage turbomachines using the harmonic balance technique. In: Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 2006. p. 4920u201333.
- Liu L, Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Attar P, Hall KC. A comparison of classical and high dimensional harmonic balance approaches for a Duffing oscillator. J Comput Phys (USA). 2006;215(1):298u2013320.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Spiker MA, Denegri CM. Reduced Order Models in Unsteady Aerodynamic Models, Aeroelasticity and Molecular Dynamics. In Springer Netherlands; 2006. p. 247u201367.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Further investigation of modeling limit cycle oscillation behavior of the F-16 fighter using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2005. p. 1457u201366.
- Dowell EH, Clark R, Cox D, Curtiss HC, Edwards JW, Hall KC, et al. A modern course in aeroelasticity. Vol. 116. 2005.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Spiker MA, Denegri CM. Reduced order unsteady aerodynamic models and aeroelasticity. In: 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2005, ICSV 2005. 2005. p. 47u201364.
- Carlson HA, Feng JQ, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Hall KC, Dowell EH. Computational models for nonlinear aeroelasticity. In: 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers. 2005. p. 4143u201352.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Hall Kenneth C, Dowell Earl H. Discrete adjoint approach for modeling unsteady aerodynamic design sensitivities. AIAA Journal. 2005;43(9):1931u20136.
- Hall KC, Ekici K. Multistage coupling for unsteady flows in turbomachinery. AIAA J (USA). 2005;43(3):624u201332.
- Hall KC, Kielb RE, Ekici K, Thomas JP, Clark WS. Recent advancements in turbomachinery aeroelastic design analysis. In: 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers. 2005. p. 11253u201374.
- Ekici K, Voytovycht DM, Hall KC. Time-linearized Navier-Stokes analysis of flutter in multistage turbomachines. In: 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers. 2005. p. 14259u201377.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Modeling limit cycle oscillation behavior of the F-16 fighter using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2004. p. 2044u201350.
- Kholodar Denis B, Dowell Earl H, Thomas Jeffrey P, Hall Kenneth C. Improved understanding of transonic flutter: A three-parameter flutter surface. Journal of Aircraft. 2004;41(4):911u20137.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Modeling viscous transonic limit-cycle oscillation behavior using a harmonic balance approach. Journal of Aircraft. 2004;41(6):1266u201374.
- Kholodar Denis B, Dowell Earl H, Thomas Jeffrey P, Hall Kenneth C. Limit-cycle oscillations of a typical airfoil in transonic flow. Journal of Aircraft. 2004;41(5):1067u201372.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2004;18(SUPPL):17u201327.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A discrete adjoint approach for modeling unsteady aerodynamic design sensitivities. In: 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A harmonic balance approach for modeling nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of wings in transonic viscous flow. In: 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Modeling limit cycle oscillations for an NLR 7301 airfoil aeroelastic configuration including correlation with experiment. In: 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2003.
- Hall KC, Thomas JP, Ekici K, Voytovych DM. Frequency domain techniques for complex and nonlinear flows in turbomachinery. In: 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A harmonic balance approach for modeling nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of wings in transonic viscous flow. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2003. p. 4779u201384.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A harmonic balance approach for modeling nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of wings in transonic viscous flow. In: 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A discrete adjoint approach for modeling unsteady aerodynamic design sensitivities. In: 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2003.
- Kielb Robert E, Thomas Jeffrey P, Barter John W, Hall Kenneth C. Blade excitation by aerodynamic instabilities - A compressor blade study. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI. 2003. p. 399u2013406.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Modeling limit cycle oscillations for an NLR 7301 airfoil aeroelastic configuration including correlation with experiment. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2003. p. 289u201397.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Three-dimensional transonic aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition-based reduced-order models. Journal of Aircraft. 2003;40(3):544u201351.
- Kholodar Denis B, Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Parametric study of flutter for an airfoil in inviscid transonic flow. Journal of Aircraft. 2003;40(2):303u201313.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Modeling viscous transonic limit cycle oscillation behavior using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2002. p. 1658u201366.
- Kholodar DB, Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A parameter study of transonic airfoil flutter and limit cycle oscillation behavior. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2002. p. 64u201379.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter, and limit-cycle oscillations. AIAA Journal. 2002;40(4):638u201346.
- Hall Kenneth C, Thomas Jeffrey P, Clark WS. Computation of unsteady nonlinear flows in cascades using a harmonic balance technique. AIAA Journal. 2002;40(5):879u201386.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A harmonic balance approach for modeling three-dimensional nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelasticity. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2002. p. 1323u201334.
- Epureanu BI, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Mach number influence on reduced-order models of inviscid potential flows in turbomachinery. Trans ASME, J Fluids Eng (USA). 2002;124(4):977u201387.
- Hall KC, Hall SR. A rational engineering analysis of the efficiency of flapping flight. In: Mueller TJ, editor. FIXED AND FLAPPING WING AERODYNAMICS FOR MICRO AIR VEHICLE APPLICATIONS. AMER INST AERONAUTICS & ASTRONAUTICS; 2002. p. 249u201374.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Three-Dimensional transonic Aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition based reduced order models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A static/dynamic correction approach for reduced-order modeling of unsteady aerodynamics. In: 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter and limit cycle oscillations. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Epureanu BI, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A parametric analysis of reduced order models of potential flows in turbomachinery using proper orthogonal decomposition. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Three-Dimensional transonic Aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition based reduced order models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Florea R, Hall KC. Sensitivity analysis of unsteady inviscid flow through turbomachinery cascades. In: AIAA Journal. 2001. p. 1047u201356.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter and limit cycle oscillations. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2001. p. 230u201341.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A static/dynamic correction approach for reduced-order modeling of unsteady aerodynamics. In: 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter and limit cycle oscillations. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Epureanu BI, Hall KC, Dowell EH. Reduced-order models of unsteady viscous flows in turbomachinery using viscous-inviscid coupling. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2001 Jan 1;15(2):255u201373.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Three-dimensional transonic aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition based reduced order models. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2001. p. 2555u201364.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC. Modeling of fluid-structure interaction. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 2001;33:445u201390.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2001. p. 255u201363.
- Florea R, Hall KC. Sensitivity analysis of unsteady inviscid flow through turbomachinery cascades. 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2000 Dec 1;
- Clark William S, Hall Kenneth C. Time-linearized Navier-Stokes analysis of stall flutter. Journal of Turbomachinery, Transactions of the ASME. 2000;122(3):467u201376.
- Epureanu BI, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Reduced-order models of unsteady transonic viscous flows in turbomachinery. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2000;14(8):1215u201334.
- Florea R, Hall KC. Sensitivity analysis of unsteady inviscid flow through turbomachinery cascades. In: 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2000.
- Hall Kenneth C, Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H. Proper orthogonal decomposition technique for transonic unsteady aerodynamic flows. AIAA Journal. 2000;38(10):1853u201362.
- Florea R, Hall KC, Dowell EH. Eigenmode analysis and reduced-order modeling of unsteady transonic potential flow around airfoils. Journal of Aircraft. 2000;37(3):454u201362.
- Clark WS, Hall KC. A time-linearized Navier-Stokes analysis of stall flutter. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 1999.
- Hall KC, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Reduced-order modelling of unsteady small-disturbance flows using a frequency-domain proper orthogonal decomposition technique. In: 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 1999.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Florea R, Epureanu BI, Heeg J. Reduced order models in unsteady aerodynamics. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 1999. p. 622u201337.
- Epureanu Bogdan I, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Reduced order models of viscous flows in turbomachinery using proper orthogonal decomposition. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 1999. p. 205u201315.
- Hall KC, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Reduced-order modelling of unsteady small-disturbance flows using a frequency-domain proper orthogonal decomposition technique. In: 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 1999.
- Epureanu BI, Dowell EH, Hall KC. REDUCED ORDER MODELS OF VISCOUS FLOWS IN TURBOMACHINERY USING PROPER ORTHOGONAL DECOMPOSITION. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 1999. p. 205u201315.
- Tang D, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Limit Cycle Oscillations of a Cantilevered Wing in Low Subsonic Flow. AIAA Journal. 1999 Jan 1;37(2u20133):364u201371.
- Florea R, Hall KC. Eigenmode analysis of unsteady flows about airfoils. Journal of Computational Physics. 1998 Dec 10;147(2):568u201393.
- Florea R, Hall KC, Cizmas PGA. Reduced-order modeling of unsteady viscous flow in a compressor cascade. AIAA Journal. 1998 Jan 1;36(6):1039u201348.
- Florea R, Hall KC, Cizmas PGA. Eigenmode analysis of unsteady viscous flows in turbomachinery cascades. In: Fransson TH, editor. UNSTEADY AERODYNAMICS AND AEROELASTICITY OF TURBOMACHINES. SPRINGER; 1998. p. 767u201382.
- Silkowski PD, Hall KC. Coupled mode analysis of unsteady multistage flows in turbomachinery. Journal of Turbomachinery, Transactions of the ASME. 1998;120(3):410u201321.
- Hall Kenneth C, Pigott Steven A, Hall Steven R. Power requirements for large-amplitude flapping flight. Journal of Aircraft. 1998;35(3):352u201361.
- Silkowski PD, Hall KC. Coupled mode analysis of unsteady multistage flows in turbomachinery. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1997.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Romanowski MC. Reduced order aerodynamic modeling of how to make CFD useful to an aeroelastician. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Aerospace Division (Publication) AD. 1997. p. 149u201363.
- Hall KC, Pigott SA, Hall SR. Power requirements for large-amplitude flapping flight. In: 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 1997. p. 1u201311.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Romanowski MC. Reduced Order Aerodynamic Modeling of How to Make CFD Useful to An Aeroelastician. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 1997. p. 149u201363.
- Silkowski PD, Hall KC. A coupled mode analysis of unsteady multistage flows in turbomachinery. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 1997.
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