Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Appointments and Affiliations
- Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Contact Information
- Office Location: 238 Hudson Hall, Box 90300, Durham, NC 27708
- Email Address:
- Websites:
- B.S. University of Missouri, Columbia, 1996
- M.S. Washington University in St. Louis, 1999
- D.Sc. Washington University in St. Louis, 2003
Research Interests
Nonlinear dynamics and vibration utilizing analytical, numerical, and experimental techniques. Fundamental investigations of phenomenon and application areas where dynamical systems theory plays an important role.Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- ASME Elected Fellow. ASME. 2013
- Philip E Doak Award . Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2013
- ONR Young Investigator Program Award. Office of Naval Research. 2008
- Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program. National Science Foundation. 2007
- SAE Ralph Teetor Award. Society of Automotive Engineers. 2007
- Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program. National Science Foundation. 2005
- Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program. National Science Foundation. 2004
- NSF CAREER Award. National Science Foundation. 2003
Courses Taught
- ME 592: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- ME 591: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- ME 555: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 541: Intermediate Dynamics: Dynamics of Very High Dimensional Systems
- ME 492: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 491: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 392: Undergraduate Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 391: Undergraduate Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ECE 899: Special Readings in Electrical Engineering
- CEE 625: Intermediate Dynamics: Dynamics of Very High Dimensional Systems
- BME 590: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
In the News
- The Roboticists Are Coming (Sep 22, 2022 | Duke Engineering News)
- Cross-Training Graduate Students to Develop Smart Robotic Surgical Instruments …
Representative Publications
- Turner, J. D., S. A. Moore, and B. P. Mann. “Stability prediction via parameter estimation from milling time series.” Journal of Sound and Vibration 571 (February 17, 2024).
- Kramer, H. R., L. H. Manring, J. F. Schultze, S. J. Zimmerman, and B. P. Mann. “Strategies for Improving the Comparison of Frequency Response Functions with Similarity Metrics.” In Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 101–9, 2024.
- Holm, P., C. Imbaquingo, B. P. Mann, and R. Bjørk. “High power electromagnetic vibration harvesting using a magnetic dumbbell structure.” Journal of Sound and Vibration 546 (March 3, 2023).
- Coonley, K. D., H. Humber, and B. P. Mann. “LINEAR ELECTROSTATIC OSCILLATOR WITH VISCOUS DAMPING.” In Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Vol. 10, 2023.
- Manring, L. H., B. P. Mann, and J. F. Schultze. “A Parameter Study of the Matrix Power Control Algorithm.” In Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 53–61, 2023.