Undergraduate and some graduate (500-699) classes resume (8:30 AM)
Undergraduate and some graduate (500-699) classes resume (8:30 AM)
Undergraduate and some graduate (500-699) classes resume (8:30 AM)
Undergraduate and some graduate (500-699) classes resume (8:30 AM)
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Fall 2024 Seminar Series, welcomes Bogdan Epureanu, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, at The University of Michigan, to present the MEMS Seminar lecture: "Task Allocation and Strategy Adaptation in Teams of Autonomous Vehicles and Humans." ABSTRACT: Autonomous vehicles are increasingly thought of as team members alongside humans […]
Composite materials, due to their anisotropic stiffness, offer an improved potential for aeroelastic tailoring over isotropic material, e.g. metallic fan blades. This is because the anisotropy enlarges the degrees of freedom available. The presentation will show examples for using the orientation of the fibers in the composite, i.e. the lay-ups, for aeroelastic tailoring. It will […]
Undergraduate classes end; Some graduate (500-699) classes end
Application deadline for graduate studies beginning fall 2025. Start your Duke journey at mems.duke.edu