Adrian Bejan, Ph.D.
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Research Themes
Energy Systems & Materials
- Sc.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972
- S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972
- Sc.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1975
- J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award 2023. . International Society for Porous Media.. 2023
- Honorary Member. Turkish Academy of Sciences (Tu00dcBA). 2020
- Prize in Basic and Engineering Sciences. Turkish Academy of Sciences (Tu00dcBA). 2020
- The paper u201cDiscipline in Thermodynamicsu201d made the cover of the journal u201cEnergiesu201d. Energies, MDPI. 2020
- Knight of the French Order of Academic Palms, Chevalier dans lu2019Ordre des Palmes Acadu00e9miques. French Republic. 2020
- Humboldt Research Award. Humboldt Foundation. 2019
- Corresponding Member. Academy of Engineering of Mexico. 2018
- Benjamin Franklin Medal. The Franklin Institute. 2018
- Corresponding Member. Mexican Academy of Sciences. 2017
- Ralph Coats Roe Medal. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2017
- Doctor of Engineering honoris causa. University of Pretoria, South Africa. 2015
- Visiting Chair Professor of Engineering Science under the Distinguished Chair Professor Scheme. Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 2015
- Docteur Honoris Causa. Institut National des Sciences Appliquu00e9es, Lyon, France. 2014
- Member. Academy of Europe. 2013
- Honorary Member. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2011
- Honorary Member. Romanian Academy. 2011
- Professor Catedru00e1tico Convidado. University of u00c9vora, Portugal. 2009
- Doctor Honoris Causa. University of Rome I, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. 2009
- Donald Q. Kern. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2008
- Fluid Science Research Award. Tohoku University, Japan. 2008
- Extraordinary Professor. University of Pretoria, South Africa. 2007
- James P. Hartnett Memorial Award. International Center of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2007
- Luikov Medal. International Center of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria. 2006
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria. 2004
- Honorary Member. Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania. 2004
- Edward F. Obert Award. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2004
- Doctor Honoris Causa. University of u00c9vora, Portugal. 2003
- Doctor of Science Honoris Causa. ETH - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu00fcrich, Switzerland. 2003
- Distinguished Lecturer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2002
- Highly Cited Researcher. Thomson Reuters. 2001
- Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2001
- Honorary Member. Academy of Sciences of Moldova. 2001
- Docteur Honoris Causa. Universitu00e9 Henri Poincaru00e9, Nancy, France. 2001
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Federal University of Paranu00e1, Curitiba, Brazil. 2001
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova. 2001
- Ralph Coats Roe Award. American Society of Engineering Education. 2000
- Honorary Doctor of Science. Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. 2000
- Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (honoris causa). University of Durban-Westville, South Africa. 1999
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania. 1999
- Robert Henry Thurston Lecture. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1999
- Max Jakob Memorial Award. American Institute of Chemical Engineers & American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1999
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine. 1999
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Gh. Asachi Technical University, Iasi, Romania. 1998
- TEPCO Endowed Chair. Keio University, Yokohama, Japan. 1998
- The Legacy of Adrian Bejan: Three Generations of Brazilian Scientists. Pontificial Catholic University of Paranu00e1, Curitiba, Brazil. 1997
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania. 1997
- Honorary Citizen. City of Galati, Romania. 1996
- Worcester Reed Warner Medal. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1996
- Doctor Honoris Causa. University of the Lower Danube, Galati, Romania. 1995
- Heat Transfer Memorial Award. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1994
- Doctor Honoris Causa. Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania. 1992
- James Harry Potter Gold Medal. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1990
- J.A. Jones Chair. Duke University. 1989
- Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1988
- Fellow. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1987
- Croft Professorship. University of Colorado, Boulder. 1981
- Miller Fellow. University of California, Berkeley. 1976
- Honors Course. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1970
- De Florez Award for Ingenuity in Engineering Design. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1969
Courses Taught
- ME 555: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 532: Convective Heat Transfer
- ME 531: Engineering Thermodynamics
- ME 492: Special Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 438: Constructal Theory and Design
- Bejan A. Water cataracts and the u201cshortest-time descentu201d curve (Brachistochrone) as one natural phenomenon. AIP Advances. 2025 Feb 1;15(2).
- Bejan A, Almahmoud H, Gunes U, Fakhari HE, Mardanpour P. Evolution and irreversibility: Two distinct phenomena and their distinct laws of nature. Physics of life reviews. 2024 Sep;50:103u201316.
- Bejan A. The physics of the urge to have freedom. Bio Systems. 2024 Sep;243:105277.
- Bejan A, Gunes U, Grisolia G, Lucia U, Baciu DC. Freedom, design and evolution. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2024 Aug 1;156.
- Bejan A. Energy store & release facilitating movement in stick & slip friction, animal jump, and earthquake. Scientific reports. 2024 Aug;14(1):18832.
- Bejan A. Vascular flow design and predicting evolution. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2024 Jun 1;155.
- Bejan A, Charles JD. Animal design advantage from the analogy between friction and body heat loss. Bio Systems. 2024 Jan;235:105096.
- Fakhari HE, Moshtaghzadeh M, Camberos J, Bejan A, Mardanpour P. A constructal aeroelastic design approach for cross-section configuration of "flying wing aircraft". In: AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2024. 2024.
- Bejan A, Almahmoud H, Gunes U. Evolutionary design with freedom - Fin shapes and entrance length channels for heat sinks. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2023 Oct 1;147.
- Bejan A, Gunes U, Almahmoud H. Locomotion rhythm makes power and speed. Scientific reports. 2023 Aug;13(1):14018.
- Bejan A. The principle underlying all evolution, biological, geophysical, social and technological. Philosophical transactions Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2023 Aug;381(2252):20220288.
- Bejan A. Perfection is the enemy of evolution. Bio Systems. 2023 Jul;229:104917.
- Sauer TJ, Bejan A, Segars P, Samei E. Development and CT image-domain validation of a computational lung lesion model for use in virtual imaging trials. Med Phys. 2023 Jul;50(7):4366u201378.
- Bejan A. Constructal design evolution versus topology optimization. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2023 Feb 1;141.
- Bejan A, Gunes U. Evolutionary design for sustainability during climate change. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022 Dec 1;139.
- Bejan A, Almahmoud H, Gunes U. Ventilation through a single port. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022 Nov 1;138.
- Bejan A. Evolution, physics, and education. Bio Systems. 2022 Jun;215u2013216:104663.
- Bejan A, Gunes U. Virus spreading and heat spreading. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2022 Apr 1;174.
- Bejan A. Evolutionary design: Heat and fluid flow together. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022 Mar 1;132.
- Bejan A. Time and beauty: Why time flies and beauty never dies. 2022.
- Moshtaghzadeh M, Izadpanahi E, Bejan A, Mardanpour P. Evolutionary Aeroelastic Design of Flying-Wing Cross Section. AIAA Journal. 2022 Feb 1;60(2):913u201324.
- Moshtaghzadeh M, Izadpanahi E, Bejan A, Mardanpour P. Aeroelastic Stability and Flow of Stresses in Wing Cross-Section. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. 2022.
- Moshtaghzadeh M, Rangel N, Bejan A, Mardanpour P. AN EVOLUTIONARY AEROELASTIC DESIGN APPROACH FOR SPARS AND RIBS OF FLYING WING AIRCRAFT. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2022.
- Bejan A, Almahmoud H. Tree flows through hierarchical slits and orifices. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021 Nov 1;128.
- Nava-Arriaga EM, Hernandez-Guerrero A, Luviano-Ortiz JL, Bejan A. Heat sinks with minichannels and flow distributors based on constructal law. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021 Jun 1;125.
- Bejan A, Almahmoud H, Gucluer S. Evolutionary design of composite structures for thermal conductance and strength. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021 Jun 1;125.
- Bejan A. Nationalism and forgetfulness in the spreading of thermal sciences. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2021 May 1;163.
- Sauer TJ, Samei E, Bejan A. Cell and extracellular matrix growth theory and its implications for tumorigenesis. Biosystems. 2021 Mar;201:104331.
- Farzaneh H, Malehmirchegini L, Bejan A, Afolabi T, Mulumba A, Daka PP. Artificial intelligence evolution in smart buildings for energy efficiency. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2021 Jan 2;11(2):1u201326.
- Bejan A, Tsatsaronis G. Purpose in thermodynamics. Energies. 2021 Jan 2;14(2).
- Mardanpour P, Izadpanahi E, Powell S, Rastkar S, Bejan A. Inflected wings in flight: Uniform flow of stresses makes strong and light wings for stable flight. Journal of theoretical biology. 2021 Jan;508:110452.
- Bejan A, Gucluer S. Morphing the design to go with the times. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021 Jan 1;120.
- Awad MM, Attinger D, Bejan A, Beskok A, Celata GP, Colin S, et al. Professor Satish G. Kandlikar on His 70th Birthday. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. 2020 Dec 1;12(6).
- Sabau AS, Bejan A, Brownell D, Gluesenkamp K, Murphy B, List F, et al. Design, additive manufacturing, and performance of heat exchanger with a novel flow-path architecture. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020 Nov 5;180.
- Bejan A. Boundary layers from constructal law. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2020 Oct 1;117.
- Bejan A, Gunes U, Sahin B. University Rankings: Quality, Size and Permanence. European Review. 2020 Aug 1;28(4):537u201358.
- Bejan A. AI and freedom for evolution in energy science. Energy and AI. 2020 Aug 1;1.
- Bejan A. Human evolution is biological & technological evolution. Bio Systems. 2020 Jul;195:104156.
- Awad MM, Battaglia F, Bejan A, Givi P, McLeskey JT, Samaha MA. Homage to a Legendary Dynamicist on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2020 Jul 1;142(7).
- Bejan A. Freedom and evolution in the dynamics of social systems. Bio Systems. 2020 Jul;195:104158.
- Bejan A, Errera MR, Gunes U. Energy theory of periodic economic growth. International Journal of Energy Research. 2020 Jun 10;44(7):5231u201342.
- Bejan A. Discipline in thermodynamics. Energies. 2020 May 1;13(10).
- Awad MM, Bejan A, Dhir VK, Goldstein RJ, Haji-Sheikh A, Howell JR, et al. In Memoriam: Professor Ephraim Maurice Sparrow. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2020 Apr 1;142(4).
- Bejan A, Ferber L, Lorente S. Convergent Evolution of Boats with Sails. Scientific reports. 2020 Feb;10(1):2703.
- Awad MM, Mondal PK, Mahian O, Ahn HS, Dalkiliu00e7 AS, Pop I, et al. Professor somchai wongwises on his 60th birthday. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2020 Jan 1;6(4):438u20139.
- Bejan A. Freedom and evolution: Hierarchy in nature, society and science. 2019.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Current trends in constructal law and evolutionary design. Heat Transfer - Asian Research. 2019 Dec 1;48(8):3574u201389.
- Matsushima H, Almerbati A, Bejan A. Evolutionary design with freedom: Time dependent heat spreading. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019 Nov 1;108.
- In memoriam: Ephraim M. Sparrow (May 27, 1928u2013August 1, 2019). Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 2019 Oct 3;76(4):181u20134.
- Bejan A. Heat tubes: Conduction and convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019 Jul 1;137:1258u201362.
- Nejad AH, Ekici K, Sabau AS, Bejan A, Arimilli RV. Counter cross-flow evaporator geometries for supercritical organic Rankine cycles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019 Jun 1;135:425u201335.
- Bejan A, Gunes U, Sahin B. The evolution of air and maritime transport. Applied Physics Reviews. 2019 Jun 1;6(2).
- Bejan A. Why the Days Seem Shorter as We Get Older. European Review. 2019 May 1;27(2):187u201394.
- Awad MM, Bayazitoglu Y, Bejan A, Luke A, Mayinger F, Pramuanjaroenkij A, et al. Professor Sadik Kakau00e7 on His 85th Birthday. Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung. 2019 Apr 11;55(4):933u20135.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamics of heating. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2019 Mar 1;475(2223).
- Mardanpour P, Izadpanahi E, Rastkar S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal design of aircraft: Flow of stresses and aeroelastic stability. AIAA Journal. 2019 Jan 1;57(10):4393u2013405.
- Bejan A. BUCKLING FLOWS. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 2019;141(11):24u201324.
- Mardanpour P, Izadpanahi E, Rastkar S, Camberos JA, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal approach in aeroelastic design and analysis of flying wing aircraft. In: AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. 2019.
- Matsushima H, Almerbati A, Bejan A. Evolutionary design of conducting layers with fins and freedom. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018 Nov 1;126:926u201334.
- Bayazitoglu Y, Bejan A, Bennacer R, Cheng P, He Y-L, Jaluria Y, et al. On celebration of Professor Abdulmajeed A. Mohamadu2019s 65th birthday. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018 Nov;126:1356u20137.
- Bejan A. The Physics Law of Evolution. Inference: International Review of Science. 2018 Oct 19;4(2).
- Bejan A, Gunes U, Errera MR, Sahin B. Social organization: The thermodynamic basis. International Journal of Energy Research. 2018 Oct 10;42(12):3770u20139.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamics today. Energy. 2018 Oct 1;160:1208u201319.
- Samei E, Ju00e4rvinen H, Kortesniemi M, Simantirakis G, Goh C, Wallace A, et al. Medical imaging dose optimisation from ground up: expert opinion of an international summit. J Radiol Prot. 2018 Sep;38(3):967u201389.
- Bejan A, Gunes U, Charles JD, Sahin B. The fastest animals and vehicles are neither the biggest nor the fastest over lifetime. Scientific reports. 2018 Aug;8(1):12925.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal theory in heat transfer. In: Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering. 2018. p. 329u201360.
- Bejan A. Letter to the editor on u201cTemperature-heat diagram analysis method for heat recovery physical adsorption refrigeration cycleu2014Taking multi stage cycle as an exampleu201d by S. Z. Xu et al., vol. 74, 2017, pp. 254u2013268. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2018 Jun 1;90:277u20139.
- Bejan A. Comment on u201cStudy on the consistency between field synergy principle and entransy dissipation extremum principleu201d. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018 May 1;120:1187u20138.
- Bejan A. Personal aircraft: Why the revolution won't happen. Aerospace America. 2018 May 1;56(5):46u20139.
- Bejan A. Without engineering, civilization do. Mechanical Engineering. 2018 May 1;140(5):42u20137.
- Sabau AS, Nejad AH, Klett JW, Bejan A, Ekici K. Novel evaporator architecture with entrance-length crossflow-paths for supercritical Organic Rankine Cycles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018 Apr 1;119:208u201322.
- Almerbati A, Lorente S, Bejan A. The evolutionary design of cooling a plate with one stream. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018 Jan 1;116:9u201315.
- Bejan A. Constructal law, twenty years after. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science. 2018 Jan 1;19:309u201311.
- Fan Y, Li Y, Bejan A, Wang Y, Yang X. Horizontal extent of the urban heat dome flow. Scientific reports. 2017 Sep;7(1):11681.
- Barletta A, Bejan A, Briggs A, Cavallini A, Cotta R, Garimella S, et al. Professor John W. Rose BScEng PhD DScEng(Lond) CEng FIMechE FASME on his 80th birthday. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017 Sep;112:169u201370.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Martins L, Meyer JP. The constructal size of a heat exchanger. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017 Aug 14;122(6).
- Bejan A, Chen R, Lorente S, Wen CY. Hierarchy in air travel: Few large and many small. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017 Jul 14;122(2).
- Bejan A, Almerbati A, Lorente S. Response to "comment on 'Economies of scale: The physics basis'" [J. Appl. Phys. 121, 206101 (2017)]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017 May 28;121(20).
- Bejan A, R Errera M. Wealth inequality: The physics basis. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017 Mar 28;121(12).
- Bejan A. Evolution in thermodynamics. Applied Physics Reviews. 2017 Mar 1;4(1).
- Bejan A. Evolution as physics: The human & machine species. European Review. 2017 Feb 1;25(1):140u20139.
- Bejan A. Evolution and the city. Mechanical Engineering. 2017 Feb 1;139(2):44u20139.
- Bejan A, Almerbati A, Lorente S. Economies of scale: The physics basis. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017 Jan 28;121(4).
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Convection in porous media. 2017.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal Theory in Heat Transfer. In: Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering. Springer International Publishing; 2017. p. 1u201332.
- Orndorff C, Ponomarev S, Dai W, Bejan A. Thermal analysis in a triple-layered skin structure with embedded vasculature, tumor, and gold nanoshells. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017 Jan 1;111:677u201395.
- Bejan A, Alalaimi M, Sabau AS, Lorente S. Entrance-length dendritic plate heat exchangers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017 Jan 1;114:1350u20136.
- Awad MM, Bejan A, Delhaye JM, Dhir VK, Hewitt GF, Kakac S, et al. Guest Editorial: Prof. Em. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. mult. Franz Mayinger on His 85th Birthday. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2016 Nov 1;138(11).
- Awad MM, Bejan A, Delhaye J-M, Dhir VK, Hewitt GF, Kakau00e7 S, et al. Prof. Em. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. mult. Franz Mayinger on His 85th Birthday. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2016 Nov 1;138(11).
- Bejan A, Wagstaff RW. Response to "comment on 'The physics origin of the hierarchy of bodies in space'" [J. Appl. Phys. 120, 126101 (2016)]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2016 Sep 28;120(12).
- Bejan A. Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics. 2016.
- Ziaei S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal design for convection melting of a phase change body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016 Aug 1;99:762u20139.
- Bejan A, Alalaimi M, Lorente S, Sabau AS, Klett JW. Counterflow heat exchanger with core and plenums at both ends. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016 Aug 1;99:622u20139.
- Gonzu00e1lez D, Amigo J, Lorente S, Bejan A, Suu00e1rez F. Constructal design of salt-gradient solar pond fields. International Journal of Energy Research. 2016 Aug 1;40(10):1428u201346.
- Bejan A, Almerbati A, Lorente S, Sabau AS, Klett JW. Arrays of flow channels with heat transfer embedded in conducting walls. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016 Aug 1;99:504u201311.
- Chen R, Wen CY, Lorente S, Bejan A. The evolution of helicopters. Journal of Applied Physics. 2016 Jul 7;120(1).
- Bejan A. The Physics of Life The Evolution of Everything. Macmillan; 2016.
- Bejan A, Ziaei S, Lorente S. Distributed energy storage: Time-dependent tree flow design. Journal of Applied Physics. 2016 May 14;119(18).
- Bejan A. Life and evolution as physics. Communicative & integrative biology. 2016 May;9(3):e1172159.
- Bejan A. Acceleration evoluted. Mechanical Engineering. 2016 Apr 1;138(4):38u201343.
- Bejan A, Wagstaff RW. The physics origin of the hierarchy of bodies in space. Journal of Applied Physics. 2016 Mar 7;119(9).
- Minkowycz WJ, Basak T, Ravi R, Jayanti S, Das SK, Roy S, et al. Professor Arcot R. Balakrishnan on his 65th birthday. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016 Mar;94:498u20139.
- Bejan A, Errera MR. Complexity, organization, evolution, and constructal law. Journal of Applied Physics. 2016 Feb 21;119(7).
- Bejan A. Rolling stones and turbulent eddies: why the bigger live longer and travel farther. Scientific reports. 2016 Feb;6:21445.
- Bejan A. Constructal thermodynamics. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2016 Jan 30;34(Special Issue 1):S1u20138.
- Awad MM, Bejan A, Delhaye JM, Dhir VK, Hewitt GF, Kakac S, et al. Guest Editorial. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2016 Jan 1;138(11).
- Bejan A. Constructal thermodynamics. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2016 Jan 1;34:S1u20138.
- Sabau AS, Nejad AH, Klett JW, Bejan A, Ekici K. Novel evaporator geometries based on entrance-length flowpaths for geothermal binary power plants. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2016.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Flow architectures for ground-coupled heat pumps. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2016.
- Bejan A, Charles JD, Lorente S, Dowell EH. Evolution of airplanes, and what price speed? AIAA Journal. 2016 Jan 1;54(3):1116u20139.
- Bejan A. Letter to the editor of renewable and sustainable energy reviews. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016 Jan 1;53:1636u20137.
- Bejan A. Sustainability: The Water and Energy Problem, and the Natural Design Solution. European Review. 2015 Sep 22;23(4):481u20138.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Lee J, Kim Y. Constructal design of gas-cooled electric power generators, self-pumping and atmospheric circulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015 Aug 24;91:647u201355.
- Alalaimi M, Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. The robustness of the permeability of constructal tree-shaped fissures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015 Jul 6;90:259u201365.
- Almerbati A, Lorente S, Bejan A. Energy design for dense neighborhoods: One heat pump rejects heat, the other absorbs heat from the same loop. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2015 Jun 29;96:227u201335.
- Ziaei S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Morphing tree structures for latent thermal energy storage. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015 Jun 14;117(22).
- Bejan A, Errera MR. Technology evolution, from the constructal law: Heat transfer designs. International Journal of Energy Research. 2015 Jun 10;39(7):919u201328.
- Bejan A. Why humans build fires shaped the same way. Scientific reports. 2015 Jun;5:11270.
- Hadjistassou C, Bejan A, Ventikos Y. Cerebral oxygenation and optimal vascular brain organization. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 2015 Jun;12(107):20150245.
- Bejan A. Constructal Law: Optimization as Design Evolution. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2015 Jun 1;137(6).
- Bejan A, Lee J, Lorente S, Kim Y. The evolutionary design of condensers. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015 Mar 28;117(12).
- Lui CH, Fong NK, Lorente S, Bejan A, Chow WK. Constructal design of evacuation from a three-dimensional living space. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2015 Mar 15;422:47u201357.
- in memoriam. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2015 Mar 4;36(4):429u201331.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamics Fundamentals. 2015 Feb 20;1u201322.
- Bejan A. Exergy Analysis, Entropy Generation Minimization, and the Constructal Law. 2015 Feb 20;1u201326.
- Alalaimi M, Lorente S, Bejan A. Thermal coupling between a helical pipe and a conducting volume. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015 Jan 1;83:762u20137.
- Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularization for cooling and reduced thermal stresses. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015 Jan 1;80:858u201364.
- Lorente S, Bejan A, Niu JL. Constructal design of latent thermal energy storage with vertical spiral heaters. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015 Jan 1;81:283u20138.
- Bejan A. Heatlines (1983) versus synergy (1998). International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015 Jan 1;81:654u20138.
- Bejan A. Every snowflake is not unique. Mechanical Engineering. 2015 Jan 1;137(1):40u20131.
- Bejan A. Comment on "Application of entransy analysis in self-heat recuperation technology". Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014 Nov 26;53(47):18352u20133.
- Bejan A. A bird? A plane? It's all evolution. Aerospace America. 2014 Nov 1;52(10):14u20137.
- Bejan A, Ziaei S, Lorente S. The S curve of energy storage by melting. Journal of Applied Physics. 2014 Sep 21;116(11).
- Bejan A, Charles JD, Lorente S. The Evolution of Airplanes. Journal of Applied Physics. 2014 Jul 22;116.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Kim Y, Lee J. Power from a hot gas stream with superheater and reheater in parallel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014 Jun 1;73:29u201332.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascular design for reducing hot spots and stresses. Journal of Applied Physics. 2014 May 7;115(17).
- Bejan A. "entransy," and its lack of content in physics. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2014 May 1;136(5).
- Bejan A, Ziaei S, Lorente S. Evolution: why all plumes and jets evolve to round cross sections. Scientific reports. 2014 Apr;4:4730.
- Pan Y, Lorente S, Bejan A, Xia L, Deng S. Distribution of size in multi-evaporator air conditioning systems. International Journal of Energy Research. 2014 Apr 1;38(5):652u20137.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Anderson R. Constructal Underground Designs for Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2014 Feb 1;136(1).
- Bejan A. Maxwell's demons everywhere: evolving design as the arrow of time. Scientific reports. 2014 Feb;4:4017.
- Errera MR, Lorente S, Bejan A. Assemblies of heat pumps served by a single underground heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014 Jan 1;75:327u201336.
- Band LE, McDonnell JJ, Duncan JM, Barros A, Bejan A, Burt T, et al. Ecohydrological flow networks in the subsurface. Ecohydrology. 2014 Jan 1;7(4):1073u20138.
- Lorente S, Bejan A, Niu JL. Phase change heat storage in an enclosure with vertical pipe in the center. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014 Jan 1;72:329u201335.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Kang DH. Constructal design of thermoelectric power packages. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014 Jan 1;79:291u20139.
- Alalaimi M, Lorente S, Bejan A. Thermal coupling between a spiral pipe and a conducting volume. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014 Jan 1;77:202u20137.
- Kobayashi H, Maeno T, Lorente S, Bejan A. Double tree structure in a conducting body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014 Jan 1;77:140u20136.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Kang DH. Constructal design of regenerators. International Journal of Energy Research. 2013 Oct 10;37(12):1509u201318.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Step-ping on the water. Mechanical Engineering. 2013 Oct 1;135(10):38u201341.
- Lorente S, Lee J, Kim Y, Bejan A. Power from a hot gas stream with multiple superheaters and reheaters. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 Sep 9;67:153u20138.
- Lee J, Kim Y, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal design of a comb-like channel network for self-healing and self-cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 Sep 3;66:898u2013905.
- Charles JD, Bejan A. The evolution of long distance running and swimming. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2013 Aug 26;8(1):17u201328.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Royce J, Faurie D, Parran T, Black M, et al. The constructal evolution of sports with throwing motion: Baseball, golf, hockey and boxing. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2013 Aug 26;8(1):1u201316.
- u30a8u30a4u30c9u30eau30a2u30f3u30d9u30b8u30e3u30f3, u30bcu30a4u30f3 Ju30da. u6d41u308cu3068u304bu305fu3061 u4e07u7269u306eu30c7u30b6u30a4u30f3u3092u6c7au3081u308bu65b0u305fu306au7269u7406u6cd5u5247. 2013.
- Errera MR, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. One underground heat exchanger for multiple heat pumps. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 Jul 31;65:727u201338.
- Bejan A. CTAIR Constructal Tree Structures for Mechanical Strength and Cooling of Aircraft. Defense Technical Information Center; 2013 Jul.
- Miguel AF. The emergence of design in pedestrian dynamics: locomotion, self-organization, walking paths and constructal law. Physics of life reviews. 2013 Jun;10(2):168u201390.
- Bejan A. Culture and the Constructal-Law evolution of the human and machine species: comment on "An evolutionary framework for cultural change: selectionism versus communal exchange" by L. Gabora. Physics of life reviews. 2013 Jun;10(2):151u20133.
- Bejan A. Constructal law: pleasure, golden ratio, animal locomotion and the design of pedestrian evacuation: comment on "The emergence of design in pedestrian dynamics: locomotion, self-organization, walking paths and the constructal law" by A. Miguel. Physics of life reviews. 2013 Jun;10(2):199u2013201.
- Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal paddle design with "fingers". Journal of Applied Physics. 2013 May 21;113(19).
- Alalaimi M, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. Effect of size on ground-coupled heat pump performance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 May 20;64:115u201321.
- Kobayashi H, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. Underground heat flow patterns for dense neighborhoods with heat pumps. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 Apr 22;62(1):632u20137.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal law of design and evolution: Physics, biology, technology, and society. Journal of Applied Physics. 2013 Apr 1;113(15).
- Bejan A. Convection Heat Transfer: Fourth Edition. Convection Heat Transfer: Fourth Edition. 2013 Mar 29;
- Bejan A. Convection Heat Transfer. John Wiley & Sons; 2013.
- Bejan A, Dincer I, Lorente S, Miguel A, Reis H. Porous and Complex Flow Structures in Modern Technologies. Springer Science & Business Media; 2013.
- Ma H, Anderson M, Ayyaswamy PS, Bejan A, Bayazitoglu Y, Chen G, et al. Professor Bud Peterson on his 60th birthday (Accepted). International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 Mar 1;58(1):3u20135.
- Kang DH, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal distribution of multi-layer insulation. International Journal of Energy Research. 2013 Feb 1;37(2):153u201360.
- Bejan A. Entropy generation minimization, exergy analysis, and the constructal law. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2013 Feb 1;38(2):329u201340.
- Sahin AZ, Mokheimer EM, Bahaidarah HM, Antar MA, Gandhidasan P, Ben-Mansour R, et al. Special issue: Thermodynamic optimization, exergy analysis, and constructal design. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2013 Feb 1;38(2):219.
- Lui CH, Fong NK, Lorente S, Bejan A, Chow WK. Constructal design of pedestrian evacuation from an area. Journal of Applied Physics. 2013 Jan 21;113(3).
- Bello-Ochende T, Olakoyejo OT, Meyer JP, Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal flow orientation in conjugate cooling channels with internal heat generation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 Jan 15;57(1):241u20139.
- Bejan A, Zane JP. Design in Nature How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organizations. Anchor Books; 2013.
- Kobayashi H, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. Trees and serpentines in a conducting body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013 Jan 1;56(1u20132):488u201394.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Yilbas BS, Sahin AZ. Why solidification has an S-shaped history. Scientific reports. 2013;3:1711.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The Constructal Design of Humanity on the Globe. In Springer New York; 2013. p. 1u201320.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Convection in porous media. 2013.
- Design u00een naturu0103 cum guverneazu0103 legea constructalu0103 evoluu0163ia u00een biologie, fizicu0103, tehnologie u015fi organizarea socialu0103. 2013.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A, editors. Constructal Law and the Unifying Principle of Design. In Springer New York; 2013.
- Pan Y, Lorente S, Bejan A, Xia L, Deng S. Distribution of size in multi-evaporator air conditioning systems. International Journal of Energy Research. 2013;
- Bejan A. Technology Evolution, from the Constructal Law. 2013 Jan 1;45:183u2013207.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A, Anderson R. Constructal design of underground heat sources or sinks for the annual cycle. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012 Dec 1;55(25u201326):7832u20137.
- Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularization for cooling a plate heated by a randomly moving source. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012 Oct 15;112(8).
- Lorente S, Cetkin E, Bello-Ochende T, Meyer JP, Bejan A. The constructal-law physics of why swimmers must spread their fingers and toes. Journal of theoretical biology. 2012 Sep;308:141u20136.
- Bejan A, Haynsworth P. The natural design of hierarchy: Basketball versus academics. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2012 Aug 10;7(1):14u201326.
- Kobayashi H, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. Freely morphing tree structures in a conducting body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012 Aug 1;55(17u201318):4744u201353.
- Bejan A, Zane JP. Design in nature. Mechanical Engineering. 2012 Jun 1;134(6):42u20137.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. X.-B. Liu, Q. Chen, M. Wang, N. Pan and Z.-Y. Guo, Multi-dimensional effect on optimal network structure for fluid distribution, Chemical Engineering and Processing 49 (2010) 1038-1043. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 2012 Jun 1;56:34.
- Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A. The steepest S curve of spreading and collecting flows: Discovering the invading tree, not assuming it. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012 May 15;111(10).
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The S-curves are everywhere. Mechanical Engineering. 2012 May 1;134(5):44u20137.
- Lui CH, Fong NK, Lorente S, Bejan A, Chow WK. Constructal design for pedestrian movement in living spaces: Evacuation configurations. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012 Mar 1;111(5).
- Kobayashi H, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. Serpentine thermal coupling between a stream and a conducting body. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012 Feb 15;111(4).
- Clausse M, Meunier F, Reis AH, Bejan A. Climate change, in the framework of the constructal law. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL WARMING. 2012;4(3u20134):242u201360.
- Bejan A. Why we want power: Economics is physics. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55(19u201320):4929u201335.
- Bejan A, Zane JP. Design in Nature How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization. Doubleday Books; 2012.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The physics of spreading ideas. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55(4):802u20137.
- Combelles L, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. Tree-shaped fluid flow and heat storage in a conducting solid. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012 Jan 1;111(1).
- Bejan A. Why the bigger live longer and travel farther: animals, vehicles, rivers and the winds. Sci Rep. 2012;2:594.
- Lorente S, Bejan A, Al-Hinai K, Sahin AZ, Yilbas BS. Constructal design of distributed energy systems: Solar power and water desalination. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012 Jan 1;55(9u201310):2213u20138.
- Bejan A, Mu01ceruia L, Tu01cenase D. A Sarmatian grave with gold adornments found at Su00e2nnicolau Mare - Seliu015fte (Timiu015f county). Analele Banatului: Arheologie - Istorie. 2011 Dec 1;19:161u201380.
- Thomas Avedisian C, Bejan A, Cao Y, Dhir V, Howell JR, Incropera FP, et al. Professor Amir Faghri on his 60th birthday. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011 Oct;54(21u201322):4459u201361.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The constructal law makes biology and economics be like physics. Reply to comments on "The constructal law and the evolution of design in nature". Physics of Life Reviews. 2011 Oct 1;8(3):261u20133.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The constructal law and the evolution of design in nature. Physics of life reviews. 2011 Oct;8(3):209u201340.
- Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A. Hybrid grid and tree structures for cooling and mechanical strength. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011 Sep 15;110(6).
- Jung J, Lorente S, Anderson R, Bejan A. Configuration of heat sources or sinks in a finite volume. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011 Jul 15;110(2).
- Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularization for cooling and mechanical strength. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011 Jun 1;54(13u201314):2774u201381.
- Kim Y, Lorente S, Bejan A. Steam generator structure: Continuous model and constructal design. International Journal of Energy Research. 2011 Mar 25;35(4):336u201345.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Yilbas BS, Sahin AZ. The effect of size on efficiency: Power plants and vascular designs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011 Mar 1;54(7u20138):1475u201381.
- Bejan A. Animals spinning their wheels. Mechanical Engineering. 2011 Jan 1;133(6).
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The constructal law and the design of the Biosphere: Nature and globalization. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2011 Jan 1;133(1).
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The constructal law origin of the logistics S curve. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011;110(2).
- Bejan A. Stressing the science of engineering. Mechanical Engineering. 2011 Jan 1;133(10).
- Xia L, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal design of distributed cooling on the landscape. International Journal of Energy Research. 2011 Jan 1;35(9):805u201312.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Morega AM. Teoria constructalu0103. 2011.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Few large and many small: Hierarchy in movement on earth. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2010 Dec 27;5(3):254u201367.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Distributed energy tapestry for heating the landscape. Journal of Applied Physics. 2010 Dec 15;108(12).
- Bejan A. Design in nature, thermodynamics, and the constructal law: comment on "Life, hierarchy, and the thermodynamic machinery of planet Earth" by A. Kleidon. Physics of life reviews. 2010 Dec;7(4):467u201370.
- Cho KH, Lee J, Kim MH, Bejan A. Vascular design of constructal structures with low flow resistance and nonuniformity. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2010 Dec 1;49(12):2309u201318.
- Bello-Ochende T, Meyer JP, Bejan A. Maximum heat transfer from multi-scale fins arranged in a row with non-uniform geometry. 2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 14. 2010 Dec 1;3:557u201363.
- Lorente S, Koonsrisuk A, Bejan A. Constructal distribution of solar chimney power plants: Few large and many small. International Journal of Green Energy. 2010 Nov 1;7(6):577u201392.
- Kim Y, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal multi-tube configuration for natural and forced convection in cross-flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010 Nov 1;53(23u201324):5121u20138.
- Cho KH, Lee J, Ahn HS, Bejan A, Kim MH. Fluid flow and heat transfer in vascularized cooling plates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010 Sep 1;53(19u201320):3607u201314.
- Lorente S, Lee J, Bejan A. The "flow of stresses" concept: The analogy between mechanical strength and heat convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010 Jul 1;53(15u201316):2963u20138.
- Bello-Ochende T, Meyer JP, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale pin-fins. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010 Jun 1;53(13u201314):2773u20139.
- Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A. Natural constructal emergence of vascular design with turbulent flow. Journal of Applied Physics. 2010 Jun 1;107(11).
- Kang DH, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal dendritic configuration for the radiation heating of a solid stream. Journal of Applied Physics. 2010 Jun 1;107(11).
- Bejan A. Constructal Technology for Thermal Management of Aircraft. Defense Technical Information Center; 2010 May.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The constructal law of design and evolution in nature. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological sciences. 2010 May;365(1545):1335u201347.
- Kang DH, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal architecture for heating a stream by convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010 Apr 1;53(9u201310):2248u201355.
- Wang KM, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascular structures for volumetric cooling and mechanical strength. Journal of Applied Physics. 2010 Mar 15;107(4).
- Koonsrisuk A, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal solar chimney configuration. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010 Jan 15;53(1u20133):327u201333.
- Bejan A, Jones EC, Charles JD. The evolution of speed in athletics: Why the fastest runners are black and swimmers white. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2010;5(3):199u2013211.
- Zeng X, Dai W, Bejan A. Vascular countercurrent network for 3-D triple-layered skin structure with radiation heating. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 2010 Jan 1;57(6):369u201391.
- Bejan A. The constructal-law origin of the wheel, size, and skeleton in animal design. American Journal of Physics. 2010;78(7):692u20139.
- Bejan A. Two hierarchies in science: The free flow of ideas and the academy. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2009 Dec 1;4(4):386u201394.
- Bejan A. The golden ratio predicted : Vision , cognition and locomotionotion as a single designin nature. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2009 Dec 1;4(2):97u2013104.
- Kim YS, Lorente S, Bejan A. Distribution of size in steam turbine power plants. International Journal of Energy Research. 2009 Dec 1;33(11):989u201398.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Transient behavior of vascularized walls exposed to sudden heating. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2009 Nov 1;48(11):2046u201352.
- Combelles L, Lorente S, Bejan A. Leaflike architecture for cooling a flat body. Journal of Applied Physics. 2009 Sep 9;106(4).
- Wang KM, Lorente S, Bejan A. The transient response of vascular composites cooled with grids and radial channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 Sep 1;52(19u201320):4175u201383.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Natural Design with Constructal Theory: Fundamental Principles Shape the Patterns of Nature; They Can Guide the Engineer as Well. Mechanical Engineering. 2009 Sep 1;131(9):44u20138.
- Zhang H, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularization with line-to-line trees in counterflow heat exchange. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 Sep 1;52(19u201320):4327u201342.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped vascular wall designs for localized intense cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 Sep 1;52(19u201320):4535u201344.
- Charles JD, Bejan A. The evolution of speed, size and shape in modern athletics. The Journal of experimental biology. 2009 Aug;212(Pt 15):2419u201325.
- Bello-Ochende T, Meyer JP, Bejan A. Constructal ducts with wrinkled entrances. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 Jul 1;52(15u201316):3628u201333.
- Bejan A. Science and technology as evolving flow architectures. International Journal of Energy Research. 2009 Jun 3;33(2):112u201325.
- Bejan A, Marden JH. The constructal unification of biological and geophysical design. Physics of life reviews. 2009 Jun;6(2):85u2013102.
- Lee J, Lorente S, Bejan A. Transient cooling response of smart vascular materials for self-cooling. Journal of Applied Physics. 2009 Apr 9;105(6).
- Kim YS, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal steam generator architecture. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 Apr 1;52(9u201310):2362u20139.
- Miguel AF, Bejan A. The principle that generates dissimilar patterns inside aggregates of organisms. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2009 Mar 1;388(5):727u201331.
- Lee J, Lorente S, Bejan A, Kim M. Vascular structures with flow uniformity and small resistance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 Mar 1;52(7u20138):1761u20138.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized smart materials: Designed porous media for self-healing and self-cooling. Journal of Porous Media. 2009 Feb 16;12(1):1u201318.
- Wang KM, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascular materials cooled with grids and radial channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 Feb 1;52(5u20136):1230u20139.
- Revellin R, Thome JR, Bejan A, Bonjour J. Constructal tree-shaped microchannel networks for maximizing the saturated critical heat flux. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2009 Feb 1;48(2):342u201352.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A, Ordonez JC. Elemental T and Y shapes of tree networks of ducts with various cross-sectional shapes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 2009 Jan 29;135(2):132u20139.
- Vafai K, Bejan A, Minkowycz WJ, Khanafer K. A Critical Systhesis of Pertinent Models for Turbulent Transport through Porous Media. 2009 Jan 21;389u2013416.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamics Fundamentals. 2009 Jan 8;802u201317.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Design with constructal theory: Vascularized composites for volumetric cooling. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2009 Jan 1;8:437u201344.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal design of vascular porous materials and electrokinetic mass transfer. Transport in Porous Media. 2009 Jan 1;77(2):305u201322.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal Human Dynamics, Security and Sustainability. IOS Press; 2009.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal Theory and Design. In: Bejan A, Lorente S, Miguel A, Reis AH, editors. CONSTRUCTAL HUMAN DYNAMICS, SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY. IOS PRESS; 2009. p. 1u201320.
- Bejan A. Constructal Flow of Education and Research. In: CONSTRUCTAL HUMAN DYNAMICS, SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY. 2009. p. 157u201373.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Global distributed energy systems. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2009 Jan 1;127:261u201370.
- Lee J, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascular design for thermal management of heated structures. Aeronautical Journal. 2009 Jan 1;113(1144):397u2013407.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Dendritic vascularization for countering intense heating from the side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2008 Dec 1;51(25u201326):5877u201386.
- Wang KM, Lee J, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal theory and design of vascular structures. 10th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2008. 2008 Dec 1;137u201343.
- Bejan A. Constructal self-organization of research: Empire building versus the individual investigator. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2008 Dec 1;3(3):177u201389.
- Dai W, Wang H, Jordan PM, Mickens RE, Bejan A. A mathematical model for skin burn injury induced by radiation heating. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2008 Nov 1;51(23u201324):5497u2013510.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Lee J. Unifying constructal theory of tree roots, canopies and forests. Journal of theoretical biology. 2008 Oct;254(3):529u201340.
- Lloyd S, Bejan A, Bennett C, Beretta GP, Butler H, Gordon L, et al. Discussion on "frontiers of the second law". AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008 Sep 26;1033:253u201361.
- Bejan A. The constructal law of "designedness" in nature. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008 Sep 26;1033:207u201312.
- Lloyd S, Banerjee D, Bejan A, Beretta GP, Geskin E, Ghoniem A, et al. Discussion on "The second law and energy". AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008 Sep 26;1033:374u201380.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Design with Constructal Theory. 2008 Sep 9;
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Design with Constructal Theory. Design with Constructal Theory. 2008 Aug 28;1u2013529.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A, Miller W, Morse J. The emergence of vascular design in three dimensions. Journal of Applied Physics. 2008 Jul 10;103(12).
- Lee J, Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularization with trees matched canopy to canopy: Diagonal channels with multiple sizes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2008 Apr 1;51(7u20138):2029u201340.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized svelte (compact) flow architectures. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2008 Jan 1;6:461u201371.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Vascularized multi-functional materials and structures. Advanced Materials Research. 2008 Jan 1;47-50 PART 1:511u20134.
- Bejan A. Why university rankings do not change: Education as a natural hierarchical flow architecture. International Journal of Design and Nature. 2007 Dec 1;2(4):319u201327.
- Bello-Ochende T, Liebenberg L, Malan AG, Bejan A, Meyer JP. Constructal conjugate heat transfer in three-dimensional cooling channels. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer. 2007 Dec 1;14(4):279u201393.
- Queiros-Conde D, Bonjour J, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Parabolic scaling of tree-shaped constructal network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2007 Oct 15;384(2):719u201324.
- Wang KM, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularization with grids of channels: Multiple scales, loops and body shapes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2007 Aug 8;40(15):4740u20139.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized materials with heating from one side and coolant forced from the other side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2007 Aug 1;50(17u201318):3498u2013506.
- Bejan A, Merkx GW. Constructal Theory of Social Dynamics. Springer; 2007.
- Bejan A. The many and the few. Mechanical Engineering. 2007 Jul 1;129(7):42u20133.
- Zhang H, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularization with trees that alternate with upside-down trees. Journal of Applied Physics. 2007 May 21;101(9).
- Walsh EJ, Nolan KP, McEligot DM, Volino RJ, Bejan A. Conditionally-sampled turbulent and nonturbulent measurements of entropy generation rate in the transition region of boundary layers. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2007 May 1;129(5):659u201364.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal tree-shaped flow structures. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2007 Mar 1;27(4):755u201361.
- Bejan A. Constructal theory of pattern formation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2007 Jan 1;11(2):753u201368.
- Bejan A, Merkx GW. Preface. Constructal Theory of Social Dynamics. 2007 Jan 1;
- Bejan A. The constructal law in nature and society. In: Constructal Theory of Social Dynamics. 2007. p. 1u201333.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized svelte (compact) flow architectures. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2007. p. 461u201371.
- Wang H, Dai W, Bejan A. Optimal temperature distribution in a 3D triple-layered skin structure embedded with artery and vein vasculature and induced by electromagnetic radiation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2007;50(9u201310):1843u201354.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Construcral theory and its relevance to green energy. International Journal of Green Energy. 2007 Jan 1;4(1):105u201317.
- Ciobanas AI, Bejan A, Fautrelle Y. Dendritic solidification morphology viewed from the perspective of constructal theory. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2006 Dec 21;39(24):5252u201366.
- Zimparov VD, da Silva AK, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of tree-shaped flow geometries with constant channel wall temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Dec 1;49(25u201326):4839u201349.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Heterogeneous porous media as multiscale structures for maximum flow access. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Dec 1;100(11).
- Walsh EJ, Hernon DH, Mc Eligot DM, Davies MRD, Bejan A. Application of constructal theory to prediction of boundary layer transition onset. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 2006 Nov 14;3 PART B:1251u20139.
- Zimparov VD, da Silva AK, Bejan A. Constructal tree-shaped parallel flow heat exchangers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Nov 1;49(23u201324):4558u201366.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized materials: Tree-shaped flow architectures matched canopy to canopy. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Oct 9;100(6).
- Tang X, Dai W, Nassar R, Bejan A. Optimal temperature distribution in a three-dimensional triple-layered skin structure embedded with artery and vein vasculature. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 2006 Oct 1;50(9):809u201334.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal theory of generation of configuration in nature and engineering. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Sep 11;100(4).
- da Silva AK, Bejan A. Dendritic counterflow heat exchanger experiments. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2006 Sep 1;45(9):860u20139.
- Bejan A. Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics. Wiley; 2006.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped flow structures with local junction losses. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Aug 1;49(17u201318):2957u201364.
- Bejan A. Constructal theory of pattern formation. 2006 Jul 19;
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Conduction tree networks with loops for cooling a heat generating volume. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Jul 1;49(15u201316):2626u201335.
- Bejan A, Gobin D. Constructal theory of droplet impact geometry. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Jul 1;49(15u201316):2412u20139.
- Reis AH, Bejan A. Constructal theory of global circulation and climate. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 Jun 1;49(11u201312):1857u201375.
- Reis AH, Miguel AF, Bejan A. Constructal theory of particle agglomeration and design of air-cleaning devices. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2006 May 21;39(10):2311u20138.
- Dai W, Bejan A, Tang X, Zhang L, Nassar R. Optimal temperature distribution in a three dimensional triple-layered skin structure with embedded vasculature. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 May 15;99(10).
- Zimparov VD, da Silva AK, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of tree-shaped flow geometries. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2006 May 1;49(9u201310):1619u201330.
- Bejan A. Exergy Analysis, Entropy Generation Minimization, and Constructal Theory. 2006 Feb 16;4:117u201343.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamics Fundamentals. 2006 Feb 16;4:94u2013116.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Design with constructal theory. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2006 Feb 13;22(1 PART I):140u20137.
- Kim S, Lorente S, Wang KM, Bejan A. Vascularized materials: Grids of channels and trees matched canopy to canopy. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2006;
- Tondeur D, Rivero R, Brodyansky V, Szargut J, Borel L, Paris J, et al. Pierre!Le Goff -: 8 February 1923-7 March 2005. ENERGY. 2006;31(2u20133):IIIu2013VI.
- Bejan A, Marden JH. Constructing animal locomotion from new thermodynamics theory. American Scientist. 2006 Jan 1;94(4):342u20139.
- Bonjour J, Bejan A. Optimal distribution of cooling during gas compression. Energy. 2006 Jan 1;31(4):409u201324.
- Bejan A, Marden J. Constructing Animal Locomotion from New Thermodynamics Theory. American Scientist. 2006;94(4):342u2013342.
- Ordonez JC, Bejan A. Geometric optimization of channels for laminar forced convection in a volume with maximal heat transfer density. In: ECOS 2006 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. 2006. p. 315u201322.
- Da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale structures for maximal heat transfer density. Energy. 2006 Jan 1;31(5):620u201335.
- Robbe M, Sciubba E, Lorente S, Bejan A. Numerical analysis of a tree-shaped cooling structure for a 2-D Slab: A validation of a "constructally optimal" configuration. Proceedings of 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2006. 2006 Jan 1;2006.
- Wang KM, Lorente S, Bejan A. Vascularized networks with two optimized channel sizes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2006;39(14):3086u201396.
- Bejan A. Energy: Editorial Introduction. Energy. 2006 Jan 1;31(5):551u20132.
- Bejan, Marden. Pushing off - Response. AMERICAN SCIENTIST. 2006;94(6):485u2013485.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A, Ordonez JC, Kosaraju SC. OPTIMIZATION OF ELEMENTAL FLOW PASSAGES OF FLUID FLOW NETWORKS. In: Equipment. Begell House Inc.; 2006.
- Bejan A, Marden JH. Unifying constructal theory for scale effects in running, swimming and flying. The Journal of experimental biology. 2006 Jan;209(Pt 2):238u201348.
- Bejan A, Lorente S, Wang KM. Networks of channels for self-healing composite materials. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006;100(3):033528.
- Bejan A. Constructal theory of design in engineering and nature. Thermal Science. 2006;10(1):9u201318.
- Bello-Ochende T, Liebenberg L, Malan AG, Bejan A, Meyer JP. OPTIMAL GEOMETRY FOR CONJUGATE HEAT TRANSFER IN A COOLING CHANNEL. In: Heat Transfer Enhancement. Begell House Inc.; 2006.
- Vargas JVC, Ordonez JC, Zamfirescu C, Campos MC, Bejan A. Optimal ground tube length for cooling of electronics shelters. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2005 Dec 1;26(10):8u201320.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Sveltness, freedom to morph, and the constructal design of multi-scale flow structures. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2005 Dec 1;45:271u20137.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Svelteness, freedom to morph, and constructal multi-scale flow structures. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2005 Dec 1;44(12):1123u201330.
- Gosselin L, Bejan A. Emergence of asymmetry in constructal tree flow networks. Journal of Applied Physics. 2005 Nov 15;98(10).
- Wechsatol W, Bejan A, Lorente S. Tree-shaped flow architectures: Strategies for increasing optimization speed and accuracy. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 2005 Nov 1;48(8):731u201344.
- Bergles E, Amon CH, Golobiu010d I, Bejan A. Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Editorial. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2005 Oct 31;51(7u20138):365.
- Vargas JVC, Ordonez JC, Bejan A. Constructal PEM fuel cell stack design. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Oct 1;48(21u201322):4410u201327.
- Bello-Ochende T, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale cylinders with natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Oct 1;48(21u201322):4300u20136.
- da Silva AK, Bejan A. Constructal design: The generation of multi-scale heat and fluid flow structures. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2005 Aug 1;127(8):799.
- Morega AM, Bejan A. A Constructal Approach to the Optimal Design of Photovoltaic Cells. International Journal of Green Energy. 2005 Jul;2(3):233u201342.
- Bejan A, Heperkan H, Kesgin U. Thermodynamic optimization and constructal design. International Journal of Energy Research. 2005 Jun 10;29(7):557.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructal multi-scale and multi-objective structures. International Journal of Energy Research. 2005 Jun 10;29(7):689u2013710.
- Da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale structures with asymmetric heat sources of finite thickness. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Jun 1;48(13):2662u201372.
- Bejan A. The constructal law of organization in nature: tree-shaped flows and body size. The Journal of experimental biology. 2005 May;208(Pt 9):1677u201386.
- Da Silva AK, Lorenzini G, Bejan A. Distribution of heat sources in vertical open channels with natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Apr 1;48(8):1462u20139.
- Bejan A, Reis AH. Thermodynamic optimization of global circulation and climate. International Journal of Energy Research. 2005 Mar 25;29(4):303u201316.
- Zamfirescu C, Bejan A. Tree-shaped structures for cold storage. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2005 Mar 1;28(2):231u201341.
- Bello-Ochende T, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale cylinders in cross-flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Mar 1;48(7):1373u201383.
- da Silva AK, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale structure for maximal heat transfer density in natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 2005 Feb 1;26(1):34u201344.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. La loi constructale. Editions Lu2019Harmattan; 2005.
- Bejan A, Ghosh S. Self-optimizing DHTs using request profiling. In: PRINCIPLES OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. 2005. p. 140u201353.
- Bejan A, Morega A, West GB, Brown JH. Constructing a theory for scaling and more (multiple letters). Physics Today. 2005 Jan 1;58(7):20u20132.
- Gosselin L, Bejan A. Tree networks for minimal pumping power. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2005 Jan 1;44(1):53u201363.
- Vargas JVC, Ordonez JC, Bejan A, Amico SC. THE OPTIMAL SHAPE FOR A UNIT PEM FUEL CELL. ASME 2005 3rd International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, FUELCELL 2005. 2005 Jan 1;459u201371.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped networks with loops. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Jan 1;48(3u20134):573u201383.
- Bergles E, Amon CH, Golobiu010d I, Bejan A. Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Editorial. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2005;51(7u20138):365-.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Constructual theory of energy-system and flow configurations. Int J Exergy (Switzerland). 2005;2(4):335u201347.
- Bello-Ochende T, Bejan A. Maximal heat transfer density: Plates with multiple lengths in forced convection. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2004 Dec 1;43(12):1181u20136.
- Bello-Ochende T, Bejan A. Optimal spacings for mixed convection. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2004 Dec 1;126(6):956u201362.
- Gosselin L, Bejan A. Constructal heat trees at micro and nanoscales. Journal of Applied Physics. 2004 Nov 15;96(10):5852u20139.
- Vargas JVC, Ordonez JC, Bejan A. Constructal flow structure for a PEM fuel cell. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Sep 1;47(19u201320):4177u201393.
- da Silva AK, Vasile C, Bejan A. Disc cooled with high-conductivity inserts that extend inward from the perimeter. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Sep 1;47(19u201320):4257u201363.
- Da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal multi-scale tree-shaped heat exchangers. Journal of Applied Physics. 2004 Aug 1;96(3):1709u201318.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. The constructal law and the thermodynamics of flow systems with configuration. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jul 1;47(14u201316):3203u201314.
- Gosselin L, Bejan A, Lorente S. Combined 'heat flow and strength' optimization of geometry: Mechanical structures most resistant to thermal attack. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jul 1;47(14u201316):3477u201389.
- Favre-Marinet M, Le Person S, Bejan A. Maximum heat transfer rate density in two-dimensional minichannels and microchannels. Microscale Thermophysical Engineering. 2004 Jul 1;8(3):225u201337.
- Bejan A. Designed porous media: Maximal heat transfer density at decreasing length scales. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jul 1;47(14u201316):3073u201383.
- Biserni C, Rocha LAO, Bejan A. Inverted fins: Geometric optimization of the intrusion into a conducting wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jun 1;47(12u201313):2577u201386.
- Matos RS, Laursen TA, Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Three-dimensional optimization of staggered finned circular and elliptic tubes in forced convection. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2004 May 1;43(5):477u201387.
- Gosselin L, Bejan A. Constructal thermal optimization of an electromagnet. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2004 Apr 1;43(4):331u20138.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of internal structure in a fuel cell. International Journal of Energy Research. 2004 Mar 25;28(4):319u201339.
- Da Silva AK, Bejan A, Lorente S. Maximal heat transfer density in vertical morphing channels with natural convection. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 2004 Jan 16;45(2):135u201352.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped flow structures: are both thermal-resistance and flow-resistance minimisations necessary? International Journal of Exergy. 2004 Jan 1;1(1):2u201317.
- Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Tree-shaped flow structures for human-scale and small-scales applications. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2004 Jan 1;22(1):15u201325.
- Bejan A. Designed porous media. In: EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES IN POROUS MEDIA. 2004. p. 337u201349.
- Matos RS, Vargas JVC, Laursen TA, Bejan A. Optimally staggered finned circular and elliptic tubes in forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jan 1;47(6u20137):1347u201359.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Equilibrium and nonequilibrium flow system architectures. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2004 Jan 1;22(1):85u201392.
- Pons M, Bejan A. Irreversibility in energy processes: non-dimensional quantification and balance. J Non-Equilib Thermodyn (Germany). 2004;29(2):157u201375.
- Duharte GI, de Haro ML, Garcia SC, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of radial MHD flow between parallel circular disks. J Non-Equilib Thermodyn (Germany). 2004;29(2):141u201356.
- Da Silva AK, Bejan A, Fautrelle Y. Multiple length scales for maximal heat transfer density in forced and natural convection. Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference 2004, HT/FED 2004. 2004 Jan 1;1:133u201341.
- Vargas JVC, Ordonez JC, Bejan A. FUEL CELLS CONSTRUCTAL OPTIMIZATION AND RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES. ASME 2004 2nd International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, FUELCELL 2004. 2004 Jan 1;67u201378.
- Bejan A. Fundamentals of scale analysis, heatline visualization, and the intersection of asymptotes. In: EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES IN POROUS MEDIA. 2004. p. 13u201324.
- da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Optimal distribution of discrete heat sources on a wall with natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jan 1;47(2):203u201314.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. A course on flow-system configuration and multi-scale design. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2004;44:93u20139.
- Bonjour J, Rocha LAO, Bejan A, Meunier F. Dendritic fins optimization for a coaxial two-stream heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jan 1;47(1):111u201324.
- Emerging Technologies and Techniques in Porous Media. Springer Science & Business Media; 2004.
- Bejan A. Heat and technology: Foreword. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2004 Jan 1;22(1):3.
- da Silva AK, Lorente S, Bejan A. Optimal distribution of discrete heat sources on a plate with laminar forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2004 Jan 1;47(10u201311):2139u201348.
- Bejan A. Designed porous and multi-scale flow structures. Institute of Physics Conference Series. 2003 Dec 1;180:307u201316.
- Rivera-Alvarez A, Bejan A. Constructal geometry and operation of adsorption processes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2003 Oct 1;42(10):983u201394.
- Ordonez JC, Bejan A, Cherry RS. Designed porous media: Optimally nonuniform flow structures connecting one point with more points. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2003 Sep 1;42(9):857u201370.
- Bejan A. Simple methods for convection in porous media: Scale analysis and the intersection of asymptotes. International Journal of Energy Research. 2003 Aug 1;27(10):859u201374.
- Bejan A, Ingham DB, Mamut E. Special issue on heat and mass transfer in porous media. International Journal of Energy Research. 2003 Aug;27(10):857u2013857.
- Bejan A. Flows in environmental fluids and porous media. International Journal of Energy Research. 2003 Jul 1;27(9):825u201346.
- Zamfirescu C, Bejan A. Constructal tree-shaped two-phase flow for cooling a surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2003 Jul 1;46(15):2785u201397.
- Bejan A, Kraus AD. Heat Transfer Handbook. John Wiley & Sons; 2003.
- Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Optimization of tree-shaped flow distribution structures over a disc-shaped area. International Journal of Energy Research. 2003 Jun 25;27(8):715u201323.
- Bejan A. Constructal comment on a Fermat-type principle for heat flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2003 May;46(10):1885u20136.
- Arion V, Cojocari A, Bejan A. Integral measures of electric power distribution networks: Load-length curves and line-network multipliers. Energy Conversion and Management. 2003 May 1;44(7):1039u201351.
- Arion V, Cojocari A, Bejan A. Constructal tree shaped networks for the distribution of electrical power. Energy Conversion and Management. 2003 Apr 1;44(6):867u201391.
- Ordu00f3u00f1ez JC, Bejan A. System-level optimization of the sizes of organs for heat and fluid flow systems. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2003 Apr 1;42(4):335u201342.
- Bejan A. Constructal tree-shaped paths for conduction and convection. International Journal of Energy Research. 2003 Mar 25;27(4):283u201399.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Dendritic heat convection on a disc. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2003 Jan 1;46(23):4381u201391.
- Bejan A. Optimal internal structure of volumes cooled by single-phase forced and natural convection. Journal of Electronic Packaging. 2003 Jan 1;125(2 SPEC.):200u20137.
- Bejan A, Fautrelle Y. Constructal multi-scale structure for maximal heat transfer density. Acta Mechanica. 2003 Jan 1;163(1u20132):39u201349.
- Bejan A. Constructal theory: Tree-shaped flows and energy systems for aircraft. Journal of Aircraft. 2003 Jan 1;40(1):43u20138.
- Ordonez JC, Bejan A. Minimum power requirement for environmental control of aircraft. Energy. 2003 Jan 1;28(12):1183u2013202.
- Favre-Marinet M, Le Person S, Bejan A. Maximum heat transfer rate density in two-dimensional minichannels and microchannels. International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels. 2003 Jan 1;1:765u201372.
- Bello-Ochende T, Bejan A. Fitting the duct to the "body" of the convective flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2003 Jan 1;46(10):1693u2013701.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Thermodynamic formulation of the constructal law. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2003 Jan 1;43:163u201372.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. The optimal shape of the interface between two conductive bodies with minimal thermal resistance. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2002 Dec 1;124(6):1218u201321.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Optimal tree-shaped networks for fluid flow in a disc-shaped body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 Dec 1;45(25):4911u201324.
- Bejan A. Constructal theory of organization in nature: Dendritic flows, allometric laws and flight. Design and Nature. 2002 Dec 1;3:57u201366.
- Bejan A. Dendritic constructal heat exchanger with small-scale crossflows and larger-scales counterflows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 Sep 9;45(23):4607u201320.
- Bejan A, Feidt M, Mamut E. Foreword. International Journal of Energy Research. 2002 Jun 10;26(7):543u20134.
- Bejan A. Fundamentals of exergy analysis, entropy generation minimization, and the generation of flow architecture. International Journal of Energy Research. 2002 Jun 10;26(7):0u201343.
- Lorente S, Bejan A. Combined 'flow and strength' geometric optimization: Internal structure in a vertical insulating wall with air cavities and prescribed strength. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 May 27;45(16):3313u201320.
- Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Tree-shaped flow structures designed by minimizing path lengths. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 May 27;45(16):3299u2013312.
- Rocha LAO, Lorente S, Bejan A. Constructal design for cooling a disc-shaped area by conduction. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002 Feb 18;45(8):1643u201352.
- Gligor M, Ignat M. Non-Equilibrium Patterns in the Space of the Stock Market Prices. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. 2002 Jan 19;27(4).
- Bejan A, Rocha LAO, Cherry RS. Methane Hydrates in Porous Layers: Gas Formation and Convection. In: Transport Phenomena in Porous Media II. Elsevier; 2002. p. 365u201396.
- Badr HM, Abualhamayel HI, El-Shaarawi MAI, Zubair SM, Howell JR, Bejan A. Theme issue on heat and fluid flow. ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 2002;27(2C):IIIu2013III.
- Badr HM, Abualhamayel HI, El-Shaarawi MAI, Zubair SM, Howell JR, Bejan A. Theme issue on heat and fluid flow. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2002 Jan 1;27(2 C).
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Thermodynamic optimization of flow architecture: Dendritic structures and optimal sizes of components. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2002 Jan 1;83u201391.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Thermodynamic optimization of flow architecture: Dendritic structures and optimal sizes of components. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 2002;42:83u201391.
- Lorente S, Wechsatol W, Bejan A. Fundamentals of tree-shaped networks of insulated pipes for hot water and exergy. Exergy, An International Journal. 2002 Jan;2(4):227u201336.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Development of tree-shaped flows by adding new users to existing networks of hot water pipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001 Dec 18;45(4):723u201333.
- Bejan A. Entropy generation minimization: The method and its applications. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2001 Dec 1;47(8):345u201355.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of finned crossflow heat exchangers for aircraft environmental control systems. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 2001 Dec 1;22(6):657u201365.
- Neagun M, Bejan A. Constructal placement of high-conductivity inserts in a slab: Optimal design of "Roughness". Journal of Heat Transfer. 2001 Dec 1;123(6):1184u20139.
- Alebrahim A, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of heat-transfer equipment configuration in an environmental control system. International Journal of Energy Research. 2001 Oct 25;25(13):1127u201350.
- Almogbel M, Bejan A. Constructal optimization of nonuniformly distributed tree-shaped flow structures for conduction. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001 Sep 18;44(22):4185u201394.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Integrative thermodynamic optimization of the environmental control system of an aircraft. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001 Aug 21;44(20):3907u201317.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A, Siems DL. Integrative thermodynamic optimization of the crossflow heat exchanger for an aircraft environmental control system. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2001 Aug 1;123(4):760u20139.
- Bejan A. CONSTRUCTAL THEORY: FROM ENGINEERING DESIGN TO PREDICTING SHAPE AND STRUCTURE IN NATURE. Revista de Engenharia Tu00e9rmica. 2001 Jun 30;1(1):27u201327.
- Wechsatol W, Lorente S, Bejan A. Tree-shaped insulated designs for the uniform distribution of hot water over an area. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001 Jun 19;44(16):3111u201323.
- Bejan A, Alebrahim A. The extraction of power from a hot stream. International Journal of Energy Research. 2001 May 1;25(6):507u201318.
- Rocha LAO, Bejan A. Geometric optimization of periodic flow and heat transfer in a volume cooled by parallel tubes. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2001 Apr 1;123(2):233u20139.
- Bejan A. The tree of convective heat streams: Its thermal insulation function and the predicted 3/4-power relation between body heat loss and body size. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2001 Feb 27;44(4):699u2013704.
- Shiba T, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of geometric structure in the counterflow heat exchanger for an environmental control system. Energy. 2001 Jan 1;26(5):493u2013512.
- Bejan A, Lorente S. Thermodynamic optimization of flow geometry in mechanical and civil engineering. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. 2001 Jan 1;26(4):305u201354.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of geometry in engineering flow systems. Exergy, An International Journal. 2001 Jan;1(4):269u201377.
- Bejan A. Message from the Honorary Editor. Exergy, An International Journal. 2001 Jan;1(1):2u20132.
- Rocha LAO, Neagu M, Bejan A, Cherry RS. Convection with phase change during gas formation from methane hydrates via depressurization of porous layers. JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA. 2001;4(4):283u201395.
- Bejan A. Architecture from exergy-based global optimization: Tree-shaped flows and energy systems for aircraft. 8th Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization. 2000 Dec 1;
- Bejan A. Shape and Structure, from Engineering to Nature. Cambridge University Press; 2000.
- Bejan A, Badescu V, De Vos A. Constructal theory of economics structure generation in space and time. Energy Conversion and Management. 2000 Sep 1;41(13):1429u201351.
- Bejan A, Errera MR. Convective trees of fluid channels for volumetric cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2000 Sep 1;43(17):3105u201318.
- Bejan A. From heat transfer principles to shape and structure in nature: Constructal theory. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2000 Aug 1;122(3):430u201349.
- Bejan A, Almogbel M. Constructal T-shaped fins. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2000 Jun 15;43(12):2101u201315.
- Bejan A. Entropy generation minimization: The method and its applications. In: THERMAL SCIENCES 2000. 2000. p. 7u201317.
- Power extraction from a hot stream in the presence of phase change. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2000 Jan 1;43(2):191u2013201.
- Almogbel M, Bejan A. Cylindrical trees of pin fins. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2000 Jan 1;43(23):4285u201397.
- Bejan A, Badescu V, Vos AD. Constructal theory of economics. Applied Energy. 2000;67(1u20132):37u201360.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of the match between two streams with phase change. Energy. 2000 Jan 1;25(1):15u201333.
- Bejan A, Rocha LAO, Lorente S. Thermodynamic optimization of geometry: T- and Y-shaped constructs of fluid streams. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2000 Jan 1;39(9u201311):949u201360.
- Ordonez JC, Bejan A. Entropy generation minimization in parallel-plates counterflow heat exchangers. International Journal of Energy Research. 2000;24(10):843u201364.
- Bejan A. Untitled. JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA. 2000;3(3):Vu2013VI.
- Bejan A, Badescu V, De Vos A. Constructal theory of economics. Applied Energy. 2000 Jan 1;67(1u20132):37u201360.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of geometry in environmental control systems for aircraft. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 2000 Jan 1;18(2):3u201310.
- Neagu M, Bejan A. Three-dimensional tree constructs of "constant" thermal resistance. Journal of Applied Physics. 1999 Dec 15;86(12):7107u201315.
- Bejan A. Role for exergy analysis and optimization in aircraft energy-system design. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 1999 Dec 1;39:209u201317.
- Vargas JVC, Ordu00f3u00f1ez JC, Bejan A. Power extraction from a hot stream in the presence of phase change. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1999 Oct 28;43(2):191u2013201.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization alternatives: Minimization of physical size subject to fixed power. International Journal of Energy Research. 1999 Oct 25;23(13):1111u201321.
- Alebrahim A, Bejan A. Constructal trees of circular fins for conductive and convective heat transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1999 Oct 1;42(19):3585u201397.
- Almogbel M, Bejan A. Conduction trees with spacings at the tips. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1999 Oct 1;42(20):3739u201356.
- Bejan A. How nature takes shape: extensions of constructal theory to ducts, rivers, turbulence, cracks, dendritic crystals and spatial economics. Revue Gu00c3u00a9nu00c3u00a9rale de Thermique. 1999 Sep;38(8):653u201363.
- Neagu M, Bejan A. Constructal-theory tree networks of "constant" thermal resistance. Journal of Applied Physics. 1999 Jul 15;86(2):1136u201344.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Convection in Porous Media 2nd edition. Springer Science & Business Media; 1999.
- Bejan A, Dan N. Constructal trees of convective fins. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1999 Jan 1;121(3):675u201382.
- Bejan A. How nature takes shape: Extensions of constructal theory to ducts, rivers, turbulence, cracks, dendritic crystals and spatial economics. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 1999 Jan 1;38(8):653u201363.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Optimisation of film condensation with periodic wall cleaning. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 1999 Jan 1;38(2):113u201320.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamic Optimization of Inanimate and Animate Flow Systems. In: Thermodynamic Optimization of Complex Energy Systems. Springer Netherlands; 1999. p. 45u201360.
- Bejan A. The First NATO Advanced Study Institute on Thermodynamic Optimization (Neptun, Romania, 1998). Energy. 1999 Jan 1;24(8):753u20139.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Geophysical Aspects. In: Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1999. p. 431u201351.
- Bejan A, Dan N. Two constructal routes to minimal heat flow resistance via greater internal complexity. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1999 Jan 1;121(1):6u201314.
- Tsatsaronis G. Strengths and Limitations of Exergy Analysis. In: Thermodynamic Optimization of Complex Energy Systems. Springer Netherlands; 1999. p. 93u2013100.
- Bejan A. A ROLE FOR EXERGY ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION IN AIRCRAFT ENERGY-SYSTEM DESIGN. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 1999. p. 209u201317.
- Bejan A, Mamut E, editors. Thermodynamic Optimization of Complex Energy Systems. Springer Netherlands; 1999.
- Errera MR, Bejan A. Tree networks for flows in composite porous media. Journal of Porous Media. 1999 Jan 1;2(1):1u201318.
- Lewins J, Bejan A. Vortex tube optimization theory. Energy. 1999 Jan 1;24(11):931u201343.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. External Natural Convection. In: Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1999. p. 105u201374.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Mixed Convection. In: Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1999. p. 321u201343.
- Bejan A, Vadu00e1sz P, Kru00f6ger DG, editors. Energy and the Environment. Springer Netherlands; 1999.
- Bejan A. Constructal Flow Geometry Optimization. In: Thermodynamic Optimization of Complex Energy Systems. Springer Netherlands; 1999. p. 61u201372.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1999.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Convection with Change of Phase. In: Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1999. p. 379u2013430.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Double-Diffusive Convection. In: Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1999. p. 345u201378.
- Nelson RA, Bejan A. Self-organization of the internal flow geometry in convective heat transfer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD. 1998 Dec 1;357(3):149u201357.
- Dan N, Bejan A. Constructal tree networks for the time-dependent discharge of a finite-size volume to one point. Journal of Applied Physics. 1998 Sep 15;84(6):3042u201350.
- Bejan A, Ledezma GA. Streets tree networks and urban growth: Optimal geometry for quickest access between a finite-size volume and one point. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 1998 Jun 15;255(1u20132):211u20137.
- Ledezma GA, Bejan A. Constructal three-dimensional trees for conduction between a volume and one point. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1998 Jan 1;120(4):977u201384.
- Bejan A, Ikegami Y, Ledezma GA. Constructal theory of natural crack pattern formation for fastest cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1998 Jan 1;41(13):1945u201354.
- Nelson RA, Bejan A. Constructal optimization of internal flow geometry in convection. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1998 Jan 1;120(2):357u201364.
- Bejan A, Dan N, Cacuci DG, Schu00fctz W. Exergy analysis of energy conversion during the thermal interaction between hot particles and water. Energy. 1998 Jan 1;23(11):913u201328.
- Bejan A, Errera MR. Maximum power from a hot stream. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1998 Jan 1;41(13):2025u201335.
- Errera MR, Bejan A. Deterministic tree networks for river drainage basins. Fractals. 1998 Jan 1;6(3):245u201361.
- Bejan A. Constructal theory: From thermodynamic and geometric optimization to predicting shape in nature. Energy Conversion and Management. 1998 Jan 1;39(16u201318):1705u201318.
- Dan N, Bejan A, Cacuci DG, Schutz W. Evolution of a mixture of hot particles. steam, and water immersed in a water pool. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 1998 Jan 1;34(5):463u201378.
- Bejan A, Tondeur D. Equipartition, optimal allocation, and the constructal approach to predicting organization in nature. Revue Generale de Thermique. 1998 Jan 1;37(3):165u201380.
- Bejan A. Questions in fluid mechanics: Natural tree-shaped flows. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1998 Jan 1;120(3):429u201330.
- Radcenco V, Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of a gas turbine power plant with pressure drop irreversibilities. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME. 1998 Jan 1;120(3):233u201340.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization in heat transfer. In: HEAT TRANSFER 1998, VOL 1. 1998. p. 41u201350.
- Bejan A. Constructal optimization of paths for heat transfer. In: MATHEMATICS OF HEAT TRANSFER. 1998. p. 25u201338.
- Ikegami Y, Bejan A. On the thermodynamic optimization of power plants with heat transfer and fluid flow irreversibilities. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1998 Jan 1;120(2):139u201344.
- Bejan A. The constructal law of structure formation in natural systems with internal flows. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 1997 Dec 1;37:257u201364.
- Bejan A. How nature takes shape. Mechanical Engineering. 1997 Oct 1;119(10):90u20132.
- Bejan A, Cheng P, France DM, Haji-Sheikh A, Hartnett JP, Irvine TF, et al. Professor W. J. Minkowycz on his 60th birthday and his 30th year as editor of the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1997 Oct;40(17):3997u20138.
- Ledezma GA, Bejan A, Errera MR. Constructal tree networks for heat transfer. Journal of Applied Physics. 1997 Jul 1;82(1):89u2013100.
- Bejan A. Advanced engineering thermodynamics. Wiley-Interscience; 1997.
- Bejan A. Theory of organization in nature: Pulsating physiological processes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1997 Jan 1;40(9):2097u2013104.
- Ledezma GA, Bejan A, Errera MR. Constructal tree networks for heat transfer. Journal of Applied Physics. 1997;82(1):89u2013100.
- Bejan Adrian. Fundamental optima in thermal science. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 1997;25(1):33.
- Fowler AJ, Ledezma GA, Bejan A. Optimal geometric arrangement of staggered plates in forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1997 Jan 1;40(8):1795u2013805.
- Bejan A, Errera MR. Deterministic tree networks for fluid flow: Geometry for minimal flow resistance between a volume and one point. Fractals. 1997 Jan 1;5(4):685u201395.
- Bejan A, Dan N, Cacuci DG, Schu00fctz W. On the thermodynamic efficiency of energy conversion during the expansion of a mixture of hot particles, steam and liquid water. Energy. 1997 Jan 1;22(12):1119u201333.
- Ledezma GA, Bejan A, Jones JA. Optimal geometric arrangement of staggered vertical plates in natural convection. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1997 Jan 1;119(4):700u20138.
- Bejan A, Dan N. Maximum work from an electric battery model. Energy. 1997 Jan 1;22(1):93u2013102.
- Bejan A. Constructal tree network for fluid flow between a finite-size volume and one source or sink. Revue Generale de Thermique. 1997 Jan 1;36(8):592u2013604.
- Bejan A, Cheng P, France DM, Haji-Sheikh A, Hartnett JP, Irvine TF, et al. Milestones for Professor W. J. Minkowycz and Numerical Heat Transfer. NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS. 1997;32(8):IIIu2013VI.
- Bejan A. Constructal-theory network of conducting paths for cooling a heat generating volume. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1997 Jan 1;40(4):799u2013811.
- Bejan A. THE CONSTRUCTAL LAW OF STRUCTURE FORMATION IN NATURAL SYSTEMS WITH INTERNAL FLOWS. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 1997. p. 257u201364.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Optimization of pulsating heating in pool boiling. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1997 Jan 1;119(2):298u2013304.
- Bejan A, Cheng P, France DM, Haji-Sheikh A, Hartnett JP, Irvine TF, et al. Milestones for professor W. J. Minkowycz and Numerical Heat Transfer. NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS. 1997;32(4):IIIu2013VI.
- Bejan A. Notes on the history of the method of entropy generation minimization (finite time thermodynamics). Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. 1996 Dec 1;21(3):239u201342.
- Bejan A. Entropy generation minimization: The new thermodynamics of finite-size devices and finite-time processes. Journal of Applied Physics. 1996 Feb 1;79(3):1191u2013218.
- Bejan A, Tsatsaronis G. Thermal Design and Optimization. John Wiley & Sons; 1996.
- Bejan A, Zerbini EJGDJ, Simu00f5es RSE. Transferu00eancia de calor. 1996.
- Stanescu G, Fowler AJ, Bejan A. The optimal spacing of cylinders in free-stream cross-flow forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1996 Jan 1;39(2):311u20137.
- Ledezma G, Bejan A. Heat sinks with sloped plate fins in natural and forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1996 Jan 1;39(9):1773u201383.
- Bejan A, Dan N. Analogy between electrical machines and heat transfer-irreversible heat engines. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1996 Jan 1;39(17):3659u201366.
- Basak T, Rao KK, Bejan A. A model for heat transfer in a honey bee swarm. Chemical Engineering Science. 1996 Jan 1;51(3):387u2013400.
- Ledezma G, Morega AM, Bejan A. Optimal spacing between pin fins with impinging flow. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1996 Jan 1;118(3):570u20137.
- Craciunescu O, Bejan A, Cacuci DG, Schutz W. Time-dependent interaction between water at supercritical pressures and a hot surface. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 1996 Jan 1;30(6):535u201353.
- Bejan A. Method of entropy generation minimization, or modeling and optimization based on combined heat transfer and thermodynamics. Revue Generale de Thermique. 1996 Jan 1;35(418u2013419):637u201346.
- Bejan A, Ledezma GA. Thermodynamic optimization of cooling techniques for electronic packages. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1996 Jan 1;39(6):1213u201321.
- Vargas JVC, Sokolov M, Bejan A. Thermodynamic optimization of solar-driven refrigerators. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1996 Jan 1;118(2):130u20135.
- Bejan A. The equivalence of maximum power and Minimum entropy generation rate in the optimization of power plants. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME. 1996 Jan 1;118(2):98u2013101.
- Bejan A. Maximum power from fluid flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1996 Jan 1;39(6):1175u201381.
- Bejan A. Street network theory of organization in nature. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 1996 Jan 1;30(2):85u2013107.
- Bejan A. Models of power plants that generate minimum entropy while operating at maximum power. American Journal of Physics. 1996 Jan 1;64(8):1054u20139.
- Homentcovschi D, Stanescu G, Bejan A. Cooling of a two-dimensional space with one or more streams making one or more passes. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1996 Jan 1;17(1):78u201388.
- Bejan A. Entropy Generation Minimization The Method of Thermodynamic Optimization of Finite-Size Systems and Finite-Time Processes. CRC Press; 1995.
- Bejan. Solutions Manual for Convection Heat Transfer. Wiley-Interscience; 1995.
- Bejan A, Anderson EJ, Vroeijenstijn AI, Ambraseys NN, Melville CP, Adams RD. Booknotes. European Journal of Engineering Education. 1995 Jan 1;20(1):123u20134.
- Bejan A. Convection heat transfer. Wiley-Interscience; 1995.
- Bejan A. Heat transfer, second edition. 1995 Jan 1;
- Fowler AJ, Bejan A. Forced convection from a surface covered with flexible fibers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;38(5):767u201377.
- Bejan A, Vargas JVC, Sokolov M. Optimal allocation of a heat-exchanger inventory in heat driven refrigerators. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;38(16):2997u20133004.
- Bejan A. Convection heat transfer, second edition. Applied Mechanics Reviews. 1995;48(7):97.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Fundamentals of ice making by convection cooling followed by contact melting. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;38(15):2833u201341.
- Radcenco V, Vargas JVC, Bejan A, Lim JS. Two design aspects of defrosting refrigerators. International Journal of Refrigeration. 1995 Jan 1;18(2):76u201386.
- Morega AM, Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Optimization of pulsating heaters in forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;38(16):2925u201334.
- Vargas JVC, Laursen TA, Bejan A. Nonsimilar solutions for mixed convection on a wedge embedded in a porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1995 Jan 1;16(3):211u20136.
- Morega AM, Bejan A, Lee SW. Free stream cooling of a stack of parallel plates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995;38(3):519u201331.
- Bejan A, Fowler AJ, Stanescu G. The optimal spacing between horizontal cylinders in a fixed volume cooled by natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;38(11):2047u201355.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A. Optimization principle for natural convection pulsating heating. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;117(4):942u20137.
- Bejan A. Theory of heat transfer-irreversible power plants-II. The optimal allocation of heat exchange equipment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;38(3):433u201344.
- Bejan A, Kim SJ, Morega AM, Lee SW. Cooling of stacks of plates shielded by porous screens. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1995;16(1):16u201324.
- Bejan A. The optimal spacing for cylinders in crossflow forced convection. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1995 Jan 1;117(3):767u201370.
- Bejan A. Heat transfer, second edition. 1995 Jan 1;
- Bejan A. Unanswered questions in heat transfer research: technological limitations in the characterization of heat transfer at interfaces. Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1994 Dec 1;3u20134.
- Bejan A. Entropy generation through heat and fluid flow. John Wiley & Sons Inc; 1994.
- Bejan A. Natural convection from L-shaped corners with adiabatic and cold isothermal horizontal walls. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;116(2):519u201320.
- Morega AM, Bejan A. Heatline visualization of forced convection in porous media. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1994 Jan 1;15(1):42u20137.
- Morega M, Bejan A. Plate fins with variable thickness and height for air-cooled electronic modules. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1994;37(SUPPL. 1):433u201345.
- Morega M, Bejan A. Optimal spacing of parallel boards with discrete heat sources cooled by laminar forced convection. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 1994 Jan 1;25(4):373u201392.
- Bejan A, Vargas JVC, Lim JS. When to defrost a refrigerator, and when to remove the scale from the heat exchanger of a power plant. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;37(3):523u201332.
- Lim JS, Bejan A. Two fundamental problems of refrigerator thermal insulation design. Heat Transfer Engineering. 1994 Jan 1;15(3):35u201341.
- Bejan A. Contact Melting Heat Transfer and Lubrication. Advances in Heat Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;24(C):1u201338.
- Bejan A, Lee SW. Optimal Geometry of Convection Cooled Electronic Packages. 1994;277u201391.
- Morega M, Bejan A. Plate fins with variable thickness and height for air-cooled electronic modules. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;37(SUPPL. 1):433u201345.
- Fowler AJ, Bejan A. Correlation of optimal sizes of bodies with external forced convection heat transfer. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;21(1):17u201327.
- Bejan A, Morega AM. The optimal spacing of a stack of plates cooled by turbulent forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;37(6):1045u20138.
- Vargas JVC, Bejan A, Dobrovicescu A. The melting of an ice shell on a heated horizontal cylinder. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1994 Jan 1;116(3):702u20138.
- Fowler AJ, Bejan A. Forced convection in banks of inclined cylinders at low Reynolds numbers. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1994 Jan 1;15(2):90u20139.
- Bejan A. Engineering advances on finite-time thermodynamics. American Journal of Physics. 1994 Jan 1;62(1):11u20132.
- Bejan A. Heat Transfer. Vol. 18. 1993.
- Bejan A, Ahern JE. Heat transfer. Applied Mechanics Reviews. 1993;46(3):46.
- Morega AM, Filip AM, Bejan A, Tyvand PA. Melting around a shaft rotating in a phase-change material. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;36(10):2499u2013509.
- Mereu S, Sciubba E, Bejan A. The optimal cooling of a stack of heat generating boards with fixed pressure drop, flowrate or pumping power. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;36(15):3677u201386.
- Bejan A, Morega AM, Lee SW, Kim SJ. Cooling of a heat-generating board inside a parallel-plate channel. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1993;14(2):170u20136.
- Bejan A. How to distribute a finite amount of insulation on a wall with nonuniform temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;36(1):49u201356.
- Fowler AJ, Bejan A. Contact melting during sliding on ice. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;36(5):1171u20139.
- Lim JS, Fowler AJ, Bejan A. Spaces filled with fluid and fibers coated with a phase- change material. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;115(4):1044u201350.
- Lage JL, Lim JS, Bejan A. Authorsu2019 Closure. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;115(4):1086.
- Bejan A. Power and refrigeration plants for minimum heat exchanger inventory. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME. 1993 Jan 1;115(2):148u201350.
- Morega AM, Bejan A. Heatline visualization of forced convection laminar boundary layers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;36(16):3957u201366.
- Bejan A. Comments on "Analysis of close-contact melting for octadecane and ice inside isothermally heated horizontal rectangular capsule". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;36(3):832.
- Bejan A, Morega AM. Thermal contact resistance between two flat surfaces that squeeze a film of lubricant. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;115(3):763u20137.
- Lage JL, Bejan A. The resonance of natural convection in an enclosure heated periodically from the side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;36(8):2027u201338.
- Bejan A, Morega AM. Optimal arrays of pin fins and plate fins in laminar forced convection. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1993 Jan 1;115(1):75u201381.
- Bejan A. Lubrication by close-contact melting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD. 1992 Dec 1;227:61u20138.
- Lim JS, Bejan A, Kim JH. Thermodynamic optimization of phase-change energy storage using two or more materials. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME. 1992 Jan 1;114(1):84u201390.
- Lage JL, Bejan A, Georgiadis JG. The Prandtl number effect near the onset of Bu00e9nard convection in a porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1992 Jan 1;13(4):408u201311.
- Lim JS, Bejan A, Kim JH. Thermodynamics of energy extraction from fractured hot dry rock. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1992 Jan 1;13(1):71u20137.
- Bejan A, Tyvand PA. The pressure melting of ice under a body with flat base. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;114(2):529u201331.
- Lim JS, Bejan A. The prandtl number effect on melting dominated by natural convection. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;114(3):784u20137.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1992.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Convection with Change of Phase. In: Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1992. p. 305u201344.
- Bejan A, Sciubba E. The optimal spacing of parallel plates cooled by forced convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;35(12):3259u201364.
- Bejan A. Single correlation for theoretical contact melting results in various geometries. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;19(4):473u201383.
- Bejan Adrian. Surfaces covered with hair. Optimal strand diameter and optimal porosity for minimum heat transfer. Biomimetics. 1992;1(1):25.
- Lage JL, Bejan A, Anderson R. Removal of contaminant generated by a discrete source in a slot ventilated enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;35(5):1169u201380.
- Lim JS, Bejan A, Kim JH. The optimal thickness of a wall with convection on one side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;35(7):1673u20139.
- Lags JL, Lim JS, Bejan A. Natural convection with radiation in a cavity with open top end. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;114(2):479u201386.
- Bejan A. Comment on "natural convection from isothermal plates embedded in thermally stratified porous media". Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;6(3):574u20135.
- Bejan A. Comments on "Coupled heat and mass transfer by natural convection from vertical surfaces in porous media". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;35(12):3498.
- Tyvand PA, Bejan A. The pressure melting of ice due to an embedded cylinder. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1992 Jan 1;114(2):532u20135.
- Nield DA, Bejan A. Forced Convection. In: Convection in Porous Media. Springer New York; 1992. p. 47u201377.
- Bejan A. Predicting the pool fire vortex shedding frequency. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1991 Jan 1;113(1):261u20133.
- Bejan A. Thermodynamics of an 'isothermal' flow: the two-dimensional turbulent jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1991 Jan 1;34(2):407u201313.
- Gore RA, Crowe CT, Bejan A. Experimental observations on transition to turbulence in confined coaxial jets and other boundary layer flows. 1991 Jan 1;
- Lage JL, Bejan A. Natural convection from a vertical surface covered with hair. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1991 Jan 1;12(1):46u201353.
- Fowler AJ, Bejan A. The effect of shrinkage on the cooking of meat. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1991 Jan 1;12(4):375u201383.
- Litsek PA, Zhang Z, Bejan A. Convection in the cavity between two rollers: The effect of thermal boundary conditions. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1991 Jan 1;113(1):249u201351.
- Bejan A. Film condensation on an upward facing plate with free edges. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1991 Jan 1;34(2):578u201382.
- Gore RA, Crowe CT, Bejan A. Experimental observations on transition to turbulence in confined coaxial jets and other boundary layer flows. 1991 Jan 1;
- Lage JL, Bejan A, Anderson R. Efficiency of transient contaminant removal from a slot ventilated enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1991 Jan 1;34(10):2603u201315.
- Lage JL, Bejan A, Georgiadis J. On the effect of the Prandtl number on the onset of Bu00e9nard convection. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1991 Jan 1;12(2):184u20138.
- Bejan A, Nield DA. Transient forced convection near a suddenly heated plate in a porous medium. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1991 Jan 1;18(1):83u201391.
- Lage JL, Bejan A. The ra-pr domain of laminar natural convection in an enclosure heated from the side1. Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications. 1991 Jan 1;19(1):21u201341.
- De Lucia M, Bejan A. Second law analysis of energy storage by melting. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 1991;10(1):909.
- De Lucia M, Bejan A. Thermodynamics of phase-change energy storage: The effects of liquid superheating during melting, and irreversibility during solidification. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1991 Jan 1;113(1):2u201310.
- Zhang Z, Bejan A, Lage JL. Natural convection in a vertical enclosure with internal permeable screen. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1991 Jan 1;113(2):377u201383.
- Gore RA, Crowe CT, Bejan A. Experimental observations on transition to turbulence in confined coaxial jets and other boundary layer flows. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 1990 Dec 1;94:79u201383.
- Bejan A. Optimum hair strand diameter for minimum free-convection heat transfer from a surface covered with hair. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;33(1):206u20139.
- Litsek PA, Bejan A. Sliding contact melting: The effect of heat transfer in the solid parts. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;112(3):808u201312.
- Litsek PA, Bejan A. Convection in the cavity formed between two cylindrical rollers. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;112(3):625u201331.
- Gore RA, Crowe CT, Bejan A. The geometric similarity of the laminar sections of boundary layer-type flows. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;17(4):465u201375.
- Bejan A, Lage JL. The prandtl number effect on the transition in natural convection along a vertical surface. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;112(3):787u201390.
- Zhang Z, Bejan A. Solidification in the presence of high Rayleigh number convection in an enclosure cooled from the side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1990;33(4):661u201371.
- Trevisan OV, Bejan A. Combined Heat and Mass Transfer by Natural Convection in a Porous Medium. Advances in Heat Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;20(C):315u201352.
- Bejan A. Theory of heat transfer from a surface covered with hair. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;112(3):662u20137.
- Lage JL, Bejan A. Numerical study of forced convection near a surface covered with hair. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1990 Jan 1;11(3):242u20138.
- Bejan A, Zhang Z, Jany P. The horizontal intrusion layer of melt in a saturated porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1990 Jan 1;11(4):284u20139.
- Gore RA, Crowe CT, Bejan A. Experimental observations on transition to turbulence in confined coaxial jets and other boundary layer flows. 1990 Jan 1;
- Gore RA, Crowe CT, Bejan A. Experimental observations on transition to turbulence in confined coaxial jets and other boundary layer flows. 1990 Jan 1;
- Lage JL, Bejan A. Convection from a periodically stretching plane wall. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1990 Jan 1;112(1):92u20139.
- De Lucia M, Bejan A. Thermodynamics of energy storage by melting due to conduction or natural convection. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1990 Jan 1;112(2):110u20136.
- Trevisan OV, Bejan A. Mass and heat transfer by natural convection above a concentrated source buried at the base of a shallow porous layer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 1989 Dec 1;82:47u201354.
- Bejan A, Jones JA. Buckling flows. Exploring the origins and structure of turbulence. Mechanical Engineering. 1989 Nov 1;111(11):70u20134.
- Bejan A. Minimizing entropy in thermal systems. Mechanical Engineering. 1989 Aug 1;111(8):88u201391.
- Bejan A, Litsek PA. The contact heating and lubricating flow of a body of glass. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1989 Jan 1;32(4):751u201360.
- Zongqin Z, Bejan A. Melting in an enclosure heated at constant rate. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1989 Jan 1;32(6):1063u201376.
- Bejan A. Analysis of melting by natural convection in an enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1989 Jan 1;10(3):245u201352.
- Bejan A. Theory of heat transfer-irreversible refrigeration plants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1989 Jan 1;32(9):1631u20139.
- Bejan A. Theory of rolling contact heat transfer. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1989 Jan 1;111(2):257u201363.
- Zongqin Z, Bejan A. The problem of time-dependent natural convection melting with conduction in the solid. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1989 Jan 1;32(12):2447u201357.
- Bejan A. Theory of melting with natural convection in an enclosed porous medium. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1989 Jan 1;111(2):407u201315.
- Bejan A. The fundamentals of sliding contact melting and friction. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1989 Jan 1;111(1):13u201320.
- Bejan A. Modern trends in engineering thermodynamics. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. 1988 Dec 1;6:1u20137.
- Bejan A. Advanced engineering thermodynamics. Wiley-Interscience; 1988.
- Bejan A. SECOND LOOK AT THE SECOND LAW. Mechanical Engineering. 1988 May 1;110(5):58u201365.
- Beloff PS, Bejan A, Campo A. Transient natural convection heat transfer in a large-diameter cylinder. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 1988 Jan 1;1(3):267u201374.
- Litsek PA, Bejan A. Transient natural convection between two zones in an insulated enclosure. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;110(1):116u201325.
- Jany P, Bejan A. Ernst Schmidt's approach to fin optimization: an extension to fins with variable conductivity and the design of ducts for fluid flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;31(8):1635u201344.
- Bejan A. Theory of heat transfer-irreversible power plants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;31(6):1211u20139.
- Bejan A. The process of melting by rolling contact. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;31(11):2273u201383.
- Jany P, Bejan A. Scaling theory of melting with natural convection in an enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;31(6):1221u201335.
- Jany P, Bejan A. Scales of melting in the presence of natural convection in a rectangular cavity filled with porous medium. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;110(2):526u20139.
- Bejan A. Heat transfer-based reconstruction of the concepts and laws of classical thermodynamics. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;110(1):243u201350.
- Bejan A. Blending geometry with numerical computation: Charts for the enthalpy, absolute entropy, and flow exergy of 12 gases at low pressures. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1988 Jan 1;9(2):251u20133.
- Hall JD, Bejan A, Chaddock JB. Transient natural convection in a rectangular enclosure with one heated side wall. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1988 Jan 1;9(4):396u2013404.
- Bejan A. Research into the origins of engineering thermodynamics. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1988 Jan 1;15(5):571u201380.
- Bejan A. BUCKLING FLOWS: A NEW FRONTIER IN FLUID MECHANICS. Annu Rev Numer Fluid Mech Heat Transfer. 1987 Dec 1;1:262u2013304.
- Zongqin Z, Bejan A. The horizontal spreading of thermal and chemical deposits in a porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1987 Jan 1;30(11):2289u2013303.
- Bejan A. Letter to the editors. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1987 Jan 1;8(3):254.
- Bejan A. The basic scales of natural convection heat and mass transfer in fluids and fluid-saturated porous media. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1987 Jan 1;14(2):107u201323.
- Bejan A. Unification of three different theories concerning the ideal conversion of enclosed radiation. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1987 Jan 1;109(1):46u201351.
- Trevisan OV, Bejan A. Combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection in a vertical enclosure. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1987 Jan 1;109(1):104u201312.
- Trevisan OV, Bejan A. Mass and heat transfer by high Rayleigh number convection in a porous medium heated from below. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1987 Jan 1;30(11):2341u201356.
- Mingyu Wang, Bejan A. Heat transfer correlation for benard convection in a fluid saturated porous layer. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1987 Jan 1;14(6):617u201326.
- Bejan A. Second law aspects of solar energy conversion. Solar Energy Utilization Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute. 1987;145u201387.
- Bejan A. The thermodynamic design of heat and mass transfer processes and devices. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1987 Jan 1;8(4):258u201376.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A, Selimos B, Blake KR. High Rayleigh number convection in a fluid overlaying a porous bed. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1986 Jan 1;7(2):109u201316.
- Trevisan O, Bejan A. Convection Driven by the Nonuniform Absorption of Thermal Radiation at the Free Surface of a Stagnant Pool. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 1986;10(5):483u2013506.
- Anand A, Bejan A. Transition to meandering rivulet flow in vertical parallel-plate channels. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1986 Jan 1;108(2):269u201372.
- Lankford KE, Bejan A. Natural convection in a vertical enclosure filled with water near 4u00b0C. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1986 Jan 1;108(4):755u201363.
- Trevisan OV, Bejan A. Mass and heat transfer by natural convection in a vertical slot filled with porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1986 Jan 1;29(3):403u201315.
- Trevisan OV, Bejan A. Convection driven by the nonuniform absorption of thermal radiation at the free surface of a stagnant pool. Numerical Heat Transfer. 1986 Jan 1;10(5):483u2013506.
- Bejan A. Mass and heat transfer by natural convection in a vertical cavity. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1985 Jan 1;6(3):149u201359.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. The departure from Darcy flow in natural convection in a vertical porous layer. Physics of Fluids. 1985 Jan 1;28(12):3477u201384.
- Anderson R, Bejan A. The instability of a round jet surrounded by an annular shear layer. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1985 Jan 1;107(2):258u201363.
- Anderson R, Bejan A. The instability of a round jet surrounded by an annular shear layer. TRANS ASME J FLUIDS ENGNG. 1985 Jan 1;107(2, Jun. 1985):258u201363.
- Kimura S, Bejan A. Natural convection in a stably heated corner filled with porous medium. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1985 Jan 1;107(2):293u20138.
- Trevisan OV, Bejan A. Natural convection with combined heat and mass transfer buoyancy effects in a porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1985 Jan 1;28(8):1597u2013611.
- Chelghoum DE, Bejan A. Second-Law analysis of solar collectors with energy storage capability. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1985 Jan 1;107(3):244u201351.
- Kimura S, Bejan A. Natural convection in a differentially heated corner region. Physics of Fluids. 1985 Jan 1;28(10):2980u20139.
- Kimura S, Bejan A, Pop I. Natural convection near a cold plate facing upward in a porous medium. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1985 Jan 1;107(4):819u201325.
- Bejan A, Khair KR. Heat and mass transfer by natural convection in a porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1985 Jan 1;28(5):909u201318.
- Khair KR, Bejan A. Mass transfer to natural convection boundary layer flow driven by heat transfer. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1985 Jan 1;107(4):979u201381.
- Blake KR, Bejan A. Closure to u201cDiscussion of u2018Experiments on the Buckling of Thin Fluid Layers Undergoing End-Compressionu2019u201d (1984, ASME J. Fluids Eng., 106, p. 499). Journal of Fluids Engineering. 1984 Dec 1;106(4):499u2013499.
- Bejan A. Convection heat transfer. Wiley-Interscience; 1984.
- Blake KR, Bejan A, Poulikakos D. NATURAL CONVECTION NEAR 4 degree C IN A WATER SATURATED POROUS LAYER HEATED FROM BELOW. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1984;27(2):2355u201364.
- Blake KR, Bejan A. Experiments on the buckling of thin fluid layers undergoing end-compression. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1984 Jan 1;106(1):74u20138.
- Blake KR, Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Natural convection near 4 u00b0C in a horizontal water layer heated from below. Physics of Fluids. 1984 Jan 1;27(11):2608u201316.
- Bejan A, Poulikakos D. The nondarcy regime for vertical boundary layer natural convection in a porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1984 Jan 1;27(5):717u201322.
- Kimura S, Bejan A. The boundary layer natural convection regime in a rectangular cavity with uniform heat flux from the side. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1984 Jan 1;106(1):98u2013103.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Penetrative convection in porous medium bounded by a horizontal wall with hot and cold spots. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1984 Jan 1;27(10):1749u201357.
- Blake KR, Bejan A, Poulikakos D. Natural convection near 4u00b0C in a water saturated porous layer heated from below. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1984 Jan 1;27(12):2355u201364.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Natural convection in a porous layer heated and cooled along one vertical side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1984 Jan 1;27(10):1879u201391.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Unsteady natural convection in a porous layer. Physics of Fluids. 1983 Jan 1;26(5):1183u201391.
- Kimura S, Bejan A. Mechanism for transition to turbulence in buoyant plume flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;26(10):1515u201332.
- Bejan A. Natural convection heat transfer in a porous layer with internal flow obstructions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;26(6):815u201322.
- Kimura S, Bejan A. The u201cHeatlineu201d visualization of convective heat transfer. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;105(4):916u20139.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. The fluid dynamics of an attic space. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1983 Jan 1;131:251u201369.
- Kimura S, Bejan A. The buckling of a vertical liquid column. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1983 Jan 1;105(4):469u201373.
- Bejan A, Cunnington GR. Theoretical considerations of transition to turbulance in natural convection near a vertical wall. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1983 Jan 1;4(3):131u20139.
- Lin NN, Bejan A. Natural convection in a partially divided enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;26(12):1867u201378.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Natural convection in vertically and horizontally layered porous media heated from the side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;26(12):1805u201314.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Natural convection experiments in a triangular enclosure. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;105(3):652u20135.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Numerical study of transient high rayleigh number convection in an attic-shaped porous layer. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;105(3):476u201384.
- Bejan A. The boundary layer regime in a porous layer with uniform heat flux from the side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;26(9):1339u201346.
- Bejan A, Anderson R. Natural convection at the interface between a vertical porous layer and an open space. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;105(1):124u20139.
- Schultz W, Bejan A. Exergy conservation in parallel thermal insulation systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1983 Jan 1;26(3):335u201340.
- Anderson R, Bejan A. Buckling of a turbulent jet surrounded by a highly flexible duct. Physics of Fluids. 1983 Jan 1;26(11):3193u2013200.
- Bejan A. Theory of instantaneous sinuous structure in turbulent buoyant plumes. Wu00e4rme - und Stoffu00fcbertragung. 1982 Dec 1;16(4):237u201342.
- Bejan A. Entropy generation through heat and fluid flow. John Wiley & Sons Inc; 1982.
- Bejan A. Extraction of exergy from solar collectors under time-varying conditions. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 1982 Jan 1;3(2):67u201372.
- Bejan A. Theoretical explanation for the incipient formation of meanders in straight rivers. Geophysical Research Letters. 1982 Jan 1;9(8):831u20134.
- Bejan A. The meandering fall of paper ribbons. Physics of Fluids. 1982 Jan 1;25(5):741u20132.
- Poulikakos D, Bejan A. Fin geometry for minimum entropy generation in forced convection. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1982 Jan 1;104(4):616u201323.
- Yewell R, Foulikakos D, Bejan A. Transient natural conwection experiments in shallow enclosures. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1982 Jan 1;104(3):533u20138.
- Bejan M, Bejan A. A supply-side approach to energy policy. Energy Policy. 1982 Jan 1;10(2):153u20137.
- Bejan A, Schultz W. Optimum flowrate history for cooldown and energy storage processes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1982 Jan 1;25(8):1087u201392.
- Stockman MG, Bejan A. The nonaxisymmetric (buckling) flow regime of fast capillary jets. Physics of Fluids. 1982 Jan 1;25(9):1506u201311.
- Bejan A, Poulikakos D. Natural convection in an attic-shaped space filled with porous material. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1982 Jan 1;104(2):241u20137.
- Bejan A. Second-Law Analysis in Heat Transfer and Thermal Design. Advances in Heat Transfer. 1982 Jan 1;15(C):1u201358.
- Bejan A, Al-Homoud AA. Experimental study of high-rayleigh-number convection in a horizontal cavity with different end temperatures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1981 Jan 1;109:283u201399.
- Bejan A, Kearney DW, Kreith F. Second law analysis and synthesis of solar collector systems. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 1981 Jan 1;103(1):23u20138.
- Bejan A. On the buckling property of inviscid jets and the origin of turbulence. Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1981 Jan 1;8(3):187u201394.
- Bejan A. Lateral intrusion of natural convection into a horizontal porous structure. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1981 Jan 1;103(2):237u201341.
- Bejan A, Kimura S. Penetration of free convection into a lateral cavity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1981 Jan 1;103:465u201378.
- Bejan A. Reply to "comments on 'a synthesis of analytical results for natural convection heat transfer across rectangular enclosures'". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1981 Jan 1;24(9):1557u20138.
- Anderson R, Bejan A. Heat transfer through single and double vertical walls in natural convection: Theory and experiment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1981 Jan 1;24(10):1611u201320.
- Bejan A. Comments on "Viscous buckling of thin fluid layers". Physics of Fluids. 1981 Jan 1;24(9):1764u20135.
- Bejan A, Rossie AN. Natural confection in horizontal duct connecting two fluid resertoirs. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1981 Jan 1;103(1):108u201313.
- Lewis T. Energy vs the environment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 1981 Jan 1;8(1):59u201371.
- Bejan A, Anderson R. Heat transfer across a vertical impermeable partition imbedded in porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1981 Jan 1;24(7):1237u201345.
- Kimura S, Bejan A. Numerical study of natural circulation in a horizontal duct with different end-temperatures. Wu00e4rme- und Stoffu00fcbertragung. 1980 Dec 1;14(4):269u201380.
- Bejan A, Yewell RB. The effect of hydrogen bubbles on the thymol blue velocity measurement technique. Topics in Catalysis. 1980 Jan 1;2(4):201u20134.
- Bejan A. Second law analysis in heat transfer. Energy. 1980 Jan 1;5(8u20139):720u201332.
- Bejan A. A synthesis of analytical results for natural convection heat transfer across rectangular enclosures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1980 Jan 1;23(5):723u20136.
- Kreith F, Kearney D, Bejan A. End-use matching of solar energy systems. Energy. 1980 Jan 1;5(8u20139):875u201390.
- Anderson R, Bejan A. Natural confection on both sides of a vertical wall separating fluids at different temperatures. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1980 Jan 1;102(4):630u20135.
- Bejan A. A parametric analysis of the performance of internally finned tubes for heat exchanger application. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1980 Jan 1;102(3):586u20137.
- Oullette WR, Bejan A. Conservation of available work (exergy) by using promoters of swirl flow in forced convection heat transfer. Energy. 1980 Jan 1;5(7):587u201396.
- Bejan A. Natural convection in a vertical cylindrical well filled with porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1980 Jan 1;23(5):726u20139.
- Shigeo K, Bejan A. Experimental study of natural convection in a horizontal cylinder with different end temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1980 Jan 1;23(8):1117u201326.
- Bejan A, Pfister PA. Evaluation of heat transfer augmentation techniques based on their impact on entropy generation. Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1980 Jan 1;7(2):97u2013106.
- BEJAN A. 2ND LAW ANALYSIS IN HEAT-TRANSFER. ENERGY. 1980;5(8u20139):721u201332.
- Bejan A. SECOND LAW ANALYSIS IN HEAT TRANSFER. Energy. 1979 Jan 1;5(8u20139):721u201332.
- Bejan A. A general variational principle for thermal insulation system design. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1979 Jan 1;22(2):219u201328.
- Bejan A, Imberger J. Heat transfer by forced and free convection in a horizontal channel with differentially heated ends. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1979 Jan 1;101(3):417u201321.
- Bejan A. Note on Gill's solution for free convection in a vertical enclosure. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1979 Jan 1;90(3):561u20138.
- Bejan A. On the boundary layer regime in a vertical enclosure filled with a porous medium. Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer. 1979 Jan 1;6(2):93u2013102.
- Bejan A. A study of entropy generation in fundamental convective heat transfer. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1979 Jan 1;101(4):718u201325.
- Bejan A, Chang-Lin T. Natural convection in horizontal space bounded by two concentric cylinders with different end temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1979 Jan 1;22(6):919u201327.
- Bejan A, Tien CL. Fully developed natural counterflow in a long horizontal pipe with different end temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1978 Jan 1;21(6):701u20138.
- Bejan A, Tien CL. Fully developed natural counterflow in a long horizontal pipe with different end temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1978 Jan 1;21(6, June 1978):701708.
- Bejan A, Tien CL. Laminar free convection heat transfer through horizontal duct connecting two fluid reservoirs at different temperatures. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1978 Jan 1;100(4):725u20137.
- Bejan A. Natural convection in an infinite porous medium with a concentrated heat source. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1978 Jan 1;89(1):97u2013107.
- Bejan A. Laminar natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal cavity with different end temperatures. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1978 Jan 1;100(4):641u20137.
- Bejan A, Tien CL. Natural convection in a horizontal porous medium subjected to an end-to-end temperature difference. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1978 Jan 1;100(2):191u20138.
- Bejan A. General criterion for rating heat-exchanger performance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1978 Jan 1;21(5):655u20138.
- Bejan A. Two thermodynamic optima in the design of sensible heat units for energy storage. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1978 Jan 1;100(4):708u201312.
- Bejan A, Tien CL. Effect of axial conduction and metal-helium heat transfer on the local stability of superconducting composite media. Cryogenics. 1978 Jan 1;18(7):433u201341.
- Bejan A, Tien CL. TRANSIENT BEHAVIOR OF NORMAL ZONES IN ONE-DIMENSIONAL COMPOSITE SUPERCONDUCTORS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1977 Aug 15;(77-HT-74).
- Bejan A, Tien CL. TRANSIENT BEHAVIOR OF NORMAL ZONES IN ONE-DIMENSIONAL COMPOSITE SUPERCONDUCTORS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1977 Jan 1;(77-HT-74).
- Bejan A. Refrigerator-recirculator systems for large forced-cooled superconducting magnets. Cryogenics. 1977 Jan 1;17(2):97u2013105.
- Bejan A. Transient heat conduction in cryogenic current cables following a loss-of-coolant accident. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1977 Jan 1;99(4):689u201391.
- Bejan A. The concept of irreversibility in heat exchanger design: counterflow heat exchangers for gas-to-gas applications. Trans ASME, C, J Heat Transf (USA). 1977;99(3):374u201380.
- Bejan A. Thermal performance of the rotor of the MIT-EPRI 3 MVA superconducting alternator. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1977 Jan 1;13(1):763u20136.
- Bejan A. The concept of irreversibility in heat exchanger design: Counterflow heat exchangers for gas-to-gas applications. Journal of Heat Transfer. 1977 Jan 1;99(3):374u201380.
- Bejan A, Hoenig MO. Method for estimating the refrigeration costs of supercritical helium cooled cable superconductors. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1977 Jan 1;13(1):686u20139.
- Bejan A. REFRIGERATION FOR FORCED-COOLED LARGE SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1976 Dec 1;(76-WA/PID-4).
- Bejan A, Cluss EM. Criterion for burn-up conditions in gas-cooled cryogenic current leads. Cryogenics. 1976 Jan 1;16(9):515u20138.
- Bejan A. REFRIGERATION FOR FORCED-COOLED LARGE SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1976 Jan 1;(76-WA/PID-4).
- Bejan A. Refrigeration for rotating superconducting windings of large ac electric machines. Cryogenics. 1976 Jan 1;16(3):153u20139.
- Bejan A. REFRIGERATION FOR FORCED-COOLED LARGE SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1976.
- Thullen P, Stecher RW, Bejan A. Flow instabilities in gas-cooled cryogenic current leads. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1975 Jan 1;11(2):573u20135.
- Bejan A. Discrete cooling of low heat leak supports to 4.2 K. Cryogenics. 1975 Jan 1;15(5):290u20132.
- Bejan A, Smith JL. Thermodynamic optimization of mechanical supports for cryogenic apparatus. Cryogenics. 1974 Jan 1;14(3):158u201363.
- BEJAN A. CORRECTION. CRYOGENICS. 1974;14(8):471u2013471.
- Bejan A, Keim TA, Kirtley JL, Smith JL, Thullen P, Wilson GL. SUPERCONDUCTING ALTERNATOR TEST RESULTS. Adv Cryog Eng. 1974 Jan 1;1:53u20138.
- Bejan A. Material selection for the torque tubes of large superconducting rotating machinery. Cryogenics. 1974 Jan 1;14(6):313u20135.
- Bejan A. EGM at the system level.
- Bejan A. EGM at the elemental level.
- Bejan A. EGM at the component level.
- Bejan A. Introduction.
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