Undergraduate Degree

Mechanical engineering, plus a whole lot more

Our students learn the classical engineering disciplines and mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. They also gain broad exposure to Duke’s excellent social sciences and humanities offerings.

The Bachelor of Science in Engineering includes:

  • A university writing course
  • Five mathematics courses
  • Four natural sciences courses,
  • Five humanities and social science courses
  • Four engineering, applied sciences and digital computation courses
  • Fifteen engineering department courses

To add depth, focus and career preparation to their studies, Duke ME undergraduates may also pursue elective-course sequences, double majors, second majors, minors and certificates. 

Opportunity Abounds

Want to dive deeper? Duke MEMS offers a range of options to customize your bachelor’s degree.

Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Handbook

For course planning, please refer to this PDF document. It is updated yearly.

Undergraduate Contacts

Nico  Hotz Profile Photo
Nico Hotz Profile Photo

Nico Hotz

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor of the Practice in the Thomas Lord Department of MEMS

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