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Monday, April 5, 2021 – 9:00AM to 10:00AM
Cecilia Huertas‐Cerdeira, California Institute of Technology
MEMS Seminar Series Presents: Cecilia Huertas‐Cerdeira of the California Institute of Technology
Virtual Seminar in ZOOM:
The use of flexible structures and unsteady fluid phenomena significantly increases the
performance of many biological mechanisms. Yet, these properties have been historically
avoided in engineering due, in part, to the complexity of the resulting systems and the difficulty
of characterizing their mechanics. The recent emergence of data-driven methods has provided a
valuable tool for the analysis of these complex mechanisms. In parallel, advances in material
science have made the use of flexibility and unsteadiness a viable alternative for many robotic
systems. As a result, these properties constitute a promising avenue for the development a new
generation of aerial and underwater autonomous systems with improved efficiency, durability,
maneuverability and noise characteristics.