Sacrificial Scaffolding Helps New Hydrogels Heal Quickly
Incorporating weak bonds that lay the groundwork for new networks allows tougher double-network hydrogels that recover from damage

Incorporating weak bonds that lay the groundwork for new networks allows tougher double-network hydrogels that recover from damage
Boyuan Chen and his team have developed a platform called CREW that is used to create algorithms to optimize human-AI cooperation.
Xiaoyue Ni is creating wearable technology that goes beyond just tracking your steps, for everything from pregnancy to sleep patterns
To slow down your perception of time passing, Adrian Bejan suggests slowing down a little more, forcing yourself to do new things to get away from the routine.
A new Beyond the Horizon project seeks to provide the fundamental understanding of solid-state sodium-ion batteries to make them the preferred power source of the future
Stefano Curtarolo provides insight on a proposed method to quickly and cheaply synthesize an emerging class of super hard materials
Olivier Delaire used the power of neutron scattering and large-scale computer simulations to figure out what's going on inside these materials.
Boyuan Chen is advancing robotics to help machines perceive their environment, adapt to real-world scenarios, and collaborate effectively with humans
Matthew Becker helps create polymers made like miniature chainmail armor that have strange—and useful—properties
Mechanical engineering and filmmaking might seem like two disparate fields, but Izzy Dudlyke is proving that they're not
A new Master of Engineering in Robotics & Autonomy program joins Duke's undergraduate and graduate certificates for aspiring technology leaders
Duke Provost (and MEMS Professor) Alec Gallimore talks about his roots as an electric propulsion researcher for space flight and its impact on his current role
The interdisciplinary leader, whose research is aimed at understanding how nanoparticles interact with biological systems, will lead Duke MEMS through June 2028