MEMS Seminar: Professor Jian Cao, Northwestern University

Oct 7

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020 – 12:00PM to 1:00PM


Dr. Jian Cao

Title: Manufacturing - An Integration Platform
Location: Virtual Webex Address:

Abstract: Manufacturing translates ideas, innovation and raw materials into products used by societies as a driving force for raising their living standards. To enhance the versatility of manufacturing processes and to fully integrate design and manufacturing for system optimization, research efforts at NIMSI are rooted in discovering new processes for flexible, personalized and secure manufacturing, and in enhancing system optimization by using the combination of the ICME (integrated computational materials engineering) and data-driven approaches. This talk will provide an overview of these activities and then focus on selected processes and their fundamentals, and techniques including machine learning to achieve better process outcomes and faster predictions compared to conventional methods. The processes to be highlighted include rapid dieless sheet forming for producing three-dimensional sheet parts without geometry-specific tooling, and metal-based powder-blown additive manufacturing.