Dr David Mitzi, Ph.D.
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Simon Family Distinguished Professor

Research Themes
Energy Systems & Materials
Research Interests
Making emerging photovoltaic materials more effective, cost-efficient and competitive for the energy market.
David Mitzi received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Engineering Physics from Princeton University in 1985 and his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University in 1990. Prior to joining the faculty at Duke in 2014, Dr. Mitzi spent 23 years at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center, where his focus was on the search for and application of new electronic materials, including organic-inorganic perovskites and inorganic materials for photovoltaic, LED, transistor and memory applications. For his final five years at IBM, he served as manager for the Photovoltaic Science and Technology Department, where he initiated and managed a multi-company program to develop a low-cost, high-throughput approach to deposit thin-film chalcogenide-based absorber layers for high-efficiency solar cells. Dr. Mitzi’s current research interests involve making emerging photovoltaic materials more effective, cost-efficient and competitive for the energy market. He holds a number of patents, and has authored or coauthored more than 200 papers and book chapters.
- B.S. Princeton University, 1985
- Ph.D. Stanford University, 1990
- Simon Family Distinguished Professor
- Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Executive Director of the Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility
- Professor of Chemistry
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher . Clarivate Analytics. 2023
- Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher . Clarivate Analytics. 2022
- Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher . Clarivate Analytics. 2021
- Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher . Clarivate Analytics. 2020
- ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials. American Chemical Society. 2020
- Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher. Clarivate Analytics. 2019
- Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher. Clarivate Analytics. 2018
- MRS Fellow. Materials Research Society. 2018
Courses Taught
- MSEG 591: Independent Study
- ME 591: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- ME 562: Materials Synthesis and Processing
- ME 516: Thin-Film Photovoltaic Technology
- ME 492: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 491: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 392: Undergraduate Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- EGR 393: Research Projects in Engineering
- ECE 391: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Euvrard J, Pournia S, Gunawan O, Mitzi DB. Giant persistent photoconductivity at room temperature in Sn-based perovskites. Applied Physics Letters. 2025 Feb 10;126(6).
- Singh A, Mitzi DB. Emergence of melt and glass states of halide perovskite semiconductors. Nature Reviews Materials. 2025 Jan 1;
- Singh A, Mitzi DB. Correction to: Emergence of melt and glass states of halide perovskite semiconductors (Nature Reviews Materials, (2025), 10.1038/s41578-024-00759-x). Nature Reviews Materials. 2025 Jan 1;
- Chakraborty R, Sercel PC, Qin X, Mitzi DB, Blum V. Design of Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskites with Giant Spin Splitting and Persistent Spin Textures. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2024 Dec;146(50):34811u201321.
- Haque MA, Grieder A, Harvey SP, Brunecky R, Ye JY, Addison B, et al. Remote chirality transfer in low-dimensional hybrid metal halide semiconductors. Nature chemistry. 2024 Oct;
- Singh A, Dayton D, Ladd DM, Reuveni G, Paluch P, Montagne L, et al. Local Structure in Crystalline, Glass and Melt States of a Hybrid Metal Halide Perovskite. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2024 Sep;146(37):25656u201368.
- Wang S, Zhang Y, Halasyamani PS, Mitzi DB. Chirality and Solvent Coassist the Structural Evolution of Hybrid Manganese Chlorides with Second-Harmonic-Generation Response. Inorganic chemistry. 2024 Sep;63(35):16121u20137.
- Xie Y, Koknat G, Weadock NJ, Wang X, Song R, Toney MF, et al. Hydrogen Bonding Analysis of Structural Transition-Induced Symmetry Breaking and Spin Splitting in a Hybrid Perovskite Employing a Synergistic Diffraction-DFT Approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2024 Aug;146(32):22509u201321.
- Xie Y, Hewa-Walpitage H, Morgenstein J, Blum V, Vardeny ZV, Mitzi DB. Homochiral and Heterochiral Cation Mixing in 2D Perovskites for Enhanced Structural Asymmetry and Spin Splitting. ACS Materials Letters. 2024 Jul 1;6(7):3161u20137.
- Yan L, Xie Y, Mitzi DB, Sercel PC, Phillips AJ, Blackburn JL, et al. Giant Apparent Optical Circular Dichroism in Thin Films of Bismuth-Based Hybrid Organicu2013Inorganic Metal Halide Semiconductor Through Preferred Orientation. Advanced Optical Materials. 2024 May 6;12(13).
- Singh A, Xie Y, Adams C, Bobay BG, Mitzi DB. Controlling glass forming kinetics in 2D perovskites using organic cation isomers. Chem Sci. 2024 May 1;15(17):6432u201344.
- Almora O, Cabrera CI, Erten-Ela S, Forberich K, Fukuda K, Guo F, et al. Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 4). Advanced Energy Materials. 2024 Jan 26;14(4).
- Wang T, McWhorter TM, McKeown Wessler GC, Yao Y, Song R, Mitzi DB, et al. Exploration, Prediction, and Experimental Verification of Structure and Optoelectronic Properties in I
2 -Eu-IV-X4 (I = Li, Cu, Ag; IV = Si, Ge, Sn; X = S, Se) Chalcogenide Semiconductors. Chemistry of Materials. 2024 Jan 9;36(1):340u201357. - Almora O, Bazan GC, Cabrera CI, Castriotta LA, Erten-Ela S, Forberich K, et al. Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 5). Advanced Energy Materials. 2024 Jan 1;
- Maughan AE, Koknat G, Sercel PC, Jana MK, Brunecky R, Mitzi DB, et al. Impact of Chiral Symmetry Breaking on Spin-Texture and Lone Pair Expression in Chiral Crystals of Hybrid Antimony and Bismuth Halides. Chemistry of Materials. 2023 Nov 14;35(21):9086u2013101.
- Luebbering H, Shafiee A, Teymur B, Kim Y, Mitzi DB, Ghadiri E. Ultrafast microscopy and image segmentation of spatially heterogeneous excited state and trap passivation in Cu
2 BaSnSSe3 . Cell Reports Physical Science. 2023 Oct 18;4(10). - Crace EJ, Singh A, Haley S, Claes B, Mitzi DB. Meltable Hybrid Antimony and Bismuth Iodide One-Dimensional Perovskites. Inorganic chemistry. 2023 Oct;62(39):16161u20139.
- Xie Y, Morgenstein J, Bobay BG, Song R, Caturello NAMS, Sercel PC, et al. Chiral Cation Doping for Modulating Structural Symmetry of 2D Perovskites. J Am Chem Soc. 2023 Aug 16;145(32):17831u201344.
- Song R, Liu C, Kanai Y, Mitzi DB, Blum V. Structure and electronic tunability of acene alkylamine based layered hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites from first principles. Physical Review Materials. 2023 Aug 1;7(8).
- Singh A, Kim Y, Henry R, Ade H, Mitzi DB. Study of Glass Formation and Crystallization Kinetics in a 2D Metal Halide Perovskite Using Ultrafast Calorimetry. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2023 Aug;145(33):18623u201333.
- Kim Y, Hempel H, Harvey SP, Rivera NA, Unold T, Mitzi DB. Alkali element (Li, Na, K, and Rb) doping of Cu
2 BaGe1u2212x Snx Se4 films. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2023 Jun 7;11(28):15336u201346. - Singh A, Crace E, Xie Y, Mitzi DB. A two-dimensional lead-free hybrid perovskite semiconductor with reduced melting temperature. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England). 2023 Jun;59(53):8302u20135.
- Seyitliyev D, Qin X, Jana MK, Janke SM, Zhong X, You W, et al. Coherent Phonon-Induced Modulation of Charge Transfer in 2D Hybrid Perovskites. Advanced Functional Materials. 2023 May 17;33(21).
- Kim Y, Hempel H, Unold T, Mitzi DB. Ag Alloying in Cu
2u2212y Agy Ba(Ge,Sn)Se4 Films and Photovoltaic Devices. Solar RRL. 2023 Apr 1;7(7). - Chang ET, Koknat G, McKeown Wessler GC, Yao Y, Blum V, Mitzi DB. Phase Stability, Band Gap Tuning, and Rashba Splitting in Selenium-Alloyed Bournonite: CuPbSb(S
1u2212x Sex )3 . Chemistry of Materials. 2023 Jan 24;35(2):595u2013608. - Almora O, Baran D, Bazan GC, Cabrera CI, Erten-Ela S, Forberich K, et al. Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 3). Advanced Energy Materials. 2023 Jan 6;13(1).
- Teymur B, Kim Y, Huang J, Sun K, Hao X, Mitzi DB. Top Stack Optimization for Cu
2 BaSn(S, Se)4 Photovoltaic Cell Leads to Improved Device Power Conversion Efficiency beyond 6%. Advanced Energy Materials. 2022 Oct 27;12(40). - Andreasen JW, Arca E, Bowers JW, Bu00e4r M, Breternitz J, Dale PJ, et al. Novel chalcogenides, pnictides and defect-tolerant semiconductors: general discussion. Faraday discussions. 2022 Oct;239(0):287u2013316.
- Andreasen JW, Bowers JW, Breternitz J, Dale PJ, Dimitrievska M, Fermin DJ, et al. Indium-free CIGS analogues: general discussion. Faraday discussions. 2022 Oct;239(0):85u2013111.
- Andreasen JW, Breternitz J, Bu00e4r M, Dale PJ, Dimitrievska M, Fermin DJ, et al. Bulk and surface characterisation techniques of solar absorbers: general discussion. Faraday discussions. 2022 Oct;239(0):180u2013201.
- Mitzi DB, Kim Y. Spiers Memorial Lecture: Next generation chalcogenide-based absorbers for thin-film solar cells. Faraday discussions. 2022 Oct;239(0):9u201337.
- Teymur B, Choubrac L, Hempel H, Gunawan O, Unold T, Mitzi DB. Influence of Copper Composition on Cu
2 BaSn(S,Se)4 Solution-Deposited Films and Photovoltaic Devices with over 5% Efficiency. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2022 Sep 26;5(9):10645u201356. - Singh A, Mitzi DB. Crystallization Kinetics in a Glass-Forming Hybrid Metal Halide Perovskite. ACS Materials Letters. 2022 Sep 5;4(9):1840u20137.
- Xie Y, Song R, Singh A, Jana MK, Blum V, Mitzi DB. Kinetically Controlled Structural Transitions in Layered Halide-Based Perovskites: An Approach to Modulate Spin Splitting. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2022 Aug;144(33):15223u201335.
- Jana MK, Xie Y, Mitzi DB. Impact of Structural Distortions on the Optoelectronic and Spin-Related Properties of Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskites. In: Materials and Energy. 2022. p. 1u201361.
- McKeown Wessler GC, Wang T, Blum V, Mitzi DB. Cubic Crystal Structure Formation and Optical Properties within the Ag-BII-MIV-X (BII = Sr, Pb; MIV = Si, Ge, Sn; X = S, Se) Family of Semiconductors. Inorganic chemistry. 2022 Feb;61(6):2929u201344.
- Yang C, Atwater HA, Baldo MA, Baran D, Barile CJ, Barr MC, et al. Consensus statement: Standardized reporting of power-producing luminescent solar concentrator performance. Joule. 2022 Jan;6(1):8u201315.
- Almora O, Baran D, Bazan GC, Berger C, Cabrera CI, Catchpole KR, et al. Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 2). Advanced Energy Materials. 2021 Dec 1;11(48).
- Kim Y, Hempel H, Levcenco S, Euvrard J, Bergmann E, Gunawan O, et al. Optoelectronic property comparison for isostructural Cu
2 BaGeSe4 and Cu2 BaSnS4 solar absorbers. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2021 Nov 7;9(41):23619u201330. - Yan L, Jana MK, Sercel PC, Mitzi DB, You W. Alkyl-Aryl Cation Mixing in Chiral 2D Perovskites. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2021 Nov;143(43):18114u201320.
- Levcenko S, Teymur B, Mitzi DB, Unold T. Photoluminescence study of solution-deposited Cu
2 BaSnS4 thin films. APL Materials. 2021 Nov 1;9(11). - Kim Y, Mitzi DB. Growth and Photovoltaic Device Application of Cu
2 BaGe1- x Snx Se4 Films Prepared by Selenization of Sequentially Deposited Precursors. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2021 Oct 25;4(10):11528u201336. - Jana MK, Song R, Xie Y, Zhao R, Sercel PC, Blum V, et al. Structural descriptor for enhanced spin-splitting in 2D hybrid perovskites. Nature communications. 2021 Aug;12(1):4982.
- McKeown Wessler GC, Wang T, Sun J-P, Liao Y, Fischer MC, Blum V, et al. Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties of Two Quaternary Chalcogenide Semiconductors: Ag2SrSiS4 and Ag2SrGeS4. Inorganic chemistry. 2021 Aug;60(16):12206u201317.
- Euvrard J, Yan Y, Mitzi DB. Electrical doping in halide perovskites. Nature Reviews Materials. 2021 Jun 1;6(6):531u201349.
- Euvrard J, Gunawan O, Zhong X, Harvey SP, Kahn A, Mitzi DB. P-Type molecular doping by charge transfer in halide perovskite. Materials Advances. 2021 May 7;2(9):2956u201365.
- Li C, Ma H, Li T, Dai J, Rasel MAJ, Mattoni A, et al. Remarkably Weak Anisotropy in Thermal Conductivity of Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskite Butylammonium Lead Iodide Crystals. Nano letters. 2021 May;21(9):3708u201314.
- Jana M, Song R, Xie Y, Zhao R, Sercel P, Blum V, et al. Structural descriptor for enhanced spin-splitting in 2D hybrid perovskites. Research Square Platform LLC. 2021.
- Almora O, Baran D, Bazan GC, Berger C, Cabrera CI, Catchpole KR, et al. Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 1). Advanced Energy Materials. 2021 Mar 1;11(11).
- Abdelsamie M, Li T, Babbe F, Xu J, Han Q, Blum V, et al. Mechanism of Additive-Assisted Room-Temperature Processing of Metal Halide Perovskite Thin Films. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2021 Mar;13(11):13212u201325.
- Teymur B, Levcenco S, Hempel H, Bergmann E, Mu00e1rquez JA, Choubrac L, et al. Optoelectronic and material properties of solution-processed Earth-abundant Cu
2 BaSn(S, Se)4 films for solar cell applications. Nano Energy. 2021 Feb 1;80. - Song J, Teymur B, Zhou Y, Ngaboyamahina E, Mitzi DB. Porous Cu
2 BaSn(S,Se)4 Film as a Photocathode Using Non-Toxic Solvent and a Ball-Milling Approach. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2021 Jan 25;4(1):81u20137. - Singh A, Jana MK, Mitzi DB. Reversible Crystal-Glass Transition in a Metal Halide Perovskite. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2021 Jan;33(3):e2005868.
- Takeoka Y, Mitzi DB. Halide Perovskite Materials, Structural Dimensionality, and Synthesis. In: Perovskite Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications. 2021. p. 61u201379.
- Li T, Dunlap-Shohl WA, Mitzi DB. Bifacial perovskite solar cells via a rapid lamination process. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2020 Oct 26;3(10):9493u20137.
- Jana MK, Song R, Liu H, Khanal DR, Janke SM, Zhao R, et al. Organic-to-inorganic structural chirality transfer in a 2D hybrid perovskite and impact on Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. Nature communications. 2020 Sep;11(1):4699.
- Jiang T, Bai Y, Zhang P, Han Q, Mitzi DB, Therien MJ. Electronic structure and photophysics of a supermolecular iron complex having a long MLCT-state lifetime and panchromatic absorption. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 Aug;117(34):20430u20137.
- Sun JP, McKeown Wessler GC, Wang T, Zhu T, Blum V, Mitzi DB. Erratum: Structural tolerance factor approach to defect-resistant I
2 u2011II-IVu2011X4 semiconductor design (Chemistry of Materials (2020) 32:4 (1636-1649) DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b05107). Chemistry of Materials. 2020 Jul 14;32(13):5925u20136. - Lu H, Xiao C, Song R, Li T, Maughan AE, Levin A, et al. Highly Distorted Chiral Two-Dimensional Tin Iodide Perovskites for Spin Polarized Charge Transport. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2020 Jul;142(30):13030u201340.
- Gunawan O, Pae SR, Bishop DM, Shin B, Virgus Y, Mitzi DB. Carrier-Resolved Photo-Hall Effect: Unlocking a 140-year-old secret in Hall effect. In: Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 2020. p. 2126u20139.
- Mu00e1rquez JA, Sun JP, Stange H, Ali H, Choubrac L, Schu00e4fer S, et al. High-temperature decomposition of Cu
2 BaSnS4 with Sn loss reveals newly identified compound Cu2 Ba3 Sn2 S8 . Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2020 Jun 14;8(22):11346u201353. - Ye F, Wu H, Qin M, Yang S, Niu G, Lu X, et al. High-Quality MAPbBr3 Cuboid Film with Promising Optoelectronic Properties Prepared by a Hot Methylamine Precursor Approach. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2020 May;12(21):24498u2013504.
- Sun JP, McKeown Wessler GC, Wang T, Zhu T, Blum V, Mitzi DB. Structural Tolerance Factor Approach to Defect-Resistant I
2 -II-IV-X4 Semiconductor Design. Chemistry of Materials. 2020 Feb 25;32(4):1636u201349. - Euvrard J, Wang X, Li T, Yan Y, Mitzi DB. Is Cs
2 TiBr6 a promising Pb-free perovskite for solar energy applications? Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2020 Feb 21;8(7):4049u201354. - Li T, Chen X, Wang X, Lu H, Yan Y, Beard MC, et al. Origin of Broad-Band Emission and Impact of Structural Dimensionality in Tin-Alloyed Ruddlesdenu2212Popper Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskites. ACS Energy Letters. 2020 Feb 14;5(2):347u201352.
- Todorov T, Hillhouse HW, Aazou S, Sekkat Z, Vigil-Galu00e1n O, Deshmukh SD, et al. Solution-based synthesis of kesterite thin film semiconductors. JPhys Energy. 2020 Jan 1;2(1).
- Euvrard J, Gunawan O, Mitzi DB. Impact of PbI
2 Passivation and Grain Size Engineering in CH3 NH3 PbI3 Solar Absorbers as Revealed by Carrier-Resolved Photo-Hall Technique. Advanced Energy Materials. 2019 Dec 1;9(47). - Gunawan O, Pae SR, Bishop DM, Virgus Y, Noh JH, Jeon NJ, et al. Carrier-resolved photo-Hall effect. Nature. 2019 Nov;575(7781):151u20135.
- Jana MK, Liu C, Lidin S, Dirkes DJ, You W, Blum V, et al. Resolving rotational stacking disorder and electronic level alignment in a 2d oligothiophene-based lead iodide perovskite. Chemistry of Materials. 2019 Oct 22;31(20):8523u201332.
- Dunlap-Shohl WA, Barraza ET, Barrette A, Dovletgeldi S, Findik G, Dirkes DJ, et al. Tunable internal quantum well alignment in rationally designed oligomer-based perovskite films deposited by resonant infrared matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation. Materials Horizons. 2019 Oct 1;6(8):1707u201316.
- Zhang B, Thampy S, Dunlap-Shohl WA, Xu W, Zheng Y, Cao F-Y, et al. Mg Doped CuCrO2 as Efficient Hole Transport Layers for Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells. Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland). 2019 Sep;9(9):E1311.
- Jana MK, Janke S, Dirkes D, Dovletgeldi S, Liu C, Qin X, et al. Direct-bandgap 2D silver-bismuth iodide double perovskite: Structure-directing influence of an oligothiophene spacer cation. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2019.
- Dunlap-Shohl WA, Li T, Mitzi DB. Interfacial Effects during Rapid Lamination within MAPbI
3 Thin Films and Solar Cells. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2019 Jul 22;2(7):5083u201393. - Li T, Zeidell AM, Findik G, Dunlap-Shohl WA, Euvrard J, Gundogdu K, et al. Phase-Pure Hybrid Layered Lead Iodide Perovskite Films Based on a Two-Step Melt-Processing Approach. Chemistry of Materials. 2019 Jun 11;31(11):4267u201374.
- Sun JP, Mu00e1rquez JA, Stange H, Mainz R, Mitzi DB. Phase and film formation pathway for vacuum-deposited C u2BaSn(S,Se)4 absorber layers. Physical Review Materials. 2019 May 15;3(5).
- Jana MK, Janke SM, Dirkes DJ, Dovletgeldi S, Liu C, Qin X, et al. Direct-Bandgap 2D Silver-Bismuth Iodide Double Perovskite: The Structure-Directing Influence of an Oligothiophene Spacer Cation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2019 May;141(19):7955u201364.
- Mitzi DB. Introduction: Perovskites. Chemical reviews. 2019 Mar;119(5):3033u20135.
- Dunlap-Shohl WA, Zhou Y, Padture NP, Mitzi DB. Synthetic Approaches for Halide Perovskite Thin Films. Chemical reviews. 2019 Mar;119(5):3193u2013295.
- Ding J, Han Q, Ge QQ, Xue DJ, Ma JY, Zhao BY, et al. Fully Air-Bladed High-Efficiency Perovskite Photovoltaics. Joule. 2019 Feb 20;3(2):402u201316.
- Zhu LL, Huang YE, Lin YP, Huang XY, Liu HQ, Mitzi DB, et al. Stereochemically active lead chloride enantiomers mediated by homochiral organic cation. Polyhedron. 2019 Jan 15;158:445u20138.
- Khazaee M, Sardashti K, Chung CC, Sun JP, Zhou H, Bergmann E, et al. Dual-source evaporation of silver bismuth iodide films for planar junction solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019 Jan 1;7(5):2095u2013105.
- Li T, Dunlap-Shohl WA, Reinheimer EW, Le Magueres P, Mitzi DB. Melting temperature suppression of layered hybrid lead halide perovskites via organic ammonium cation branching. Chemical science. 2019 Jan;10(4):1168u201375.
- Dunlap-Shohl WA, Hill IG, Yan Y, Mitzi DB. Photovoltaic Effect in Indium(I) Iodide Thin Films. Chemistry of Materials. 2018 Nov 27;30(22):8226u201332.
- Ghadiri E, Shin D, Shafiee A, Warren WS, Mitzi DB. Grain-Resolved Ultrafast Photophysics in Cu2BaSnS4- xSe x Semiconductors Using Pump-Probe Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy and Microscopy. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2018 Nov;10(46):39615u201323.
- Han Q, Ding J, Bai Y, Li T, Ma JY, Chen YX, et al. Carrier Dynamics Engineering for High-Performance Electron-Transport-Layer-free Perovskite Photovoltaics. Chem. 2018 Oct 11;4(10):2405u201317.
- Liu C, Huhn W, Du K-Z, Vazquez-Mayagoitia A, Dirkes D, You W, et al. Tunable Semiconductors: Control over Carrier States and Excitations in Layered Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites. Physical review letters. 2018 Oct;121(14):146401.
- Wessler GC, Zhu T, Sun JP, Harrell A, Huhn WP, Blum V, et al. Band Gap Tailoring and Structure-Composition Relationship within the Alloyed Semiconductor Cu
2 BaGe1- x Snx Se4 . Chemistry of Materials. 2018 Sep 25;30(18):6566u201374. - Teymur B, Zhou Y, Ngaboyamahina E, Glass JT, Mitzi DB. Solution-Processed Earth-Abundant Cu
2 BaSn(S,Se)4 Solar Absorber Using a Low-Toxicity Solvent. Chemistry of Materials. 2018 Sep 11;30(17):6116u201323. - Jiang T, Bai Y, Han Q, Mitzi D, Therien M. How to turn iron into ruthenium. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Li T, Wang X, Yan Y, Mitzi DB. Phase Stability and Electronic Structure of Prospective Sb-Based Mixed Sulfide and Iodide 3D Perovskite (CH3NH3)SbSI2. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 2018 Jul;9(14):3829u201333.
- Khazaee M, Sardashti K, Sun JP, Zhou H, Clegg C, Hill IG, et al. A Versatile Thin-Film Deposition Method for Multidimensional Semiconducting Bismuth Halides. Chemistry of Materials. 2018 May 22;30(10):3538u201344.
- Mitzi D. Halide perovskites beyond CH3NH3PbI3: Structural diversity and opportunities for semiconductor design. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Dunlap-Shohl WA, Barraza ET, Barrette A, Gundogdu K, Stiff-Roberts AD, Mitzi DB. MAPbI
3 Solar Cells with Absorber Deposited by Resonant Infrared Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation. ACS Energy Letters. 2018 Feb 9;3(2):270u20135. - Barraza ET, Dunlap-Shohl WA, Mitzi DB, Stiff-Roberts AD. Deposition of Methylammonium Lead Triiodide by Resonant Infrared Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2018 Feb 1;47(2):917u201326.
- Zhou Y, Shin D, Ngaboyamahina E, Han Q, Parker CB, Mitzi DB, et al. Efficient and Stable Pt/TiO
2 /CdS/Cu2 BaSn(S,Se)4 Photocathode for Water Electrolysis Applications. ACS Energy Letters. 2018 Jan 12;3(1):177u201383. - Stiff-Roberts AD, Mitzi DB, Barraza ET, Dunlap-Shohl WA. Resonant infrared matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation of hybrid perovskites. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2018.
- Dunlap-Shohl WA, Daunis TB, Wang X, Wang J, Zhang B, Barrera D, et al. Room-temperature fabrication of a delafossite CuCrO
2 hole transport layer for perovskite solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2018 Jan 1;6(2):469u201377. - Liu J, Han Q, Bai Y, Du KZ, Li T, Ji D, et al. Additive engineering for high-performance room-temperature-processed perovskite absorbers with micron-size grains and microsecond-range carrier lifetimes. Energy and Environmental Science. 2017 Nov 1;10(11):2365u201371.
- Du KZ, Wang X, Han Q, Yan Y, Mitzi DB. Heterovalent B-Site Co-Alloying Approach for Halide Perovskite Bandgap Engineering. ACS Energy Letters. 2017 Oct 13;2(10):2486u201390.
- Zhu T, Huhn WP, Wessler GC, Shin D, Saparov B, Mitzi DB, et al. I
2 -II-IV-VI4 (I = Cu, Ag; II = Sr, Ba; IV = Ge, Sn; VI = S, Se): Chalcogenides for Thin-Film Photovoltaics. Chemistry of Materials. 2017 Sep 26;29(18):7868u201379. - Xiao Z, Du K, Meng W, Mitzi DB, Yan Y. Chemical Origin of the Stability Difference between Copper(I)u2010 and Silver(I)u2010Based Halide Double Perovskites. Angewandte Chemie. 2017 Sep 25;129(40):12275u20139.
- Xiao Z, Du K-Z, Meng W, Mitzi DB, Yan Y. Chemical Origin of the Stability Difference between Copper(I)- and Silver(I)-Based Halide Double Perovskites. Angewandte Chemie (International ed in English). 2017 Sep;56(40):12107u201311.
- Li T, Dunlap-Shohl WA, Han Q, Mitzi DB. Melt Processing of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Lead Iodide Layered Perovskites. Chemistry of Materials. 2017 Aug 8;29(15):6200u20134.
- Du K-Z, Tu Q, Zhang X, Han Q, Liu J, Zauscher S, et al. Two-Dimensional Lead(II) Halide-Based Hybrid Perovskites Templated by Acene Alkylamines: Crystal Structures, Optical Properties, and Piezoelectricity. Inorganic chemistry. 2017 Aug;56(15):9291u2013302.
- Du K, Meng W, Wang X, Yan Y, Mitzi DB. Bandgap Engineering of Leadu2010Free Double Perovskite Cs2AgBiBr6 through Trivalent Metal Alloying. Angewandte Chemie. 2017 Jul 3;129(28):8270u20134.
- Du K-Z, Meng W, Wang X, Yan Y, Mitzi DB. Bandgap Engineering of Lead-Free Double Perovskite Cs2 AgBiBr6 through Trivalent Metal Alloying. Angewandte Chemie (International ed in English). 2017 Jul;56(28):8158u201362.
- Xiao Z, Du K-Z, Meng W, Wang J, Mitzi DB, Yan Y. Correction to "Intrinsic Instability of Cs2In(I)M(III)X6 (M = Bi, Sb; X = Halogen) Double Perovskites: A Combined Density Functional Theory and Experimental Study". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017 Jul;139(27):9409.
- Meng W, Wang X, Xiao Z, Wang J, Mitzi DB, Yan Y. Parity-Forbidden Transitions and Their Impact on the Optical Absorption Properties of Lead-Free Metal Halide Perovskites and Double Perovskites. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 2017 Jul;8(13):2999u20133007.
- Shin D, Saparov B, Mitzi DB. Defect Engineering in Multinary Earth-Abundant Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Materials. Advanced Energy Materials. 2017 Jun 7;7(11).
- Shin D, Zhu T, Huang X, Gunawan O, Blum V, Mitzi DB. Earth-Abundant Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Devices with over 5% Efficiency Based on a Cu2 BaSn(S,Se)4 Absorber. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2017 Jun;29(24).
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- Wallace SK, Mitzi DB, Walsh A. The steady rise of kesterite solar cells. ACS Energy Letters. 2017 Apr 14;2(4):776u20139.
- Keenan E, Hu J, Zhi J, Mitzi D, You W. Diffusion of cations in 2D/3D perovskite films made by melt infiltration. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2017.
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- Wallace SK, Svane KL, Huhn WP, Zhu T, Mitzi DB, Blum V, et al. Candidate photoferroic absorber materials for thin-film solar cells from naturally occurring minerals: enargite, stephanite, and bournonite. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2017;1(6):1339u201350.
- Shin D, Ngaboyamahina E, Zhou Y, Glass JT, Mitzi DB. Synthesis and Characterization of an Earth-Abundant Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 Chalcogenide for Photoelectrochemical Cell Application. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 2016 Nov;7(22):4554u201361.
- Xiao Z, Meng W, Mitzi DB, Yan Y. Crystal Structure of AgBi2I7 Thin Films. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 2016 Oct;7(19):3903u20137.
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- Wang K, Shin B, Reuter KB, Todorov T, Mitzi DB, Guha S. Structural and elemental characterization of high efficiency Cu
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- Mitzi DB, Afzali A. Diels-alder adduct of pentacene and maleimide: Crystal growth and the influence of solvent molecules on structure and hydrogen bonding. Crystal Growth and Design. 2007 Apr 1;7(4):691u20137.
- Mitzi DB. N4H9Cu7S4: a hydrazinium-based salt with a layered Cu7S4- framework. Inorganic chemistry. 2007 Feb;46(3):926u201331.
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- Mitzi DB, Raoux S, Schrott AG, Copel M, Kellock A, Jordan-Sweet J. Solution-based processing of the phase-change material KSb
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- Mitzi DB, Copel M, Murray CE, Kosbar LL, Afzali A. Thin-film transistors based on spin-coated chalcogenide semiconductor channels. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society. 2005 Dec 19;PV 2004-15:189u201399.
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- Mitzi DB, Copel M, Chey SJ. Low-voltage transistor employing a high-mobility spin-coated chalcogenide semiconductor. Advanced Materials. 2005 May 13;17(10):1285u20139.
- Mitzi DB. Synthesis, structure, and thermal properties of soluble hydrazinium germanium(IV) and tin(IV) selenide salts. Inorganic chemistry. 2005 May;44(10):3755u201361.
- Mitzi D, Copel M, Chey SJ. Standing up to be counted. III-Vs Review. 2005 Jan 1;18(6):38u20139.
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- Mitzi DB, Xu ZT, Dimitrakopoulos CD, Medeiros DR. Structures, properties and devices based on hybrid perovskites and related materials. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2003. p. U85u2013U85.
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- Xu ZT, Mitzi DB. SnI42--based hybrid perovskites templated by multiple organic cations:: Combining organic functionalities through noncovalent interactions. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. 2003;15(19):3632u20137.
- Mitzi DB, Dimitrakopoulos CD, Rosner J, Medeiros DR, Xu Z, Noyan C. Hybrid field-effect transistor based on a low-temperature melt-processed channel layer. Advanced Materials. 2002 Dec 3;14(23):1772u20136.
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- Kagan CR, Afzali A, Breen TL, Mitzi DB, Dimitrakopoulos CD, Kosbar LL. Solution deposition and patterning of organic and organic-inorganic thin film transistors. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2002 Apr 7;223:D73u2013D73.
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- Mitzi DB. Templating and structural engineering in organic-inorganic perovskites. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. 2001 Dec 1;(1):1u201312.
- Mitzi DB, Dimitrakopoulos CD, Kosbar LL. Structurally tailored organic-inorganic perovskites: Optical properties and solution-processed channel materials for thin-film transistors. Chemistry of Materials. 2001 Nov 9;13(10):3728u201340.
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