Jeffrey P. Thomas
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Assistant Research Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Research Themes
Aerodynamics & Aeroelasticity
Dr. Thomas' field of research is computational aeroelasticity. This is the study of fluid and structural interaction. Dr. Thomas develops numerical methods to simulate complex physical phenomena.
- B.S. University of Kansas, 1989
- M.S. University of Kansas, 1991
- Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1996
- Assistant Research Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Courses Taught
- ME 639: Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
- ME 555: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 491: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 490: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 472: Aircraft Performance
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Methodology for Numerically Stabilizing a Harmonic-Balance-Based Forced Response Aeroelastic Solution Approach. AIAA Journal. 2023 Feb 1;61(2):965u201372.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Using Broydenu2019s Method to Improve the Computational Performance of a Harmonic Balance Aeroelastic Solution Technique. In: AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2023. 2023.
- Brown C, McGowan G, Cooley K, Deese J, Josey T, Dowell EH, et al. Convolution/Volterra Reduced-Order Modeling for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Limit Cycle Oscillation Analysis and Control. AIAA Journal. 2022 Dec 1;60(12):6647u201364.
- Brown C, McGowan G, Cooley K, Deese J, Josey T, Dowell EH, et al. Convolution/Volterra Reduced-Order Modeling for Flutter and LCO Predictions in Highly Nonlinear Systems. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. 2022.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Approach for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Uncertainty Quantification. In: AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. 2022.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Nonlinear Aeroelastic Reduced-Order Modeling Approach with Geometric Gradient Computation Capability. In: AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2021. 2021.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Automatic differentiation based nonlinear reduced-order model with geometric gradient computation capability. In: AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. 2021. p. 1u201317.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Discrete adjoint constrained design optimization approach for unsteady transonic aeroelasticity and buffet. In: AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. 2020. p. 1u201313.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Methodology for numerically stabilizing a harmonic balance based aeroelastic solution approach. In: AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum. 2020.
- Kim T, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Flutter prediction based on dynamic eigen decomposition of coupled CFD-CSD flight simulation. In: International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 2019, IFASD 2019. 2019.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Anderson M, McGowan GZ. Progress toward efficient compression algorithms for application in flight simulation environments. In: Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. 2019. p. 278u201388.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Discrete adjoint approach for nonlinear unsteady aeroelastic design optimization. AIAA Journal. 2019 Jan 1;57(10):4368u201376.
- Kim T, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Flutter prediction based on dynamic eigen decomposition of coupled CFD-CSD flight simulation. In: International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 2019, IFASD 2019. 2019.
- Howison J, Thomas J, Ekici K. Aeroelastic analysis of a wind turbine blade using the harmonic balance method. Wind Energy. 2018 Apr 1;21(4):226u201341.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Anderson M, McGowan GZ. Progress toward efficient compression algorithms for application in flight simulation environments. In: 2018 Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference. 2018.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. A fixed point iteration approach for harmonic balance based aeroelastic computations. In: AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2018. 2018.
- Besem FM, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Dowell EH. An aeroelastic model for vortex-induced vibrating cylinders subject to frequency lock-in. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2016 Feb 1;61:42u201359.
- Padmanabhan MA, Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Pasiliao CL. Store-induced limit-cycle oscillations due to nonlinear wing-store attachment. Journal of Aircraft. 2016 Jan 1;53(3):778u201389.
- Besem FM, Kamrass JD, Thomas JP, Tang D, Kielb RE. Vortex-Induced Vibration and Frequency Lock-In of an Airfoil at High Angles of Attack. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2016 Jan 1;138(1).
- Clark ST, Besem FM, Kielb RE, Thomas JP. Developing a reduced-order model of nonsynchronous vibration in turbomachinery using proper-orthogonal decomposition methods. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2015 May 1;137(5).
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Discrete adjoint design optimization approach for increasing transonic buffet onset angle-of-attack. In: 16th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. 2015.
- Howison J, Thomas JP, Ekici K. Progress on a wind turbine aeroelastic solution methodology using harmonic balance. In: 33rd Wind Energy Symposium. 2015.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Discrete adjoint design optimization approach for increasing transonic buffet onset angle-of-attack. In: 16th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. 2015.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Discrete adjoint approach for aeroelastic design optimization. In: AIAA AVIATION 2014 -15th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. 2014.
- Besem FM, Kamrass JD, Thomas JP, Tang D, Kielb RE. Vortex-induced vibration and frequency lock-in of an airfoil at high angles of attack. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2014.
- Clark ST, Besem FM, Kielb RE, Thomas JP. Developing a reduced-order model of non-synchronous vibration in turbomachinery using proper-orthogonal decomposition methods. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2014.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Discrete adjoint method for nonlinear aeroelastic sensitivities for compressible and viscous flows. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2013.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Discrete adjoint method for nonlinear aeroelastic sensitivities for compressible and viscous flows. In: 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2013.
- Thomas JP, Custer CH, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Corre C. Compact implementation strategy for a harmonic balance method within implicit flow solvers. AIAA Journal. 2013 Jun 1;51(6):1374u201381.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Huang H, Thomas JP. Stabilization of explicit flow solvers using a proper-orthogonal- decomposition technique. In: AIAA Journal. 2013. p. 1095u2013104.
- Hall KC, Ekici K, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Harmonic balance methods applied to computational fluid dynamics problems. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2013 Feb 1;27(2):52u201367.
- Ekici K, Hall KC, Huang H. Stabilization of explicit flow solvers using a proper orthogonal decomposition technique. In: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2012.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. An automatic differentiation based nonlinear reduced order modeling technique for unsteady separated flows. In: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2012.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Airfoil transonic flow buffet calculations using the OVERFLOW 2 flow solver. Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2011 Dec 1;
- Thomas JP, Lu00e9onard. O. Toward a high order throughflow - investigation of the nonlinear harmonic method coupled with an immersed boundary method for the modeling of the circumferential stresses. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2011 May 31;134(1).
- Thomas JP, Custer CH, Dowell EH, Hall KC. F-16 fighter aeroelastic computations using a harmonic balance implementation of the OVERFLOW 2 flow solver. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2010.
- Thomas JP, Lu00e9onard O. Towards a high order throughflow. Part I: Investigating the effectiveness of a harmonic reconstruction for 3D flows. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2010. p. 831u201341.
- Thomas JP, Lu00e9onard O. Towards a high order throughflow. Part II: Investigation of the nonlinear harmonic method coupled with an immersed boundary method for the modeling of the circumferential stresses. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2010. p. 843u201353.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Using automatic differentiation to create a nonlinear reduced-order-model aerodynamic solver. AIAA Journal. 2010 Jan 1;48(1):19u201324.
- Meingast M, Kielb RE, Thomas JP. Preliminary flutter design method for supersonic low pressure turbines. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2009 Dec 1;6(PART A):507u201315.
- Simon JF, Thomas JP, Lu00e9onard O. On the role of the deterministic and circumferential stresses in throughflow calculations. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2009 Jul 1;131(3).
- Ortner K, Kohns A, Turley F, Thomas J. Erosion Resistant Coatings for Aircraft Engines. Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis. 2009 Jun 1;21(3):18u201321.
- Spiker MA, Kielb RE, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Application of enforced motion to study 2-D cascade lock-in effect. In: 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2009.
- Schwarz JB, Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC, Rausch RD, Bartels RE. Improved flutter boundary prediction for an isolated two-degree-of-freedom airfoil. Journal of Aircraft. 2009 Jan 1;46(6):2069u201376.
- Lu00e9onard O, Thomas JP, Borguet S. Ten years of experience with a small jet engine as a support for education. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2009 Jan 1;131(1).
- Thomas JP, Custer CH, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Unsteady flow computation using a harmonic balance approach implemented about the OVERFLOW 2 flow solver. In: 19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 2009.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Theoretical predictions of F-16 fighter limit cycle oscillations for flight flutter testing. Journal of Aircraft. 2009 Jan 1;46(5):1667u201372.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Spiker MA, Li A, et al. Reduced order models in unsteady aerodynamic models, aeroelasticity and molecular dynamics. In: ICAS Secretariat - 26th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2008, ICAS 2008. 2008. p. 4002u201314.
- Spiker MA, Kielb RE, Hall KC, Thomas JP. Efficient design method for non-synchronous vibrations using enforced motion. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2008. p. 735u201347.
- Lu00e9onard O, Thomas JP, Borguet S. Ten years of experience with a small jet engine as a support for education. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2008. p. 11u201321.
- Thomas JP, Lu00e9onard O. Investigating circumferential non-uniformities in throughflow calculations using an harmonic reconstruction. In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2008. p. 2229u201341.
- Bakhle MA, Thomas JP, Reddy TSR. Fan flutter computations using the harmonic balance method. 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit. 2008 Jan 1;
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Spiker MA, Denegri CM. A new solution method for unsteady flows around oscillating bluff bodies. Solid Mechanics and its Applications. 2008 Jan 1;8:37u201344.
- Thomas JP, Dowels EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Virtual aeroelastic flight testing for the F-16 fighter with stores. In: Collection of Technical Papers - US Air Force T and E Days, 2007(Test and Evaluation. 2007. p. 339u201346.
- Liu L, Dowell EH, Thomas JP. A high dimensional harmonic balance approach for an aeroelastic airfoil with cubic restoring forces. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2007 Apr 1;23(3):351u201363.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. An investigation of the sensitivity of F-16 fighter flutter onset and limit cycle oscillations to uncertainties. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2006. p. 3137u201344.
- Attar PJ, Dowell EH, White JR, Thomas JP. Reduced order nonlinear system identification methodology. AIAA Journal. 2006 Aug 1;44(8):1895u2013904.
- Spiker MA, Thomas JP, Hall KC, Kielb RE, Dowell EH. Modeling cylinder flow vortex shedding with enforced motion using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2006. p. 4549u201358.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Using automatic differentiation to create a nonlinear reduced order model of a computational fluid dynamic solver. In: Collection of Technical Papers - 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. 2006. p. 2437u201349.
- Liu L, Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Attar P, Hall KC. A comparison of classical and high dimensional harmonic balance approaches for a Duffing oscillator. J Comput Phys (USA). 2006;215(1):298u2013320.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Static/dynamic correction approach for reduced-order modeling of unsteady aerodynamics. Journal of Aircraft. 2006;43(4):865u201378.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Further investigation of modeling limit cycle oscillation behavior of the F-16 fighter using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2005. p. 1457u201366.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Spiker MA, Denegri CM. Reduced order unsteady aerodynamic models and aeroelasticity. In: 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2005, ICSV 2005. 2005. p. 47u201364.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Hall Kenneth C, Dowell Earl H. Discrete adjoint approach for modeling unsteady aerodynamic design sensitivities. AIAA Journal. 2005;43(9):1931u20136.
- Hall KC, Kielb RE, Ekici K, Thomas JP, Clark WS. Recent advancements in turbomachinery aeroelastic design analysis. In: 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers. 2005. p. 11253u201374.
- Liu L, Dowell EH, Thomas JP. Higher order harmonic balance analysis for limit cycle oscillations in an airfoil with cubic restoring forces. Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2005 Jan 1;3:1467u201376.
- Carlson HA, Feng JQ, Thomas JP, Kielb RE, Hall KC, Dowell EH. Computational models for nonlinear aeroelasticity. In: 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers. 2005. p. 4143u201352.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC, Denegri CM. Modeling limit cycle oscillation behavior of the F-16 fighter using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2004. p. 2044u201350.
- Kholodar Denis B, Dowell Earl H, Thomas Jeffrey P, Hall Kenneth C. Improved understanding of transonic flutter: A three-parameter flutter surface. Journal of Aircraft. 2004;41(4):911u20137.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Modeling viscous transonic limit-cycle oscillation behavior using a harmonic balance approach. Journal of Aircraft. 2004;41(6):1266u201374.
- Kholodar Denis B, Dowell Earl H, Thomas Jeffrey P, Hall Kenneth C. Limit-cycle oscillations of a typical airfoil in transonic flow. Journal of Aircraft. 2004;41(5):1067u201372.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2004;18(SUPPL):17u201327.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Modeling limit cycle oscillations for an NLR 7301 airfoil aeroelastic configuration including correlation with experiment. In: 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A harmonic balance approach for modeling nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of wings in transonic viscous flow. In: 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2003.
- Hall KC, Thomas JP, Ekici K, Voytovych DM. Frequency domain techniques for complex and nonlinear flows in turbomachinery. In: 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A discrete adjoint approach for modeling unsteady aerodynamic design sensitivities. In: 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A harmonic balance approach for modeling nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of wings in transonic viscous flow. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2003. p. 4779u201384.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Three-dimensional transonic aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition-based reduced-order models. Journal of Aircraft. 2003;40(3):544u201351.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Modeling limit cycle oscillations for an NLR 7301 airfoil aeroelastic configuration including correlation with experiment. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2003. p. 289u201397.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A harmonic balance approach for modeling nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of wings in transonic viscous flow. In: 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2003.
- Thomas JP, Hall KC, Dowell EH. A discrete adjoint approach for modeling unsteady aerodynamic design sensitivities. In: 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2003.
- Kielb Robert E, Thomas Jeffrey P, Barter John W, Hall Kenneth C. Blade excitation by aerodynamic instabilities - A compressor blade study. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI. 2003. p. 399u2013406.
- Kholodar Denis B, Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Parametric study of flutter for an airfoil in inviscid transonic flow. Journal of Aircraft. 2003;40(2):303u201313.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Modeling viscous transonic limit cycle oscillation behavior using a harmonic balance approach. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2002. p. 1658u201366.
- Kholodar DB, Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A parameter study of transonic airfoil flutter and limit cycle oscillation behavior. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2002. p. 64u201379.
- Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H, Hall Kenneth C. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter, and limit-cycle oscillations. AIAA Journal. 2002;40(4):638u201346.
- Hall Kenneth C, Thomas Jeffrey P, Clark WS. Computation of unsteady nonlinear flows in cascades using a harmonic balance technique. AIAA Journal. 2002;40(5):879u201386.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A harmonic balance approach for modeling three-dimensional nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelasticity. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2002. p. 1323u201334.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A static/dynamic correction approach for reduced-order modeling of unsteady aerodynamics. In: 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Three-Dimensional transonic Aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition based reduced order models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter and limit cycle oscillations. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Three-dimensional transonic aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition based reduced order models. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2001. p. 2555u201364.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter and limit cycle oscillations. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2001. p. 230u201341.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Three-Dimensional transonic Aeroelasticity using proper orthogonal decomposition based reduced order models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Dowell EH, Thomas JP, Hall KC. Transonic limit cycle oscillation analysis using reduced order aerodynamic models. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2001. p. 255u201363.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. A static/dynamic correction approach for reduced-order modeling of unsteady aerodynamics. In: 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2001.
- Thomas JP, Dowell EH, Hall KC. Nonlinear inviscid aerodynamic effects on transonic divergence, flutter and limit cycle oscillations. In: 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2001.
- Hall Kenneth C, Thomas Jeffrey P, Dowell Earl H. Proper orthogonal decomposition technique for transonic unsteady aerodynamic flows. AIAA Journal. 2000;38(10):1853u201362.
- Hall KC, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Reduced-order modelling of unsteady small-disturbance flows using a frequency-domain proper orthogonal decomposition technique. In: 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 1999.
- Hall KC, Thomas JP, Dowell EH. Reduced-order modelling of unsteady small-disturbance flows using a frequency-domain proper orthogonal decomposition technique. In: 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 1999.
- Dowell EH, Hall KC, Thomas JP, Florea R, Epureanu BI, Heeg J. Reduced order models in unsteady aerodynamics. In: Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 1999. p. 622u201337.
- Kirn C, Roe PL, Thomas JP. Accurate schemes for advection and aeroacoustics. In: 13th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 1997. p. 47u201357.
- Kirn C, Roe PL, Thomas JP. Accurate schemes for advection and aeroacoustics. In: 13th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 1997. p. 47u201357.
- Thomas JP, Kim C, Roe PL. Progress towards a new computational scheme for aeroacoustics. In: 12th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 1995. p. 1325u201338.
- Thomas JP, Kim C, Roe PL. Progress towards a new computational scheme for aeroacoustics. In: 12th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 1995. p. 1325u201338.
- Thomas JP, Roe PL. Development of non-dissipative numerical schemes for computational aeroacoustics. In: 11th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1993. 1993. p. 906u201316.