Stacey Traister
stacey.traister@duke.eduProgram Coordinator, NSF Traineeship for the Advancement of Surgical Technologies (TAST)
Today, surgeons leverage the capabilities of robotics to extend their already-amazing abilities beyond the limits of what the human hand and eye can do.
Tomorrow, surgeons will rely even more on precision robots to provide even better surgical results with fewer complications and less pain—all leading to greater well-being for patients.
Shape this future by enhancing your Duke master’s or PhD with the graduate Certificate in Medical Robotics.
In addition to completing four high-impact courses, you’ll join a special community — the uncommonly collaborative engineering and medical research neighborhood clustered just meters apart along Duke’s Research Drive.
This certificate program is a curricular partner of the Duke-led NSF Traineeship for the Advancement of Surgical Technologies. More about TAST »
Program DirectorDuke’s Graduate Certificate in Medical Robotics represents a new model at the interface of medicine and engineering — one that gets roboticists into the operating rooms of a world-class academic medical center.
Program Coordinator, NSF Traineeship for the Advancement of Surgical Technologies (TAST)