The constructal law, stated by Duke’s Adrian Bejan in 1996, is the law of physics that accounts for the phenomenon of evolution (configuration, form, design) throughout nature, inanimate flow systems and animate systems together
For a finite size flow system (not infinitesimal) to persist in time (to live) it must evolve with freedom such that it provides easier and greater access to what flows.
Adrian BejanThe Constructal Law
The constructal law:
Places the concepts of life, evolution, freedom, form, configuration, directionality, and objective in physics, which is in the broadest scientific arena
Is the law of physics of life and evolution everywhere, animate, inanimate, human made, and not human made
It is the arrow of time, the direction of the evolution of flow organization
Duke MEMS faculty are experts in developing new energy materials, improving energy-related technologies and exploring underlying chemistry and physics. The vision: a future with clean and abundant energy.
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