Devendra P. Garg
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Professor Garg's areas of interest include modeling, simulation, and control of dynamic systems and robotics. In particular, his research deals with characterization and control of nonlinear phenomena in physical systems such as robots, automated manufacturing, and high-speed ground transportation. In the area of robotics, he is interested in the design of feedback controllers using the concepts of modern control theory. In the area of high-speed ground transportation, he has conducted research on dynamics and control of ground-based, air-cushion and magnetically levitated vehicles.
One challenging area of research which Professor Garg is currently pursuing deals with the coordination and control of two robots handling a large structural object performing a series of intricate maneuvers in a confined work space. Analytical development of path planning and collision avoidance strategies and their practical implementation are being carried out in the Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (RAMA) laboratory. Two ABB Industrial grade six-degree-of freedom revolute jointed robots are available for these experiments. Major challenges related to this research effort include the identification and design of techniques for incorporating sensory data in the control algorithm, modeling the nonlinear dynamics of the manipulators, and the development of intelligent and adaptive control schemes for the coordination of multiple arms in the presence of unknown parameters and payload variations. Another area of research that Professor Garg is actively pursuing is sensor modeling, data acquisition and management, and data fusion in the context of swarm robotics. For the experimental work in this area, the Robot Control Laboratory has a number of KheperaII robots, LADAR sensors, and vision sensors.
- B.S. Agra University (India), 1954
- B.S.E. University of Roorkee (India), 1957
- M.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1960
- Ph.D. New York University, 1969
- Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Edwin F. Church Medal. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2003
- Zhang G, Fricke GK, Garg DP. Spill detection and perimeter surveillance via distributed swarming agents. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2013 Jan 1;18(1):121u20139.
- Young R, Garg D. Potential Function Control of Distributed Multi-agent Systems (Submitted). Journal of Robotics. 2011 Mar;
- Milutinoviu0107 DL, Garg DP. Kalman smoother based force localization and mapping using intravital video microscopy. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 2010 Nov 30;132(6).
- Kumar M, Garg DP, Kumar V. Segregation of heterogeneous units in a swarm of robotic agents. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2010 Mar 1;55(3):743u20138.
- Kumar M, Garg D. Intelligent Sensor Uncertainty Modeling Techniques and Data Fusion. International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems. 2009;37(2):67u201377.
- Milutinovic D, Kumar M, Garg D. Stochasticity as a Driving Force in Self-Organization of Robotic Swarms (Submitted). IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2009;
- Kumar M, Garg DP, Zachery RA. A method for judicious fusion of inconsistent multiple sensor data. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2007 May 1;7(5):723u201333.
- Kumar M, Garg D, Zachery R. Stochastic adaptive sensor modeling and data fusion. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2006 Jul 20;6174 I.
- Abhishek A, Kumar M, Garg DP. Petri Net based modeling and control strategies for flexible manufacturing systems. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturing Engineering Division, MED. 2006.
- Abhishek A, Kumar M, Garg DP. Grasp planning for a two-fingered parallel-jawed gripper. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2006.
- Kumar M, Garg DP, Zachery R. Intelligent sensor modeling and data fusion via neural network and maximum likelihood estimation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2005 Dec 1;74 DSC(2 PART B):1759u201368.
- Kumar M, Garg DP. Neuro-fuzzy control applied to multiple cooperating robots. Industrial Robot. 2005 Jun 27;32(3):234u20139.
- Kumar M, Garg DP. Sensor-based estimation and control of forces and moments in multiple cooperative robots. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 2004 Jun 1;126(2):276u201383.
- Kumar M, Garg DP. Three-dimensional occupancy grids with the use of vision and proximity sensors in a robotic workcell. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2004;73(2 PART B):1029u201336.
- Parimi VRM, Garg DP. Genetic Q-Fuzzy based intelligent control for mobile robot navigation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2004;73(1 PART A):697u2013705.
- Kumar M, Garg DP. Neural network based intelligent learning of fuzzy logic controller parameters. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2004;73(1 PART A):625u201334.
- Garg DP, Anderson GL. Structural damping and vibration control via smart sensors and actuators. JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control. 2003 Dec 1;9(12):1421u201352.
- Garg DP, Anderson GL. Structural vibration suppression via active/passive techniques [4]. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2003 May 1;262(3):739u201351.
- Gulati N, Garg DP. Component assemblies in a flexible work-cell via intelligent control. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2003;72(2):1235u201342.
- Parimi VRM, Jain P, Garg DP. Fuzzy logic control of a laboratory magnetic levitation system. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2003;72(2):1441u20136.
- Garg DP, Kumar M. Optimization techniques applied to multiple manipulators for path planning and torque minimization. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2002 Jun 1;15(3u20134):241u201352.
- Garg DP, Kumar M. Optimal path planning and torque minimization via genetic algorithm applied to cooperating robotic manipulators. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2002;70:71u20139.
- Garg DP, Kumar M. Genetic algorithm based PD control and fuzzy logic control of a two link robot. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2002;71:209u201316.
- Garg D, Zikry M, Anderson G, Stepp D. Health Monitoring and Reliability of Adaptive Heterogeneous Structures. International Journal on Structural Health Monitoring. 2002;1(1):23u201339.
- Nagchaudhuri A, Garg DP. Adaptive control strategies for coordination and control of mutliple robots. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2002;70:925u201333.
- Garg DP, Gulati N. Neural network based intelligent control and PID control of a magnetic levitation system. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2002;71:1013u201320.
- Garg DP, Jain P. Fuzzy logic based intelligent control and optimal control of a rotary inverted pendulum system. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2002;71:243u20138.
- Garg DP, Gulati N. Influence of model inaccuracies on the prediction of dynamic system peformance. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2002;71:629u201336.
- Garg DP, Gulati N. Temporal difference approach to coordinated motion control of cooperating two link robots. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 2002;71:327u201334.
- Nagchaudhuri A, Garg D. Adaptive Control Strategies for Coordination and Control of tDual Robotic Arms Manipulating a Common Load. Proceedings of the ASME/IMECE. 2001 Nov;
- Garg DP, Zikry MA, Anderson GL. Current and potential future research activities in adaptive structures: An ARO perspective. Smart Materials and Structures. 2001 Aug 1;10(4):610u201323.
- Anderson GL, Garg DP. Suggestions for Skillful Proposal Writing. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2001 Jun;12(6):409u201314.
- Garg DP. Recent Developments in Research on Intelligent Machines. Proceedings of the ASME/DSCD. 2000 Nov;355u201363.
- Garg DP, Anderson GL. <title>Research in active composite materials and structures: an overview</title>. Lynch CS, editor. SPIE Proceedings. 2000 Jun 14;3992:2u201312.
- Woodward SE, Garg DP. A numerical optimization approach for tuning fuzzy logic controllers. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics Part B, Cyberneticsu202f: a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. 1999 Jan;29(4):565u20139.
- Garg Devendra P. Developments in nonlinear control system synthesis research. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1998;64:519u201330.
- Prabhu SM, Garg DP. Design of a Fuzzy Logic Based Robotic Admittance Controller. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing. 1998 Jan 1;4(2):175u201389.
- Prabhu SM, Garg DP. Artificial neural network based robot control: An overview. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications. 1996 Jan 1;15(4):333u201365.
- Prabhu SM, Garg DP. A labeled object identification system using multilevel neural networks. Information Sciences - Applications. 1995 Jan 1;3(2):111u201326.
- Woodard SE, Garg DP, Tyan CY, Wang PP. An application of fuzzy logic control to a gimballed payload on a space platform. Information Sciences - Applications. 1995 Jan 1;4(3):143u201366.
- Ananthraman S, Garg D. Dynamical System Control Using Neural Networks: Cooperative Dual Robot Manipulator Control. Computer Aided System Design and Simulation. 1994;
- Ananthraman Santosh K, Garg Devendra P. Neurocontrol of cooperative dual robot manipulators. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1993;48:57u201365.
- Ananthraman S, Garg DP. Training backpropagation and CMAC neural networks for control of a SCARA robot. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 1993 Jan 1;6(2):105u201315.
- Garg DP, Nagchaudhuri A, Ananthraman S, Johnson C. Multiple robot coordination with vision and force sensing. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1992;45:25u201331.
- Garg DP, Ananthraman S. Control of a scara robot using a CMAC based neural controller. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 1992;57:91u2013104.
- Garg DP. Supervisory control for co-ordination of multiple robotsu2020. International Journal of Systems Science. 1992 Jan 1;23(10):1703u201315.
- Nagchaudhuri A, Thint M, Garg DP. Camera-robot transform for vision-guided tracking in a manufacturing work cell. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 1992 Jan 1;5(3):283u201398.
- Garg DP. Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Dynamic SCARA Type of Manipulators. Robotica. 1991 Jul;9(3):319u201326.
- Garg DP, Ananthraman S, Nagchaudhuri A. Sensor integration for payload weight estimation in a robotic work cell. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1991;30:25u20139.
- Garg S, Garg DP. Genetic engineering and pollution control. Chemical Engineering Progress. 1990 May 1;86(5):46u201351.
- Garg DP, Yang J. The near time-optimal motion control of robotic manipulators. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 1990 Jan 1;327(5):785u2013804.
- Garg DP, Young RF. Coordinated control of cooperating robotic manipulators. International Journal of Systems Science. 1990 Jan 1;21(11):2161u201376.
- Garg S, Garg D. Microbial Biotechnology's Role in Pollution Control. The Environmental Manager. 1990;1(1):16u201329.
- Garg DP. Multi-arm Coordination and Control. Dynamics and Control of Multibody/ Robotic Systems with Space Applications. 1989 Dec;15:27u201335.
- Garg DP, Shanidze ZG, Rondeli EG. Global stability of solutions of non-linear control systems. International Journal of Systems Science. 1989 Jan 1;20(10):1909u201324.
- Garg DP. Robust Control Strategies for Large Space Structure. NASA Contractor Report No 178368. 1987 Sep;63u20134.
- Garg Devendra P, Das Shiva K. OPTIMAL CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR RACE CARS SUBJECTED TO DISCRETE TRACK IRREGULARITIES. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1987;10.
- Garg Devendra P, Gupta Bhupender S. Automation and import policies and the textile industry. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1987;7u20137.
- Garg DP. PATH PLANNING AND COLLISION AVOIDANCE FOR A FIVE DEGREE OF FREEDOM ROBOT. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1987;5:19u201325.
- Garg Devendra P. MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND THE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY IN SOUTH AFRICA. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1985;7.
- Garg DP, Ellingboe BS. CONTROLLERS FOR AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1985;1:225u201334.
- Garg Devendra P. PROMISE OF BIOMASS ENERGY CONVERSION IN NORTH CAROLINA. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1984;8.
- Roberts AR, Garg D. Utilization of Participating Electronic Technology in Group Communication and Decision-making Process. 23rd Annual Forum of the Association of Institutional Research. 1983 May;21.
- Garg Devendra P. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN LOW-HEAD HYDROELECTRIC POWER GENERATION. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1983;5.
- Garg Devendra P. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN RURAL ENVIRONMENTS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1982;7.
- Garg DP, Barrows TM. Modeling and Dynamic Response of Maglev Vehicles Subjected to Crosswind Gusts. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. 1981 Sep 1;103(3):251u20138.
- Garg DP. Piecewise Linear Approximation of Nonlinear Forces and Moments Resulting from Crosswind Gusts Applied to Magnetically Levitated Vehicles. Advances in Aerospace Structures and Materials. 1981;181u20138.
- Garg DP, Barrows TM. MODELING AND DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF MAGLEV VEHICLES SUBJECTED TO CROSSWIND GUSTS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1980;(80-WA/DSC-8):15.
- Wilson JF, Garg DP. Frequencies of Annular Plate and Curved Beam Elements. AIAA Journal. 1978 Mar;16(3):270u20132.
- Garg DP. Developments in Nonlinear Controller Synthesis: An Overview. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. 1978 Mar 1;100(1):59u201369.
- Garg DP. Policy implications of solar technology in the [United States] National Energy Plan. Sun: Mankindu2019s Future Source of Energy. 1978;I:273u20138.
- Garg DP. NATIONAL ENERGY PLAN AND SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1978;(78-TS-2):7.
- Roberts A, Pittillo R, Garg D. Technology for School Communication. NC Education: Journal of the NCAE. 1978;8(9):20u20131.
- Wilson J, Garg D. Transient Dynamics of Curved Guideway Structures for Urban Vehicles. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 1977;12.
- Garg DP. WHEELSET LATERAL DYNAMIC ANALYSIS USING THE DESCRIBING FUNCTION TECHNIQUE. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1977;(77-DET-149):11.
- Garg D, Paynter H. Guest Editorial for Special Issue on Ecological and Socio-Economic Systems. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 1976;98(1):1u20134.
- Garg Devendra P, Ross Michael A. VERTICAL MODE HUMAN BODY VIBRATION TRANSMISSIBILITY. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1976;SMC-6(2):102u201312.
- Garg DP. Comprehension of societal impacts via technology assessment. Trans ASME, G, J Dyn Syst Meas Control (USA). 1976;98(1):56u201362.
- Garg Devendra P. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF FLUID SUSPENSIONS FOR TRACKED AIR CUSHION VEHICLES. High Speed Ground Transportation Journal. 1975;9(1):393u2013406.
- Garg DP, Maizza-Neto2 O. Absolute stability results for non-linear systems using logarithmic plots. International Journal of Control. 1975 Jan 1;21(6):899u2013909.
- Garg DP. Delphi technique in an educational environment. International Journal of Systems Science. 1975 Jan 1;6(1):39u201347.
- Geisler EG, Tal AA, Garg DP. On the a-posteriori error bounds for the solution of ordinary nonlinear differential equations. Comput Math Appl (UK). 1975;1(3u20134):407u201316.
- Garg DP. TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT AND SOCIAL CHOICE: A POLICY-ORIENTED COURSE. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1975;(75-WA/TS-2):7.
- Richardson HH, Garg D. Forum on Ground Transportation. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Transactions of the ASMEq. 1974;96(2):113u20136.
- Garg Devendra P. SOCIETAL SYSTEMS COURSE ON TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT. IEEE Transactions on Education. 1974;E-17(3):157u201361.
- Garg DP. A path identification procedure for networks. Trans ASME, G, J Dyn Syst Meas Control (USA). 1974;96(2):128u201331.
- Rouse William B, Garg Devendra P. SUBOPTIMAL DESIGN OF A CLASS OF NONLINEAR CONTROLLERS. Wyoming University, Water Resources Research Institute, Water Resources Series. 1973;746u201351.
- Garg Devendra P. CONTROL STRATEGY FOR SPATIAL TRADE MODELS INCORPORATING TRANSPORTATION COSTS. Wyoming University, Water Resources Research Institute, Water Resources Series. 1973;321u20137.
- Garg DP. PATH IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR NETWORKS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1973;(73-WA/Aut-8):4.
- Rouse WB, Garg DP. Suboptimal design of a class of nonlinear controllers. Trans ASME, G, J Dyn Syst Meas Control (USA). 1973;95(4):352u20135.
- Garg DP, Geisler EG. Limit cycle analysis for control systems of high order. Int J Control (UK). 1973;17(6):1225u201332.
- Garg Devendra P, Platin Bulent E. TRACKED AIR CUSHION VEHICLE SUSPENSION MODELS: ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON. Vehicle System Dynamics. 1973;2(3):119u201337.
- Hager William W, Garg Devendra P. DYNAMICS OF A NON-LINEAR SPATIAL TRADE MODEL. International Journal of Systems Science. 1972;3(4):427u201338.
- Wormley DN, Garg DP, Richardson HH. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE NONLINEAR AND LINEAR PERFORMANCE OF VEHICLE AIR CUSHION SUSPENSIONS USING BOND GRAPH MODELS. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 1972;94 Ser G(3):189u201397.
- Garg DP, Aleman R. LIMIT CYCLE ANALYSIS OF CONTROL SYSTEMS WITH MULTIPLE NON-LINEARITIES. International Journal of Control. 1972;16(5):869u201379.
- Garg DP, Boziuk JSIII. PARAMETER ESTIMATION OF NON-LINEAR DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. International Journal of Control. 1972;15(6):1121u20137.
- Garg DP, Rabins MJ. STABILITY BOUNDS FOR NONLINEAR SYSTEMS DESIGNED VIA FREQUENCY DOMAIN STABILITY CRITERIA. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 1972;94 Ser G(3):262u20135.
- Garg DP. A Popov-criterion-based algorithm for control system synthesis using non-linear compensators. Int J Control (UK). 1971;13(1):155u201363.
- Garg DP. On the absolute stability of nonlinear control systems using notch compensators. ISA Trans (USA). 1971;10(2):194u2013202.
- Garg DP. A compensator design technique for control systems with time-varying nonlinear elements. J Franklin Inst (UK). 1971;292(1):35u201344.
- Garg DP. A computer-oriented, parameter-space approach to the synthesis of nonlinear control systems. Trans ASME, G, J Dyn Syst Meas Control (USA). 1971;93(2):67u201372.
- Garg DP. Application of three-mode controllers for nonlinear system synthesis. IEEE Trans Autom Control (USA). 1971;AC-16(1):80u20132.
- Garg DP, Auslander D, Rabins MJ. A synthesis technique for nonlinear control systems using a frequency domain stability criterion. Trans ASME, D, J Basic Eng (USA). 1970;92(2):348u201354.
- Dayal S, Garg D. Strength of Square Key for Fastening Hub to Shaft. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India). 1965;45(9):273u201381.
- Garg DP, Rabins MJ. Effect of temperature on moulded friction materials. Institution of Engineers, Australia -- Journal. 1965;37(3):83u20136.
- Garg DP. Industrial uses of Automatic Controls. Industrial India Annual. 1964;62u20134.
- Garg DP. The Engineering Applications of Ultrasonics. Indian and Eastern Engineer. 1964;106:155u20138.
- Garg DP. Design, Fabrication and Testing of an Automatic Control System for Laboratory Use. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India). 1964;45(1):1u20137.
- Garg DP. Automation in Industries. Indian Industries. 1964;8(12):17u20138.
- Garg DP. The theory and use of the analogue computer in solving vibration problems. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Electrical Engineering Division. 1964;64(8):247u201375.
- Garg DP. The Theory and Application of Mechanical Analog Computers. The UOR Research Journal. 1963;6(1):131u201347.
- Garg DP. Should the University and College Teachers be Trained? Education Quarterly. 1963;101u20134.
- Prasadarao THV, Garg D. The Role of Ultrasonics in Modern Industry. Industrial India Annual. 1963;73u20139.
- Garg DP. The Machine Tool Chatter--Cause, Effect, and Remedy. The UOR Research Journal. 1962;5(1):129u201337.
- Garg DP. The Application of Oil Hydraulic Power to Presses. The UOR Research Journal. 1961;4(1):51u20139.
- Garg DP. The Control of Thickness in Rolled Metals Strips. The UOR Research Journal. 1959;2(1):155u201361.